//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TSData - class for storing one data point and date. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Notes: (1) This class holds one data point for a time series. It // is used for data storage by the IrregularTS class and is // used by other TS classes to return a data point. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // History: // // 22 Sep 1997 Matthew J. Rutherford, Created initial version of class. // Riverside Technology, // inc. // 05 Jan 1998 Steven A. Malers, RTi Update to be more generic for use with // all time series classes. This will // allow, for example, a way to graph time // series and then inquire about the data // flag. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variables: I/O Description // // _data C Data value. // _data_flag C Data flag (often used for quality, etc.). // _date C Date associated with data value. // _next C Pointer to next TSData in list (an internally maintained // linked list). // _previous C Pointer to previous TSData in list (an internally // maintained linked list). // _units C Units of data. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef TSData_INCLUDED #define TSData_INCLUDED #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "ResJ.h" #include "resj/TSDate.h" class TSData { public: // The basic member functions... TSData(); // Standard constructor. virtual ~TSData(); // Destructor. TSData( const TSData& ); // Copy constructor. TSData& operator= ( const TSData& );// Overload =. operator char *(); // a (char*) cast for printing. double getData(); // Returns the data value. TSDate getDate(); // Returns the TSDate object. TSData* getNext(); // Returns the next pointer. TSData* getPrevious(); // Returns the previous pointer. char* getDataFlag(); // Returns the quality flag. char* getUnits(); // Returns the data units. int setData( double ); // Sets the data value. int setDate( TSDate& ); // Sets the TSDate object. int setNext( TSData* ); // Sets the next pointer. int setPrevious( TSData* ); // Sets the previous pointer. int setDataFlag( char* );// Sets the quality flag. int setUnits( char* ); // Sets the data units. int setValues( TSDate&, double, char*, char* ); // Sets both the date and data values. char * toString ( void ); // Convert to a string representation. private: int initialize( ); // Initialize an instance - use this // in the constructors. protected: char *_data_flag, // Data flag. *_units; // Units of the data. TSDate _date; // Date of recording. double _data; // Data value associated with date. TSData *_next, // Next/Previous pointers for use *_previous; // With a linked list. This is used // by IrregularTS to store data. }; #endif // TSData class definition