	Ideally, we will be able to transition the web projects to Eclipse WPT
	projects and then will will no longer need to manually package and
	deploy a war file.
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <!-- Generic macro to build and deploy any web application.              -->
    <!-- =================================================================== -->
    <macrodef name="deploy.war">
        <attribute name="web.project.dir" />
        <attribute name="war.name" />
            <property name="webapps.dir" 
                value="${edex.root.directory}/webapps" />
        	<!-- find the web "project" -->
        	<var name="project.dir" value="" />        	
	 		<for list="${basedirectories}" param="directory"
	 		delimiter=";" trim="true">
						<available file="@{directory}/@{web.project.dir}"
	 						type="dir" />
							<var name="project.dir"
								value="@{directory}/@{web.project.dir}" />
            <var name="war.file" value="@{war.name}.war" />
            <!-- delete old war file -->
            <delete dir="${webapps.dir}/@{war.name}" />
            <delete file="${webapps.dir}/${war.file}" />
            <mkdir dir="${webapps.dir}" />
            <!-- build and deploy new war -->
            <echo message="Building and deploying war file" />
            <war destfile="${webapps.dir}/${war.file}" 
                <fileset dir="${project.dir}/web" 
                    excludes="**/WEB-INF/" />
                <classes dir="${project.dir}/web/WEB-INF/classes" />
                <!-- general -->
                <webinf file="${project.dir}/web/WEB-INF/dwr.xml" />
            <unzip src="${webapps.dir}/${war.file}" 
                dest="${webapps.dir}/@{war.name}" />
            <delete file="${webapps.dir}/${war.file}" />