GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Sample and Legend Colors

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Alternative Sample Color YES YES
Alternative Legend Color YES YES
Sample Latitude/Longitude and Plus Sign Color YES YES
Image Legend Color YES YES
Show Sample Shadows YES YES
Shadow Sample Color YES YES
Sample Label Offsets YES YES
Limiting Samples to Specific Weather Elements YES YES Not particularily useful for the GFE. Intended mainly with the ifpIMAGE program.
Using Descriptive Names for Wx Strings YES YES Not particularily useful for the GFE. Intended mainly with the ifpIMAGE program.
Show ISC Update Time YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode.
Show ISC Site ID YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode.
Enable ISC Markers YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode
Show ISC Update Time Marker YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode
Show ISC Site ID Marker YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode
Show ISC Official Symbol Marker YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode
ISC Official Symbol YES NO Applicable to Intersite Coordination mode
Color Bar Labels/TickMark Colors YES YES
Color Bar Additional Weather Identifier YES YES

Alternative Sample Color

Alternative sample color. This is used primarily for ifpIMAGE when you want a specific color for the sample, rather than the default which is the graphic color.   Format is parmname_Sample_color = "color". Note that this applies only if the data is being displayed as a graphic.  Specification of a parm that is not SFC (surface-based)  is done with this format:  parmname_level_Sample_color.

T_Sample_color = "#ff0672"

Alternative Legend Color

Alternative legend color. This is used primarily for ifpIMAGE when you want a specific color for the legend, rather than the default which is the graphic color.   Format is parmname_Legend_color = "color". Note that this applies only if the data is being displayed as a graphic. Specification of a parm that is not SFC (surface-based)  is done with this format:  parmname_level_Legend_color.

T_Legend_color = "#ff0672"

Sample Latitude/Longitude and Plus Sign Color

Sample LatLon and + Color. This affects the color of the '+' drawing, plus the color of the latitude/longitude samples on the spatial editor.

SampleLLPlus_color = "white"


Image Legend Color

Image Legend color. This affects the color of the legend when a weather element is displayed as an image.    This also affects the sample color for weather element displayed as an image.

ImageLegend_color = "white"


Sample Shadows

Sample Shadows. The samples can have a shadow character written in black offset from the sample text.  This improves constrast when the main sample color is light and the background color (e.g., image) is also fairly light.  Acceptable entries are either yes or no.

ShowSampleShadows = yes


Sample Shadow Color

Sample Shadow Color.  You can control the color of the shadow on samples.  It defaults to "black".  Setting it to a different color may improve the contrast between the main sample color and the background color.  The color may be any valid color string.

SampleShadow_color = "#000000"

Sample Label Offsets

SampleLabelXOffset and SampleLabelYOffset are the number of pixes you wish to move sample labels relative to their "normal" position.

SampleLabelXOffset = 0
SampleLabelYOffset = 0


Limiting Samples to Specific Weather Elements

Samples may be limited to just certain weather elements.  This feature is normally only used in conjunction with the creation of PNG imagery, but will work on the GFE.

Limiting Samples to Specific Weather Elements controls the weather elements that will be displayed as samples. This feature is normally only used in conjunction with the creation of PNG imagery. If not specified, then all visible weather elements will have a sample value.  Specification of a parm that is not SFC (surface-based)  is done with this format:  parmname_level.

SampleParms = ['T', 'Wind']


Using Descriptive Names for Wx Strings

Using descriptive names instead of the pretty Wx strings for samples. This set of parallel lists translate a pretty Wx string into a more descriptive name for the sample labels.

AltWxSampleLabels_prettyWx = ['Sct RW-', 'Sct SW-']
AltWxSampleLabels_label = ['Rain Showers', 'Snow Showers']


Show ISC Update Time

The samples can show the ISC Update Time if in ISC mode. Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCUpdateTime = yes


Show ISC Site ID

The samples can show the ISC Site Id if in ISC mode. Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCSiteID = yes

Enable ISC Markers

The ISC Markers may be enabled/disabled on startup.  ISC Markers are only shown if ISC mode or an ISC grid is displayed.  Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCMarkers = yes

Show ISC Update Time Marker

The ISC Update Time Marker can show the ISC update time if in ISC mode.  This update time marker is really just a sample without the data point.  Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCUpdateTimeMarker = yes


Show ISC Site ID Marker

The ISC Site ID Marker can show the ISC Site ID marker if in ISC mode.  This site ID marker is really just a sample without the data point.  Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCSiteIDMarker = yes


Show ISC Official Symbol Marker

The ISC Official Symbol Marker can show the "P" symbol if in ISC mode.  This official symbol marker is really just a sample without the data point.  Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCOfficialSymbolMarker = yes


ISC Official Symbol

The samples can show the "P" symbol for the official database data or not.  Data coming from the Forecast work database will not have any characters shown.  Acceptable entries are yes and no.

ShowISCOfficialSymbol = yes


Color Bar Text/Tick Colors

Controls the tick, foreground text colors for the labels, and the foreground/background text colors for the pickup value. There is a special set of colors for the Wx (WEATHER) pickup values.

SEColorBar_tickColor = "white"
SEColorBar_fgTextColor = "white"
SEColorBar_fgPickUpColor = "white"
SEColorBar_bgPickUpColor = "black"
SEColorBar_fgWxPickUpColor = "white"
SEColorBar_bgWxPickUpColor = "purple"


Color Bar Additional Weather Identifiers

By default, the color bar values that appear for the Wx weather parameter consist only of the types that appear in the current grid.  For example, if the grid has TRW-, RW- and No Weather, but not snow, then the color bar will have entries for TRW-, RW-, and No Weather, but not snow.  This behavior can be changed by using the Wx_AdditionalColorBarLabels entry.  This entry contains a list of Wx ugly strings to always appear in the color bar.

Wx_AdditionalColorBarLabels = ["Sct:SW:-:<NoVis>:<NoAttr>"]

The same technique may also be applied to DISCRETE type elements, by specifying the labels.  For example, for the Discrete Highlights grid:

Highlights_AdditionalColorBarLabels = ["WntrSTMWRN"]

The parmname may be written as parmname_level for those weather elements that are not surface-based.


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