Spatial Editor Dialogs

The following dialogs are involked from the Spatial Editor:

Display Attributes Dialog

The Display Attributes Dialog allows the user to choose the type of visualization that is used when the editor is in "image" mode and "graphic" mode.  You can never turn off the "Image" display for the "image" mode.  The dialog is sensitive to the current editor, and the current mode.  It will only display those options that are available at that time.  Note that you must always select 1 image while in image mode, and at least 1 graphic, while in graphic mode.


Fuzz Value Dialog

The Fuzz Value Dialog is opened from the Edit Actions Dialog.  It allows you to set the value used when definingHomogeneous Edit Areas.

Type in the fuzz value and click OK or use the slider to set the value.

At any time you can click Cancel to cancel the operation and close the dialog.


Color Table Editor

The Color Table Editor allows the user to create new and modify existing color enhancement curves for various scalar and vector weather elements.  For details on how to use the color table editor, see the Color Table Editor Dialog documentation.

Color Table Editor

Color Chooser

The Color Chooser allows the user to change the "graphic color" for weather elements.  For details on how to use the color chooser, see the Color Chooser Dialog documentation.

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