Smart Tools

Run a Smart Tool for just the area covered by your WFO.

Running a Smart tool is just like running any of the other simple tools.  Select a grid to edit by MB1 clicking on that grid in the Grid Manager or MB2 clicking on the label for that grid in the Spatial Editor.  Next you will need to select the edit area that corresponds to your WFO.  From the GFE Main Menu, select Edit Areas->WFOs->[Your site ID]. Open the Edit Actions Dialog, if not already, and select the smart tool that you wish to run.  That tool will be executed over your WFO and presumably modify the data for the grid that you choose earlier.

Adjust a QPF grid using the QPF Smart Tool.

Select a QPF grid to edit using the Grid Manager or the legends in the Spatial Editor.  Then open the Edit Actions Dialog and select QPF_SmartTool.  If there is any complex terrain in your WFO area, you should see a terrain influence in the QPF field based on the topography and the wind grid valid at the same time.

Interpolate temperatures to hourly grids and derive a MaxTemp grid from these grids using the Smart Tool.

To interpolate your temperature grids to hourly, first select those grids in the Grid Mangaer using MB1 drag operation.  See the section Select Weather Element and TimeRange for more information.  Next, from the Main Menu item select Grids->Interpolate....  The Interpolate Dialog will be displayed, choose "By Gaps". You should see new grid appear in between the grids that were already defined.  See the section on Interpolate Grids for more infomation.  When the interpolation is finished, select a MaxT (max temperature) grid to edit from the Grid Manager that corresponds to the same time as the time period that you interpolated.  Then from the Edit Actions Dialog select the Smart tool, select MaxT_SmartTool.  You should see the values for the MaxT assign the maximum value of the temperature grids in that same time range.

Derive a SnowAmt grid from the QPF field using the appropriate Smart Tool

First you will need to define a QPF field either by hand or from any model you choose.  Next create a SnowAmt grid from scratch in the Grid Manager by moving the cursor to the same time period in the SnowAmt element, MB3 press and hold to get the pop-up menu and select Create From Scratch.  See the section Create Grid From Scratch for more information. Now open the Edit Actions Dialog and select SnowAmt_SmartTool.  You should see the newly created SnowAmt grid defined with new values.  Note: this tool requires that a Temperature and Freezing Level grid also be defined for the same time period.  Also note that if your temperature grid is not at or below freezing the SnowAmt_SmartTool will (appropriately) assign zero SnowAmt to all grid points.

Run a Smart Tool on multiple grids, but only over a selected Edit Area

To accomplish this task you will need to select a time period in the Grid Manager and then select and edit area from the Spatial Editor.  These can be done in either order.  To select a time period in the Grid Manager see the section Select Weather Element and Time Range.  To select an edit area in the Spatial Editor see the section Select an Edit Area by Hand.  Once you have defined an edit area and a time range,  select one of the tools in the Edit Actions Dialog.  Note that all of the grids that you selected in the Grid Manager turn a cyan color while they are executing.  When the cyan color turns back to gray, examine the grids and convince yourself that the Smart tool was executed over the edit area that you chose and for each of the grids that you selected.