#! /bin/bash # Adds indexes to stdTextProducts and practiceStdTextProducts to # improve purge performance /awips2/psql/bin/psql -U awipsadmin -d fxatext -c " DROP INDEX IF EXISTS public.textafosidreftime_idx; CREATE INDEX textafosidreftime_idx ON public.stdtextproducts USING btree (cccid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", nnnid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", xxxid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", reftime); DROP INDEX IF EXISTS public.practicetextafosidreftime_idx; CREATE INDEX practicetextafosidreftime_idx ON public.practicestdtextproducts USING btree (cccid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", nnnid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", xxxid COLLATE pg_catalog."default", reftime); "