### EDEX localization related variables ### export AW_SITE_IDENTIFIER=OAX # database names export DC_DB_NAME=dc_ob7oax export FXA_DB_NAME=fxatext export HM_DB_NAME=hmdb export IH_DB_NAME=hd_ob92oax ### end of localization variables ### ### flag to control grib deprecation ### if [ -z "$gribMode" ]; then # uncomment only one of the following two lines export gribMode=deprecated #export gribMode=future fi ## end of grib deprecation flag ### # setup environment for HPE export DATA_ARCHIVE_ROOT=/tmp/sbn # setup db connections export DB_ADDR=localhost export DB_PORT=5432 # setup connection to qpid export BROKER_ADDR=localhost # setup hdf5 connection if pypies is enabled export PYPIES_SERVER=http://localhost:9582 # data delivery specific variables, used below in the localization section export DATADELIVERY_HOST=localhost export DATADELIVERY_PORT=9588 # Currently the registry is hosted on datadelivery, but this could be changed in the future export EBXML_REGISTRY_HOST=${DATADELIVERY_HOST} export EBXML_REGISTRY_PORT=${DATADELIVERY_PORT} export EBXML_REGISTRY_SUBSCRIPTIONS_ENABLED=True # moved here from environment.xml # these values are returned to clients that contact the localization service export HTTP_PORT=9581 export HTTP_SERVER=http://localhost:${HTTP_PORT}/services export JMS_SERVER=tcp://localhost:5672 export RADAR_SERVER=tcp://localhost:8813 export DATADELIVERY_SERVER=http://${DATADELIVERY_HOST}:${DATADELIVERY_PORT}/services export EBXML_REGISTRY_SERVICE=http://${EBXML_REGISTRY_HOST}:${EBXML_REGISTRY_PORT}/services export EBXML_REGISTRY_LCM_SERVICE=http://${EBXML_REGISTRY_HOST}:${EBXML_REGISTRY_PORT}/lifecycleManager?WSDL export EBXML_REGISTRY_QUERY_SERVICE=http://${EBXML_REGISTRY_HOST}:${EBXML_REGISTRY_PORT}/queryManager?WSDL export NCF_BANDWIDTH_MANAGER_SERVICE=http://${DATADELIVERY_HOST}:9590/services # set the AWIPS II shared directory export SHARE_DIR=/awips2/edex/data/share # set the AWIPS II temporary directory export TEMP_DIR=/awips2/edex/data/tmp # set hydroapps directory path export apps_dir=${SHARE_DIR}/hydroapps # site identifier for hydroapps export SITE_IDENTIFIER=${AW_SITE_IDENTIFIER} # set Fax environment variables pointing to ldad@ls1 export LDAD_EXTERNAL_HOME=/ldad export LDAD_EXTERNAL_PUBLIC=/data/ldad/public