GFE Components

We will briefly introduce the main GFE components in the following sections.  To learn more about the Grid Manager, Spatial Editor, or Temporal Editor components, go to the section with the same title.

Menu Bar - Loads/Unloads weather elements, saves/reverts grids, interpolates grids, populates weather elements from model. Many other functions are available from the Menu Bar as well.
ButtonBar - Controls GridManager time scale, animation, edit tools, and edit areas.
TimeScale - Displays time for both Grid Manager and Temporal Editor.
Grid Manager - Displays grid inventory, edits grid times, temporally interpolates, copies grids from other databases, creates grids from scratch, displays grid history.
Spatial Editor - Displays and edits one or more grids.
Temporal Editor - (not shown) Displays and edits time series of weather elements at a point or area. This area is shared with the GridManager.
AlertViz - Displays status messages. In AWIPS2 AlertViz is used to display alert messages for all AWIPS components. There are actually two status bars. In GFE, the left one is for general messages, and the right one is for Intersite Coordination and Smart Initialization messages.