Stretch the valid time of any grid block.
The Grid Manager has a built-in tool for stretching the time over which a grid is valid. Move the cursor to the grid block that you want to stretch. Press and hold MB2 while moving the cursor to the left or right. Stretching the grid block to the left changes the grid's start time while stretching the grid block to the right changes that grid's end time. Note that you can only stretch the start time or the end time per operation. To stretch both times, you must perform this operation twice. See the section Stretch a grid's valid time period in GFE Training Guide for more information.
Copy the contents of one grid block into another grid block.
This task is accomplished using the MB3 pop-up menu from inside the Grid Manager. Move the cursor over the grid block that you wish to copy from. Press and hold MB3 and select "Copy Grid" from the pop-up menu. Next, move your cursor to the time at which you want to paste this grid. Press and hold MB3 again, but this time select "Paste Grid". Note that you can paste the grid into a gap or onto an existing grid. Just the grid data values are changed when pasting a grid. The valid time is not affected. See the section in the GFE Training Guide, Copy Grid for more information.
Select a time range and list of parameters, then copy data from a selected model into the FCST database.
This is a two-part task. First you must select the time range, then copy grids from a model. To select the time range, move the cursor to the start time of the selection and over the first weather element you want to select. Press and hold MB1 and drag diagonally. Motion in the horizontal direction selects the time range. Motion in the vertical direction selects weather element. When you have selected the time range and the set of weather elements you want, release MB1. For more information on selecting weather elements and time ranges in this way, see the GFE Training Guide section Select Weather Element and TimeRange.
Next, you need to identify the model source to copy in to your selected Weather Element/TimeRange. Go to the main menu and select Populate->Copy Selected Grids From... A dialog that contains all model versions that are curently available will appear. Select the model of your choice and select OK. Grids generated from that model will be copied into your forecast. For more information on this operation, see the GFE Training Guide, section Copy from Derived Model Grids.
Create a grid from Scratch. Stretch the valid time of that grid and split it into more than one grid.
This is a three-part task. To create a grid from scratch, move your cursor over the weather element/timerange you wish, press and hold MB3 to display the pop-up menu, and select "Create From Scratch". You will see a new grid block appear in the Grid Manager. See the section, Create Grid from Scratch in the GFE Training Guide for more information.
To stretch the valid time of the newly created grid, see the instructions above, Stretch the valid time of any grid block.
Finally, to split the grid block, select a portion of it using the instructions Select a time range... Then MB3 press to display the pop up menu and select "Spilt Grid". You will end up with two grids whose time boundaries are defined by whatever time range you selected.
Assign a "null" value to an entire grid.
To assign a "null" value (usually the lowest allowable value) just move your cursor over your grid of choice and MB3 press to display the pop-up menu. Select "Assign [value]" where [value] is the null value defined for that weather element. You will see that the null value was assigned to every grid point in the grid. See the section Assign Default Value in the GFE Training Guide.
Select several grids and use Time Shift to move the grids to another time period.
To TimeShift grids, you first need to select them. See the section in the Grid Manager Training Select Weather Element and TimeRange for more information on selecting grids.
Next, from the Main Menu select Grids->Time
Shift... to display the Time
Shift Dialog. Use the radio buttons to indicate whether to copy
or move and the slider to indicate how many hours to time shift.
Then select OK.
Watch what happens to the grid that you selected.