//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reach - encapsulates information about a node topology type. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copyright: See the COPYRIGHT file. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Notes: // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // History: // // 06 Jan 1998 Matthew J. Rutherford, Riverside Technology, inc // Created initial version. // 13 Nov 2001 James R. VanShaar, RTi Added function setCOstring //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Variables: I/O Description // // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #ifndef Reach_INCLUDED #define Reach_INCLUDED #include "Component.h" class Reach : public Component { public: Reach* copy(); // Calls copy constructor on "this". //HourTS* getOutputTS( char* ); int finalizeSolution( TSDate& ); // Handles solution cleanup at the end of // each time-step. int freeDataSpace(); // Frees dynamically allocated data. int setStates( char**, int ); // Sets state variable of the Reach. Reach(); // Default constructor. Reach( const Reach& ); // Copy constructor. virtual ~Reach(); // Destructor. void operator= ( const Reach& ); // = Operator. double _outflow; // Local working copy of the outflow being // computed. virtual void printContents( FILE* ); int setCOstring (TSDate&); // Prepares adds carryover string to the // ResJSys carryover array protected: virtual double* getInternalValuePtr( char* ); // Returns an internal pointer based on // the identifier that is passed in. private: int initialize(); // Initializes private data members. }; #endif