The basic color algorithm is as follows:
Modified by Me/Other Text and Pattern Configuration | YES | NO | |
Text and Color Configuration for Origin Types | YES | NO | |
Text and Color Configuration for Model Populated Grids | YES | NO |
Modified by Me/Other Text and Pattern Configuration
The Grid Manager in history mode will indicate by text characters and patterns if the grid has been modified. The software can distinguish between modified by me, and modified by someone else. Note that the modified by me is only indicated for the duration of the current GFE session. The available fill patterns are: WHOLE, WIDE, SCATTERED, WIDE_SCATTERED, ISOLATED, TRANS_25PC_45DEG, TRANS_25PC_135DEG, SELECTED_AREA, DUALCURVE, CURVE, VERTICAL, CROSS, HORIZONTAL, BIGCROSS. You can see examples of the fill patterns here.HistoryUserModText_Me = "m" #Text for modified by me
HistoryUserModText_Other = "o" #Text for modified by other
HistoryUserModPattern_Me = "TRANS_25PC_45DEG" #Pattern for mod by me
HistoryUserModPattern_Other = "TRANS_25PC_135DEG" #Pattern for mod by other
Text and Color Configuration for Origin Types
The text and color configuration for non-modified grids are defined in this section. Grids can have one of five origins: Populated, Calculated, Scratch, Interpolated, and Other. Populated grids are those generated by ifpInit and generally are copied into the Forecast database. Calculated grids are those created from contours. Scratch grids are the grid that were created from scratch. Interpolated grids are the grids that were created/modified from the interpolation technique. Other is a catch-all for all other potential sources of grids. Note that the user may also specify the specific color and text characters for populated data based on the modelname -- see the next section for information on this.
HistoryOriginText_Populated = "P"
HistoryOriginText_Calculated = "C"
HistoryOriginText_Scratch = "S"
HistoryOriginText_Interpolated = "I"
HistoryOriginText_Other = "?"
HistoryOriginColor_Populated = "wheat"
HistoryOriginColor_Calculated = "red"
HistoryOriginColor_Scratch = "magenta"
HistoryOriginColor_Interpolated = "blue"
HistoryOriginColor_Other = "gray75"
Text and Color Configuration for Model Populated Grids
The color and text associated with Populated grids may be tailored for each model source. If an entry for a particular model is not found, then the text will default to that specified in HistoryOriginText_Populated and the color to that specified in HistoryOriginColor_Populated. The format for the text is HistoryModelText_modelname and the format for the color is HistoryModelColor_modelname.
HistoryModelColor_MRF = '#30df10'
HistoryModelColor_NGM = 'orange'
HistoryModelColor_RUC = '#00ffff'
HistoryModelColor_MOS = '#e6c8a1'
HistoryModelColor_NAM = '#ffff52'
HistoryModelColor_MesoNAM = '#ff99ff'
HistoryModelColor_AVN = 'pink'
HistoryModelText_MRF = 'MRF'
HistoryModelText_NGM = 'NGM'
HistoryModelText_RUC = 'RUC'
HistoryModelText_MOS = 'MOS'
HistoryModelText_NAM = 'NAM'
HistoryModelText_MesoNAM = 'NAM'
HistoryModelText_AVN = 'AVN'