GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Weather/Discrete Common Value Definitions

The weather/discrete common value definitions are the common types that appear on the temporal editor popup and the spatial editor color bar popup menus.  For WEATHER weather elements, the format of the string is a list of "ugly" weather keys, prefixed with cascade indicators.  Refer to other documentation for the weather key format specifics.  The general format of a weather key consists of one or more subkeys separated by a caret ('^').  The subkey consists of five parts: coverage/probability, weather type, intensity, visibility, and optional attributes. Each of these sections are separated by a colon (':').  The optional attributes, if any, are separated by commas (',').  The allowable coverages, type, intensities, visibilities, and attributes are defined by GFE in its file.

For DISCRETE weather elements, the format of the string is the discrete key string. DISCRETE keys are simplier than weather keys in that they are representated by strings.  Multiple keys are separated by a caret ('^').

An ugly string by itself will be placed on the top-level cascade menu on the GFE.  You can also make these entries appear on cascade menus by prefixing the ugly string with a cascade indicator.  The indicator separator is the vertical bar (|).  For example, the string "Winter|Wide:S:--:<NoVis>:<NoAttr>" will place the widespread snow under a 2nd level cascade named Winter.  To do a 3rd level cascade, use an additional vertical bar, such as "Winter|Snow|Wide:S:+:<NoVis>:<NoAttr>"

The name of the configuration item is parmName_commonValues, and can be used for both WEATHER and DISCRETE type of weather elements.

Wx_commonValues = [ \


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