NSHARP updates for adding map area selection with Zoom/Unzoom for sounding region selection (Observed soundings and ACARS). 1/8/02 chiz@unidata.ucar.edu Updated draw.c, gui.h, guid.h from $NAWIPS/nprogs/nwx/source. These files are identical to the NWX source files. Copied nwxtbl.c from $NAWIPS/nprogs/nwx/source and modified to only read NWX map areas from $NAWIPS/tables/nwx/mapinfo.nwx (deleted reading of master.tbl). Add to nsharp_compile script. copied proto_nwx.h from $NAWIPS/nprogs/nwx/source (included by nwxtbl.c) Routines Modified: mapw.c xwvid6.c Added mapproj_cb, mapzoom_cb, mapunzoom_cb routines acars_selection.c Added amapproj_cb routine