# # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # ############################################################################### ## This file is being obsoleted by qmf/console.py ############################################################################### """ Management API for Qpid """ import qpid import struct import socket from threading import Thread from datatypes import Message, RangedSet from time import time from cStringIO import StringIO from codec010 import StringCodec as Codec from threading import Lock, Condition class SequenceManager: """ Manage sequence numbers for asynchronous method calls """ def __init__ (self): self.lock = Lock () self.sequence = 0 self.pending = {} def reserve (self, data): """ Reserve a unique sequence number """ self.lock.acquire () result = self.sequence self.sequence = self.sequence + 1 self.pending[result] = data self.lock.release () return result def release (self, seq): """ Release a reserved sequence number """ data = None self.lock.acquire () if seq in self.pending: data = self.pending[seq] del self.pending[seq] self.lock.release () return data class mgmtObject (object): """ Generic object that holds the contents of a management object with its attributes set as object attributes. """ def __init__ (self, classKey, timestamps, row): self.classKey = classKey self.timestamps = timestamps for cell in row: setattr (self, cell[0], cell[1]) class objectId(object): """ Object that represents QMF object identifiers """ def __init__(self, codec, first=0, second=0): if codec: self.first = codec.read_uint64() self.second = codec.read_uint64() else: self.first = first self.second = second def __cmp__(self, other): if other == None: return 1 if self.first < other.first: return -1 if self.first > other.first: return 1 if self.second < other.second: return -1 if self.second > other.second: return 1 return 0 def index(self): return (self.first, self.second) def getFlags(self): return (self.first & 0xF000000000000000) >> 60 def getSequence(self): return (self.first & 0x0FFF000000000000) >> 48 def getBroker(self): return (self.first & 0x0000FFFFF0000000) >> 28 def getBank(self): return self.first & 0x000000000FFFFFFF def getObject(self): return self.second def isDurable(self): return self.getSequence() == 0 def encode(self, codec): codec.write_uint64(self.first) codec.write_uint64(self.second) class methodResult: """ Object that contains the result of a method call """ def __init__ (self, status, sText, args): self.status = status self.statusText = sText for arg in args: setattr (self, arg, args[arg]) class brokerInfo: """ Object that contains information about a broker and the session to it """ def __init__ (self, brokerId, sessionId): self.brokerId = brokerId self.sessionId = sessionId class managementChannel: """ This class represents a connection to an AMQP broker. """ def __init__ (self, ssn, topicCb, replyCb, exceptionCb, cbContext, _detlife=0): """ Given a channel on an established AMQP broker connection, this method opens a session and performs all of the declarations and bindings needed to participate in the management protocol. """ self.enabled = True self.ssn = ssn self.sessionId = ssn.name self.topicName = "mgmt-%s" % self.sessionId self.replyName = "repl-%s" % self.sessionId self.qpidChannel = ssn self.tcb = topicCb self.rcb = replyCb self.ecb = exceptionCb self.context = cbContext self.reqsOutstanding = 0 self.brokerInfo = None ssn.auto_sync = False ssn.queue_declare (queue=self.topicName, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True) ssn.queue_declare (queue=self.replyName, exclusive=True, auto_delete=True) ssn.exchange_bind (exchange="amq.direct", queue=self.replyName, binding_key=self.replyName) ssn.message_subscribe (queue=self.topicName, destination="tdest", accept_mode=ssn.accept_mode.none, acquire_mode=ssn.acquire_mode.pre_acquired) ssn.message_subscribe (queue=self.replyName, destination="rdest", accept_mode=ssn.accept_mode.none, acquire_mode=ssn.acquire_mode.pre_acquired) ssn.incoming ("tdest").listen (self.topicCb, self.exceptionCb) ssn.incoming ("rdest").listen (self.replyCb) ssn.message_set_flow_mode (destination="tdest", flow_mode=1) ssn.message_flow (destination="tdest", unit=0, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) ssn.message_flow (destination="tdest", unit=1, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) ssn.message_set_flow_mode (destination="rdest", flow_mode=1) ssn.message_flow (destination="rdest", unit=0, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) ssn.message_flow (destination="rdest", unit=1, value=0xFFFFFFFFL) def setBrokerInfo (self, data): self.brokerInfo = data def shutdown (self): self.enabled = False self.ssn.incoming("tdest").stop() self.ssn.incoming("rdest").stop() def topicCb (self, msg): """ Receive messages via the topic queue on this channel. """ if self.enabled: self.tcb (self, msg) def replyCb (self, msg): """ Receive messages via the reply queue on this channel. """ if self.enabled: self.rcb (self, msg) def exceptionCb (self, data): if self.ecb != None: self.ecb (self, data) def send (self, exchange, msg): if self.enabled: self.qpidChannel.message_transfer (destination=exchange, message=msg) def message (self, body, routing_key="broker"): dp = self.qpidChannel.delivery_properties() dp.routing_key = routing_key mp = self.qpidChannel.message_properties() mp.content_type = "application/octet-stream" mp.reply_to = self.qpidChannel.reply_to("amq.direct", self.replyName) return Message(dp, mp, body) class managementClient: """ This class provides an API for access to management data on the AMQP network. It implements the management protocol and manages the management schemas as advertised by the various management agents in the network. """ CTRL_BROKER_INFO = 1 CTRL_SCHEMA_LOADED = 2 CTRL_USER = 3 CTRL_HEARTBEAT = 4 SYNC_TIME = 10.0 #======================================================== # User API - interacts with the class's user #======================================================== def __init__ (self, unused=None, ctrlCb=None, configCb=None, instCb=None, methodCb=None, closeCb=None): self.ctrlCb = ctrlCb self.configCb = configCb self.instCb = instCb self.methodCb = methodCb self.closeCb = closeCb self.schemaCb = None self.eventCb = None self.channels = [] self.seqMgr = SequenceManager () self.schema = {} self.packages = {} self.cv = Condition () self.syncInFlight = False self.syncSequence = 0 self.syncResult = None def schemaListener (self, schemaCb): """ Optionally register a callback to receive details of the schema of managed objects in the network. """ self.schemaCb = schemaCb def eventListener (self, eventCb): """ Optionally register a callback to receive events from managed objects in the network. """ self.eventCb = eventCb def addChannel (self, channel, cbContext=None): """ Register a new channel. """ mch = managementChannel (channel, self.topicCb, self.replyCb, self.exceptCb, cbContext) self.channels.append (mch) self.incOutstanding (mch) codec = Codec () self.setHeader (codec, ord ('B')) msg = mch.message(codec.encoded) mch.send ("qpid.management", msg) return mch def removeChannel (self, mch): """ Remove a previously added channel from management. """ mch.shutdown () self.channels.remove (mch) def callMethod (self, channel, userSequence, objId, className, methodName, args=None): """ Invoke a method on a managed object. """ self.method (channel, userSequence, objId, className, methodName, args) def getObjects (self, channel, userSequence, className, bank=0): """ Request immediate content from broker """ codec = Codec () self.setHeader (codec, ord ('G'), userSequence) ft = {} ft["_class"] = className codec.write_map (ft) msg = channel.message(codec.encoded, routing_key="agent.1.%d" % bank) channel.send ("qpid.management", msg) def syncWaitForStable (self, channel): """ Synchronous (blocking) call to wait for schema stability on a channel """ self.cv.acquire () if channel.reqsOutstanding == 0: self.cv.release () return channel.brokerInfo self.syncInFlight = True starttime = time () while channel.reqsOutstanding != 0: self.cv.wait (self.SYNC_TIME) if time () - starttime > self.SYNC_TIME: self.cv.release () raise RuntimeError ("Timed out waiting for response on channel") self.cv.release () return channel.brokerInfo def syncCallMethod (self, channel, objId, className, methodName, args=None): """ Synchronous (blocking) method call """ self.cv.acquire () self.syncInFlight = True self.syncResult = None self.syncSequence = self.seqMgr.reserve ("sync") self.cv.release () self.callMethod (channel, self.syncSequence, objId, className, methodName, args) self.cv.acquire () starttime = time () while self.syncInFlight: self.cv.wait (self.SYNC_TIME) if time () - starttime > self.SYNC_TIME: self.cv.release () raise RuntimeError ("Timed out waiting for response on channel") result = self.syncResult self.cv.release () return result def syncGetObjects (self, channel, className, bank=0): """ Synchronous (blocking) get call """ self.cv.acquire () self.syncInFlight = True self.syncResult = [] self.syncSequence = self.seqMgr.reserve ("sync") self.cv.release () self.getObjects (channel, self.syncSequence, className, bank) self.cv.acquire () starttime = time () while self.syncInFlight: self.cv.wait (self.SYNC_TIME) if time () - starttime > self.SYNC_TIME: self.cv.release () raise RuntimeError ("Timed out waiting for response on channel") result = self.syncResult self.cv.release () return result #======================================================== # Channel API - interacts with registered channel objects #======================================================== def topicCb (self, ch, msg): """ Receive messages via the topic queue of a particular channel. """ codec = Codec (msg.body) while True: hdr = self.checkHeader (codec) if hdr == None: return if hdr[0] == 'p': self.handlePackageInd (ch, codec) elif hdr[0] == 'q': self.handleClassInd (ch, codec) elif hdr[0] == 'h': self.handleHeartbeat (ch, codec) elif hdr[0] == 'e': self.handleEvent (ch, codec) else: self.parse (ch, codec, hdr[0], hdr[1]) def replyCb (self, ch, msg): """ Receive messages via the reply queue of a particular channel. """ codec = Codec (msg.body) hdr = self.checkHeader (codec) if hdr == None: return if hdr[0] == 'm': self.handleMethodReply (ch, codec, hdr[1]) elif hdr[0] == 'z': self.handleCommandComplete (ch, codec, hdr[1]) elif hdr[0] == 'b': self.handleBrokerResponse (ch, codec) elif hdr[0] == 'p': self.handlePackageInd (ch, codec) elif hdr[0] == 'q': self.handleClassInd (ch, codec) else: self.parse (ch, codec, hdr[0], hdr[1]) def exceptCb (self, ch, data): if self.closeCb != None: self.closeCb (ch.context, data) #======================================================== # Internal Functions #======================================================== def setHeader (self, codec, opcode, seq = 0): """ Compose the header of a management message. """ codec.write_uint8 (ord ('A')) codec.write_uint8 (ord ('M')) codec.write_uint8 (ord ('2')) codec.write_uint8 (opcode) codec.write_uint32 (seq) def checkHeader (self, codec): """ Check the header of a management message and extract the opcode and class. """ try: octet = chr (codec.read_uint8 ()) if octet != 'A': return None octet = chr (codec.read_uint8 ()) if octet != 'M': return None octet = chr (codec.read_uint8 ()) if octet != '2': return None opcode = chr (codec.read_uint8 ()) seq = codec.read_uint32 () return (opcode, seq) except: return None def encodeValue (self, codec, value, typecode): """ Encode, into the codec, a value based on its typecode. """ if typecode == 1: codec.write_uint8 (int (value)) elif typecode == 2: codec.write_uint16 (int (value)) elif typecode == 3: codec.write_uint32 (long (value)) elif typecode == 4: codec.write_uint64 (long (value)) elif typecode == 5: codec.write_uint8 (int (value)) elif typecode == 6: codec.write_str8 (value) elif typecode == 7: codec.write_str16 (value) elif typecode == 8: # ABSTIME codec.write_uint64 (long (value)) elif typecode == 9: # DELTATIME codec.write_uint64 (long (value)) elif typecode == 10: # REF value.encode(codec) elif typecode == 11: # BOOL codec.write_uint8 (int (value)) elif typecode == 12: # FLOAT codec.write_float (float (value)) elif typecode == 13: # DOUBLE codec.write_double (float (value)) elif typecode == 14: # UUID codec.write_uuid (value) elif typecode == 15: # FTABLE codec.write_map (value) elif typecode == 16: codec.write_int8 (int(value)) elif typecode == 17: codec.write_int16 (int(value)) elif typecode == 18: codec.write_int32 (int(value)) elif typecode == 19: codec.write_int64 (int(value)) else: raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode) def decodeValue (self, codec, typecode): """ Decode, from the codec, a value based on its typecode. """ if typecode == 1: data = codec.read_uint8 () elif typecode == 2: data = codec.read_uint16 () elif typecode == 3: data = codec.read_uint32 () elif typecode == 4: data = codec.read_uint64 () elif typecode == 5: data = codec.read_uint8 () elif typecode == 6: data = codec.read_str8 () elif typecode == 7: data = codec.read_str16 () elif typecode == 8: # ABSTIME data = codec.read_uint64 () elif typecode == 9: # DELTATIME data = codec.read_uint64 () elif typecode == 10: # REF data = objectId(codec) elif typecode == 11: # BOOL data = codec.read_uint8 () elif typecode == 12: # FLOAT data = codec.read_float () elif typecode == 13: # DOUBLE data = codec.read_double () elif typecode == 14: # UUID data = codec.read_uuid () elif typecode == 15: # FTABLE data = codec.read_map () elif typecode == 16: data = codec.read_int8 () elif typecode == 17: data = codec.read_int16 () elif typecode == 18: data = codec.read_int32 () elif typecode == 19: data = codec.read_int64 () else: raise ValueError ("Invalid type code: %d" % typecode) return data def incOutstanding (self, ch): self.cv.acquire () ch.reqsOutstanding = ch.reqsOutstanding + 1 self.cv.release () def decOutstanding (self, ch): self.cv.acquire () ch.reqsOutstanding = ch.reqsOutstanding - 1 if ch.reqsOutstanding == 0 and self.syncInFlight: self.syncInFlight = False self.cv.notify () self.cv.release () if ch.reqsOutstanding == 0: if self.ctrlCb != None: self.ctrlCb (ch.context, self.CTRL_SCHEMA_LOADED, None) ch.ssn.exchange_bind (exchange="qpid.management", queue=ch.topicName, binding_key="console.#") ch.ssn.exchange_bind (exchange="qpid.management", queue=ch.topicName, binding_key="schema.#") def handleMethodReply (self, ch, codec, sequence): status = codec.read_uint32 () sText = codec.read_str16 () data = self.seqMgr.release (sequence) if data == None: return (userSequence, classId, methodName) = data args = {} context = self.seqMgr.release (userSequence) if status == 0: schemaClass = self.schema[classId] ms = schemaClass['M'] arglist = None for mname in ms: (mdesc, margs) = ms[mname] if mname == methodName: arglist = margs if arglist == None: return for arg in arglist: if arg[2].find("O") != -1: args[arg[0]] = self.decodeValue (codec, arg[1]) if context == "sync" and userSequence == self.syncSequence: self.cv.acquire () self.syncInFlight = False self.syncResult = methodResult (status, sText, args) self.cv.notify () self.cv.release () elif self.methodCb != None: self.methodCb (ch.context, userSequence, status, sText, args) def handleCommandComplete (self, ch, codec, seq): code = codec.read_uint32 () text = codec.read_str8 () data = (seq, code, text) context = self.seqMgr.release (seq) if context == "outstanding": self.decOutstanding (ch) elif context == "sync" and seq == self.syncSequence: self.cv.acquire () self.syncInFlight = False self.cv.notify () self.cv.release () elif self.ctrlCb != None: self.ctrlCb (ch.context, self.CTRL_USER, data) def handleBrokerResponse (self, ch, codec): uuid = codec.read_uuid () ch.brokerInfo = brokerInfo (uuid, ch.sessionId) if self.ctrlCb != None: self.ctrlCb (ch.context, self.CTRL_BROKER_INFO, ch.brokerInfo) # Send a package request sendCodec = Codec () seq = self.seqMgr.reserve ("outstanding") self.setHeader (sendCodec, ord ('P'), seq) smsg = ch.message(sendCodec.encoded) ch.send ("qpid.management", smsg) def handlePackageInd (self, ch, codec): pname = codec.read_str8 () if pname not in self.packages: self.packages[pname] = {} # Send a class request sendCodec = Codec () seq = self.seqMgr.reserve ("outstanding") self.setHeader (sendCodec, ord ('Q'), seq) self.incOutstanding (ch) sendCodec.write_str8 (pname) smsg = ch.message(sendCodec.encoded) ch.send ("qpid.management", smsg) def handleClassInd (self, ch, codec): kind = codec.read_uint8() if kind != 1: # This API doesn't handle new-style events return pname = codec.read_str8() cname = codec.read_str8() hash = codec.read_bin128() if pname not in self.packages: return if (cname, hash) not in self.packages[pname]: # Send a schema request sendCodec = Codec () seq = self.seqMgr.reserve ("outstanding") self.setHeader (sendCodec, ord ('S'), seq) self.incOutstanding (ch) sendCodec.write_str8 (pname) sendCodec.write_str8 (cname) sendCodec.write_bin128 (hash) smsg = ch.message(sendCodec.encoded) ch.send ("qpid.management", smsg) def handleHeartbeat (self, ch, codec): timestamp = codec.read_uint64() if self.ctrlCb != None: self.ctrlCb (ch.context, self.CTRL_HEARTBEAT, timestamp) def handleEvent (self, ch, codec): if self.eventCb == None: return timestamp = codec.read_uint64() objId = objectId(codec) packageName = codec.read_str8() className = codec.read_str8() hash = codec.read_bin128() name = codec.read_str8() classKey = (packageName, className, hash) if classKey not in self.schema: return; schemaClass = self.schema[classKey] row = [] es = schemaClass['E'] arglist = None for ename in es: (edesc, eargs) = es[ename] if ename == name: arglist = eargs if arglist == None: return for arg in arglist: row.append((arg[0], self.decodeValue(codec, arg[1]))) self.eventCb(ch.context, classKey, objId, name, row) def parseSchema (self, ch, codec): """ Parse a received schema-description message. """ self.decOutstanding (ch) kind = codec.read_uint8() if kind != 1: # This API doesn't handle new-style events return packageName = codec.read_str8 () className = codec.read_str8 () hash = codec.read_bin128 () hasSupertype = 0 #codec.read_uint8() configCount = codec.read_uint16 () instCount = codec.read_uint16 () methodCount = codec.read_uint16 () if hasSupertype != 0: supertypePackage = codec.read_str8() supertypeClass = codec.read_str8() supertypeHash = codec.read_bin128() if packageName not in self.packages: return if (className, hash) in self.packages[packageName]: return classKey = (packageName, className, hash) if classKey in self.schema: return configs = [] insts = [] methods = {} configs.append (("id", 4, "", "", 1, 1, None, None, None, None, None)) insts.append (("id", 4, None, None)) for idx in range (configCount): ft = codec.read_map () name = str (ft["name"]) type = ft["type"] access = ft["access"] index = ft["index"] optional = ft["optional"] unit = None min = None max = None maxlen = None desc = None for key, value in ft.items (): if key == "unit": unit = str (value) elif key == "min": min = value elif key == "max": max = value elif key == "maxlen": maxlen = value elif key == "desc": desc = str (value) config = (name, type, unit, desc, access, index, min, max, maxlen, optional) configs.append (config) for idx in range (instCount): ft = codec.read_map () name = str (ft["name"]) type = ft["type"] unit = None desc = None for key, value in ft.items (): if key == "unit": unit = str (value) elif key == "desc": desc = str (value) inst = (name, type, unit, desc) insts.append (inst) for idx in range (methodCount): ft = codec.read_map () mname = str (ft["name"]) argCount = ft["argCount"] if "desc" in ft: mdesc = str (ft["desc"]) else: mdesc = None args = [] for aidx in range (argCount): ft = codec.read_map () name = str (ft["name"]) type = ft["type"] dir = str (ft["dir"].upper ()) unit = None min = None max = None maxlen = None desc = None default = None for key, value in ft.items (): if key == "unit": unit = str (value) elif key == "min": min = value elif key == "max": max = value elif key == "maxlen": maxlen = value elif key == "desc": desc = str (value) elif key == "default": default = str (value) arg = (name, type, dir, unit, desc, min, max, maxlen, default) args.append (arg) methods[mname] = (mdesc, args) schemaClass = {} schemaClass['C'] = configs schemaClass['I'] = insts schemaClass['M'] = methods self.schema[classKey] = schemaClass if self.schemaCb != None: self.schemaCb (ch.context, classKey, configs, insts, methods, {}) def parsePresenceMasks(self, codec, schemaClass): """ Generate a list of not-present properties """ excludeList = [] bit = 0 for element in schemaClass['C'][1:]: if element[9] == 1: if bit == 0: mask = codec.read_uint8() bit = 1 if (mask & bit) == 0: excludeList.append(element[0]) bit = bit * 2 if bit == 256: bit = 0 return excludeList def parseContent (self, ch, cls, codec, seq=0): """ Parse a received content message. """ if (cls == 'C' or (cls == 'B' and seq == 0)) and self.configCb == None: return if cls == 'I' and self.instCb == None: return packageName = codec.read_str8 () className = codec.read_str8 () hash = codec.read_bin128 () classKey = (packageName, className, hash) if classKey not in self.schema: return row = [] timestamps = [] timestamps.append (codec.read_uint64 ()) # Current Time timestamps.append (codec.read_uint64 ()) # Create Time timestamps.append (codec.read_uint64 ()) # Delete Time objId = objectId(codec) schemaClass = self.schema[classKey] if cls == 'C' or cls == 'B': notPresent = self.parsePresenceMasks(codec, schemaClass) if cls == 'C' or cls == 'B': row.append(("id", objId)) for element in schemaClass['C'][1:]: tc = element[1] name = element[0] if name in notPresent: row.append((name, None)) else: data = self.decodeValue(codec, tc) row.append((name, data)) if cls == 'I' or cls == 'B': if cls == 'I': row.append(("id", objId)) for element in schemaClass['I'][1:]: tc = element[1] name = element[0] data = self.decodeValue (codec, tc) row.append ((name, data)) if cls == 'C' or (cls == 'B' and seq != self.syncSequence): self.configCb (ch.context, classKey, row, timestamps) elif cls == 'B' and seq == self.syncSequence: if timestamps[2] == 0: obj = mgmtObject (classKey, timestamps, row) self.syncResult.append (obj) elif cls == 'I': self.instCb (ch.context, classKey, row, timestamps) def parse (self, ch, codec, opcode, seq): """ Parse a message received from the topic queue. """ if opcode == 's': self.parseSchema (ch, codec) elif opcode == 'c': self.parseContent (ch, 'C', codec) elif opcode == 'i': self.parseContent (ch, 'I', codec) elif opcode == 'g': self.parseContent (ch, 'B', codec, seq) else: raise ValueError ("Unknown opcode: %c" % opcode); def method (self, channel, userSequence, objId, classId, methodName, args): """ Invoke a method on an object """ codec = Codec () sequence = self.seqMgr.reserve ((userSequence, classId, methodName)) self.setHeader (codec, ord ('M'), sequence) objId.encode(codec) codec.write_str8 (classId[0]) codec.write_str8 (classId[1]) codec.write_bin128 (classId[2]) codec.write_str8 (methodName) bank = "%d.%d" % (objId.getBroker(), objId.getBank()) # Encode args according to schema if classId not in self.schema: self.seqMgr.release (sequence) raise ValueError ("Unknown class name: %s" % classId) schemaClass = self.schema[classId] ms = schemaClass['M'] arglist = None for mname in ms: (mdesc, margs) = ms[mname] if mname == methodName: arglist = margs if arglist == None: self.seqMgr.release (sequence) raise ValueError ("Unknown method name: %s" % methodName) for arg in arglist: if arg[2].find("I") != -1: value = arg[8] # default if arg[0] in args: value = args[arg[0]] if value == None: self.seqMgr.release (sequence) raise ValueError ("Missing non-defaulted argument: %s" % arg[0]) self.encodeValue (codec, value, arg[1]) packageName = classId[0] className = classId[1] msg = channel.message(codec.encoded, "agent." + bank) channel.send ("qpid.management", msg)