#!/usr/bin/python # """ Convert to append the coverageid to the satellite datauris, and modify the associated satellite hdf5 group names to append the coverageid. The new groups are added as an alias to the existing datasets. Date Ticket# Engineer Description ------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------------- 20120711 798 jkorman Initial Development """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE import sys from time import time import h5py POSTGRES_CMD = "psql -U awips -d metadata -t -q -A -c " HDF5_LOC = "/awips2/edex/data/hdf5" DATAURI_IDX = 1 COVERAGE_IDX = 2 def update_satellite_table(): """ Add the interpolationLevels column to the satellite table. """ result = queryPostgres("select count(*) from information_schema.columns where table_name='satellite' and column_name='interpolationlevels';") if(result[0][0] == '0'): result = result = queryPostgres("alter table satellite add column interpolationlevels integer;") print "Adding interpolationlevels column to satellite table" def formatFileTime(refTime): """ Extract and format the year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), and hour (HH) from the reference time. The output is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD-HH """ return refTime[0:4] + "-" + refTime[5:7] + "-" + refTime[8:10] + "-" + refTime[11:13] def getFilename(refTime): """ Create the satellite data hdf filename corresponding to the given reference time. """ return "satellite-" + formatFileTime(refTime) + ".h5" def queryPostgres(sql): """ Extract and format the year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), and hour (HH) from the reference time. The output is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD-HH """ result = Popen(POSTGRES_CMD + "\"" + sql + "\"", stdout=PIPE, shell=True) retVal = [] for line in result.stdout: retVal.append(line.strip().split("|")) return retVal def get_sectorids(): """ Get a list of unique sector identifiers from the satellite table. """ return queryPostgres("select distinct sectorid from satellite;") def get_satellite_rows(sectorid): """ Extract and format the year (YYYY), month (MM), day (DD), and hour (HH) from the reference time. The output is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD-HH """ keys = {} rows = queryPostgres("select id, dataURI, coverage_gid, sectorid, physicalelement, reftime from satellite where sectorid=" + repr(sectorid) + ";") for row in rows: # updateSql = "update satellite set datauri='" + row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/" + row[COVERAGE_IDX] + "' where id=" + row[0] + ";" # queryPostgres(updateSql) # create the key for this entry. key = "/satellite/" + row[3] + "/" + row[4] + "/" + getFilename(row[5]) # have we found this key already? if(key in keys): # if so, get the row list for this key rowList = keys[key] else: # otherwise create an empty list to put the row in rowList = [] # add it to the collection keys[key] = rowList # and add the row to the list rowList.append(row) return keys def process_all_satellite(): """ Process all entries in the satellite table. Do one sector id at a time. """ sectorids = get_sectorids() if(sectorids): for sectorid in sectorids: print "Processing sector " + sectorid[0] keys = get_satellite_rows(sectorid[0]) if(keys): for key in keys: print "==========================================================" print " Processing key = " + key fname = HDF5_LOC + key try: f = h5py.File(fname,'r+') for row in keys[key]: newGroupName = row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/" + row[COVERAGE_IDX] group = f.create_group(newGroupName) group = f.create_group(newGroupName + "/Data-interpolated") oldds = row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/Data" newds = newGroupName + "/Data" # Link to the old data set f[newds] = h5py.SoftLink(oldds) group = f[row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/Data-interpolated"] numLevels = 0 for n in group.keys(): newds = newGroupName + "/Data-interpolated/" + n if (n == '0'): # special case for this link. # dataset /Data-interpolated/0 points to /Data # Don't count this link! oldds = row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/Data" else: oldds = row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/Data-interpolated/" + n # Only count interpolated levels! numLevels += 1 f[newds] = h5py.SoftLink(oldds) # now back up one for the Data,Data-interpolated/0 link updateSql = "update satellite set datauri='" + row[DATAURI_IDX] + "/" + row[COVERAGE_IDX] + "'" updateSql += ", interpolationlevels=" + repr(numLevels) updateSql += " where id=" + row[0] + ";" queryPostgres(updateSql) f.close() except: print "Error occurred processing file " + fname else: print "No keys found for the sector id " + sectorid[0] else: print "No sector identifiers found in the satellite table" if __name__ == '__main__': t = time() update_satellite_table() process_all_satellite() print "Total Conversion time %ds" % (time() - t)