#!/bin/bash # This script is needed for DR 2333 for GOES-R readiness. The satellite spatial table needed to be refactored to store data to construct # GridGeometry2D in CRS space instead of lat/lon due to the geostationary projection corner points not being valid in lat/lon space. DIR=`dirname $0` PSQL="/awips2/psql/bin/psql" JAVA="/awips2/java/bin/java" # Update columns on tables for satellite ${PSQL} -U awips -d metadata -c "ALTER TABLE satellite DROP COLUMN upperrightlat, DROP COLUMN upperrightlon, DROP COLUMN sizerecords, DROP COLUMN numrecords;" ${PSQL} -U awips -d metadata -c "ALTER TABLE satellite_spatial DROP COLUMN la1, DROP COLUMN la2, DROP COLUMN latin, DROP COLUMN lo1, DROP COLUMN lo2, DROP COLUMN lov;" ${PSQL} -U awips -d metadata -c "ALTER TABLE satellite_spatial ADD COLUMN minx double precision, ADD COLUMN miny double precision;" # Run application to convert sat spatial entries to use crs space ${JAVA} -jar update_satellite_spatial.jar