Sounding Methods

makeNumericSounding (numeric only)
getNumericMeanValue (numeric only)

makeNumericSounding (numeric only)

def makeNumericSounding(self, model, element, levels, timeRange, noDataError=1, mostRecentModel=0):
      # Make a numeric sounding for the given model, element, and levels
      # Example:
      # levels = ["MB850","MB800","MB750","MB700","MB650","MB600"]
      # gh_Cube, rh_Cube = self.makeNumericSounding(
      # model, "rh", levels, GridTimeRange)
      # Arguments:
      # The "levels" argument is a Python list of levels INCREASING
      # in height.
      # This method returns two numeric cubes:
      # ghCube of geopotential heights for the given levels
      # valueCube of values for the given levels

getNumericMeanValue (numeric only)

def getNumericMeanValue(self, model, element, levels, timeRange, noDataError=1):
      # Return a numeric array of mean values for the given element between and including
      # the given levels