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#include "TProcessor.h"

namespace apache { namespace thrift {

 * TDispatchProcessor is a helper class to parse the message header then call
 * another function to dispatch based on the function name.
 * Subclasses must implement dispatchCall() to dispatch on the function name.
template <class Protocol_>
class TDispatchProcessorT : public TProcessor {
  virtual bool process(boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> in,
                       boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> out,
                       void* connectionContext) {
    protocol::TProtocol* inRaw = in.get();
    protocol::TProtocol* outRaw = out.get();

    // Try to dynamic cast to the template protocol type
    Protocol_* specificIn = dynamic_cast<Protocol_*>(inRaw);
    Protocol_* specificOut = dynamic_cast<Protocol_*>(outRaw);
    if (specificIn && specificOut) {
      return processFast(specificIn, specificOut, connectionContext);

    // Log the fact that we have to use the slow path
    T_GENERIC_PROTOCOL(this, inRaw, specificIn);
    T_GENERIC_PROTOCOL(this, outRaw, specificOut);

    std::string fname;
    protocol::TMessageType mtype;
    int32_t seqid;
    inRaw->readMessageBegin(fname, mtype, seqid);

    // If this doesn't look like a valid call, log an error and return false so
    // that the server will close the connection.
    // (The old generated processor code used to try to skip a T_STRUCT and
    // continue.  However, that seems unsafe.)
    if (mtype != protocol::T_CALL && mtype != protocol::T_ONEWAY) {
      GlobalOutput.printf("received invalid message type %d from client",
      return false;

    return this->dispatchCall(inRaw, outRaw, fname, seqid, connectionContext);

  bool processFast(Protocol_* in, Protocol_* out, void* connectionContext) {
    std::string fname;
    protocol::TMessageType mtype;
    int32_t seqid;
    in->readMessageBegin(fname, mtype, seqid);

    if (mtype != protocol::T_CALL && mtype != protocol::T_ONEWAY) {
      GlobalOutput.printf("received invalid message type %d from client",
      return false;

    return this->dispatchCallTemplated(in, out, fname,
                                       seqid, connectionContext);

   * dispatchCall() methods must be implemented by subclasses
  virtual bool dispatchCall(apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol* in,
                            apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol* out,
                            const std::string& fname, int32_t seqid,
                            void* callContext) = 0;

  virtual bool dispatchCallTemplated(Protocol_* in, Protocol_* out,
                                     const std::string& fname, int32_t seqid,
                                     void* callContext) = 0;

 * Non-templatized version of TDispatchProcessor, that doesn't bother trying to
 * perform a dynamic_cast.
class TDispatchProcessor : public TProcessor {
  virtual bool process(boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> in,
                       boost::shared_ptr<protocol::TProtocol> out,
                       void* connectionContext) {
    std::string fname;
    protocol::TMessageType mtype;
    int32_t seqid;
    in->readMessageBegin(fname, mtype, seqid);

    if (mtype != protocol::T_CALL && mtype != protocol::T_ONEWAY) {
      GlobalOutput.printf("received invalid message type %d from client",
      return false;

    return dispatchCall(in.get(), out.get(), fname, seqid, connectionContext);

  virtual bool dispatchCall(apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol* in,
                            apache::thrift::protocol::TProtocol* out,
                            const std::string& fname, int32_t seqid,
                            void* callContext) = 0;

// Specialize TDispatchProcessorT for TProtocol and TDummyProtocol just to use
// the generic TDispatchProcessor.
template <>
class TDispatchProcessorT<protocol::TDummyProtocol> :
  public TDispatchProcessor {};
template <>
class TDispatchProcessorT<protocol::TProtocol> :
  public TDispatchProcessor {};

}} // apache::thrift