/* icp_out.h this code will write data needed by the icp gui at present (9/14/94) that is only for the wy-plot hs 9/14/94 1005 converted from top of large file composed of this file without the extern definitions and several .c files included at the bottom TO a usual, i.e. normal, .h file, 9/18/95*/ /* Note: this file is in directory /usr/apps/nwsrfs/ofs/inc/icpcommon */ #include #include #include #include #define FLIT(A) for(i=0;i<4;i++)jnflt.cs[i]=*pin++;A=jnflt.flt; #define FXIT(A) for(i=0;i<4;i++)jnflt.cs[i]=*pin++;A=jnflt.fxd; #define ROIMP 0 #define SDRO 1 #define SSUR 2 #define SIF 3 #define BFS 4 #define BFP 5 /* these numbers are larger than needed. at least one is needed as it is used to keep a count rather than holding data */ #define WYP_VARS 15 #define SAC_VARS 15 #define SNO17_VARS 20 #define PLOTTS_VARS 8 typedef union joint { char cs[4]; float flt; int fxd; } Joint; extern void mdyh1(); #ifdef MAIN_ICP_C int ifirst,first_wyp, wyp_leap_yr, sac_leap_yr, sno17_leap_yr, plotts_leap_yr; float tot_obs; char *pin, *chrptr; char shed_name[9], file_suffix[6], file_name_card[150]; char text_out_sac[];//="icp_sac_out.txt"; char text_out_crd[];//="icp_crd_out.txt"; char text_out_wyp[];//="icp_wyp_out.txt"; char text_out_sno17[];//="icp_sno17_out.txt"; char text_out_plotts[];//="icp_plotts_out.txt"; char tok_intrfc_dir[];//="mcp3_icp_iface"; char intrfc_dir[250]; char work_file[300]; char **file_name_plotts,**plotts_opnames; char **file_name_sno17,**sno17_opnames; char **file_name_sac,**sac_opnames; char **file_name_wyp,**wyp_opnames; int num_sac, num_wyp, num_sno17, num_plotts; char envvar[250]; int varlen, toklen; float **plotts_data, **sno17_data, **sac_data, **wyp_data; char seven_2[], seven_3[]; int ascii_out, sac_idt, sac_time_steps, sac_frze, sno17_itpx, sno17_idt, sno17_time_steps, plotts_idt; int mons[2][13]; FILE *icp_incrd, *icp_in_plotts, *icp_in_sno17, *icp_in_sac, *icp_in_wyp; FILE *txt_out, *plotts_scr, *sno17_scr, *sac_scr, *wyp_scr; #else extern int ifirst, first_wyp, wyp_leap_yr, sac_leap_yr, sno17_leap_yr, plotts_leap_yr; extern float tot_obs; extern char *pin, *chrptr; extern char shed_name[9], file_suffix[6], file_name_card[150]; extern char text_out_sac[]; extern char text_out_crd[]; extern char text_out_wyp[]; extern char text_out_sno17[]; extern char text_out_plotts[]; extern char tok_intrfc_dir[]; extern char intrfc_dir[250]; extern char work_file[300]; extern char **file_name_plotts,**plotts_opnames; extern char **file_name_sno17,**sno17_opnames; extern char **file_name_sac,**sac_opnames; extern char **file_name_wyp,**wyp_opnames; extern int num_sac, num_wyp, num_sno17, num_plotts; extern char envvar[250]; extern int varlen, toklen; extern float **plotts_data, **sno17_data, **sac_data, **wyp_data; extern char seven_2[], seven_3[]; extern int ascii_out, sac_idt, sac_time_steps, sac_frze, sno17_itpx, sno17_idt, sno17_time_steps, plotts_idt; extern int mons[2][13]; extern FILE *icp_incrd, *icp_in_plotts, *icp_in_sno17, *icp_in_sac, *icp_in_wyp; extern FILE *txt_out, *plotts_scr, *sno17_scr, *sac_scr, *wyp_scr; #endif