
A Procedure for Merging Separated Hazard Grids Together

Checking for Invalid Combinations
Configuring Invalid Combinations
How It Works


The MergeHazards procedure is used to recombine temporary hazard grids (created by SeparateHazards) back into the actual Hazards grid. In the example below, the Hazard grid has been broken into two temporary hazards:

Temp Hazards

To recombine these, select the menu Hazards, then MergeHazards.

MergeHazards menu

This tool simply combines temporary hazards into the Hazards grid of the forecast database and exits. To completely remove an existing hazard, delete its grid while it is separated into a temporary grid, the run MergeHazards.

Checking for Invalid Combinations

There are certain hazard combinations that are considered invalid.  For example, BZ.W (BLIZZARD WARNING) and WS.W (WINTER STORM WARNING) should never be combined at the same grid point since they are both forecasts for the same type of hazard but of different severity.

The MergeHazards tool includes the capability of checking for these invalid combinations and notifying you when they occur.  If an invalid combination is detected by the tool, a dialog appears informing you of the time period and hazard grids that are imporperly combined.  The dialog looks like this:

MergeHazards Dialog

Note that the dialog informs you of the start time and the end time of the overlap and the temporary weather elements that are in violation.

At this point you have two choices:

If you select Cancel Merge, all of the grids will be left as they were before you executed the MergeHazards tool.  You then have a chance to adjust the temporary hazards grids in space and/or time to remove the invalid combination.  If you successfully remove the invalid combination and run the MergeHazards tool again, the grids will be properly merged into the Hazards weather element.
If you select Continue Merge , the tool will merge the grids anyway, despite the invalid combination.  The tool is designed this way to avoid any frustration you may encounter if you truly believe that these hazards should be combined.

Note that you may define your hazard grids such that you have more than one invalid combination.  The MergeHazards tool displays the warning dialog as soon as it detects the first invalid combination. If you fix the first combination and attempt to merge again, the tool will detect the next invalid combination.  You may then cancel, adjust your grids, and attempt to merge again.  This interative process will continue until no invalid combinations exist in your temporary hazard grids.

Configuring Invalid Combinations

The MergeHazards tool includes a rather large Python dictionary that defines the invalid combinations for every VTEC code.  Here is a small snipet of this dictionary...

HazardsConflictDict = {
   "AF.Y" : [],
   "AS.Y" : [],
   "BS.Y" : ["BZ.A", "LE.A", "WS.A", "BZ.W", "HS.W",
             "IS.W", "IP.W", "WS.W", "LE.W", "SN.Y",
             "WW.Y", "LE.Y", "LB.Y", "ZR.Y"],  ...

This small snipet of the dictionary defines the VTEC codes "AF.Y" and "AS.Y" as having no invalid combinations.  In other words, these hazards may be combined with any other hazard.  The "BS.Y" hazard, on the other hand, may not be combined with 14  other winter hazards.  If you wish, your local office may choose to edit the MergeHazards tool and modify this dictionary.  However, we strongly recommend that you restrict any editing to just this dictionary.  Any other modifications may result in the MergeHazards tool malfunctioning.

How It Works

The MergeHazards procedure follows these steps: