#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # Provides a simple wrapper to the mhsAckNotify Python module allowing that module # to be executed as a command line tool without requiring the .py extension. # # SOFTWARE HISTORY # # Date Ticket# Engineer Description # ------------ ---------- ----------- -------------------------- # 04/06/2012 10388 mhuang Initial creation # 10/09/12 DR 13901 D. Friedman Add logging ############################################################################## # this allows you to run this script from outside of ./bin path_to_script=`readlink -f $0` RUN_FROM_DIR=`dirname $path_to_script` BASE_AWIPS_DIR=`dirname $RUN_FROM_DIR` # source the env source ${RUN_FROM_DIR}/setup.env # setup the environment needed to run the the Python export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BASE_AWIPS_DIR}/src/lib:${PYTHON_INSTALL}/lib export PYTHONPATH=${RUN_FROM_DIR}/src:$PYTHONPATH # execute the Python module _PYTHON="${PYTHON_INSTALL}/bin/python" _MODULE="${RUN_FROM_DIR}/src/qpidNotify/mhsAckNotify.py" log_file=${LOG_DIR:-/data/logs/fxa}/$(date -u +%Y%m%d)/mhsAckNotify if touch "$log_file"; then exec >& "$log_file" fi # quoting of '$@' is used to prevent command line interpretation $_PYTHON $_MODULE "$@"