#!/bin/bash function usage() { echo "Usage: $0 OPTION" echo " -b preform a build of an rpm." echo " -WA perform a build of all work assignments." echo " -rh6 perform a full build of all the rpms." echo " -dev call functions directly" echo " --help display this message and exit." return 0 } # This script will build all of the 64-bit rpms. # Ensure that we are on a machine with the correct architecture. architecture=`uname -i` if [ ! "${architecture}" = "x86_64" ]; then echo "ERROR: This build can only be performed on a 64-bit Operating System." exit 1 fi # Determine which directory we are running from. path_to_script=`readlink -f $0` dir=$(dirname $path_to_script) common_dir=`cd ${dir}/../common; pwd;` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find the common functions directory." exit 1 fi # source the common functions. source ${common_dir}/lookupRPM.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to source the common functions." exit 1 fi source ${common_dir}/systemInfo.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to retrieve the system information." exit 1 fi # prepare the build environment. source ${dir}/buildEnvironment.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to prepare the build environment." exit 1 fi source ${dir}/rpms.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to source the RPM functions." exit 1 fi source ${dir}/WA_rpm_build.sh if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: Unable to find the WA-RPM Build Contributions." fi #Check if the build root directory has execute permissions. TMPFILE=${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT}/tmp.sh if [ ! -d ${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT} ]; then mkdir -p ${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT} fi echo "#!/bin/bash" > ${TMPFILE} chmod a+x ${TMPFILE} ${TMPFILE} RTN=$? rm -f ${TMPFILE} if [ $RTN -ne 0 ]; then echo "Directory ${AWIPSII_BUILD_ROOT} does not have execute permissions!" exit 1 fi if [ "${1}" = "-b" -a -n "${2}" ]; then echo "Building RPM: ${2}" # also allow buildCAVE, buildEDEX, buildRPM args buildName=`echo ${2} | cut -c1-5` if [ ${#2} -gt 5 -a "$buildName" = "build" ]; then ${2} else buildRPM ${2} fi if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi exit 0 fi # BUILD GROUPS function build_qpid() { buildRPM "awips2-qpid-java-client" buildRPM "awips2-qpid-java-broker" } function build_python() { buildRPM "awips2-python-h5py" #buildRPM "awips2-python-jep" buildRPM "awips2-python-tables" buildRPM "awips2-python-matplotlib" buildRPM "awips2-python-shapely" buildRPM "awips2-python-scientific" buildRPM "awips2-python-scipy" buildRPM "awips2-python-stomp.py" buildRPM "awips2-python-qpid" buildRPM "awips2-python-werkzeug" buildRPM "awips2-python-cycler" buildRPM "awips2-python-gfe" buildRPM "awips2-python-awips" } function build_database() { buildRPM "awips2-database" buildRPM "awips2-postgresql" buildRPM "awips2-maps-database" buildRPM "awips2-ncep-database" buildRPM "awips2-edex-shapefiles" buildRPM "awips2-data.hdf5-topo" buildRPM "awips2-data.gfe" } function build_pypies() { buildRPM "awips2-pypies" buildRPM "awips2-httpd-pypies" } function build_server() { buildRPM "awips2" buildRPM "awips2-ldm" buildRPM "awips2-tools" buildRPM "awips2-gfesuite" build_pypies buildLocalization } #function build_ade() #{ # buildRPM "awips2-hdf5" # buildRPM "awips2-netcdf" # buildRPM "awips2-python" #} function build_ade() { buildRPM "awips2" buildRPM "awips2-java" buildRPM "awips2-eclipse" buildRPM "awips2-ant" buildRPM "awips2-groovy" buildRPM "awips2-yajsw" buildRPM "awips2-python" buildRPM "awips2-python-cython" buildRPM "awips2-python-dateutil" buildRPM "awips2-python-jep" buildRPM "awips2-python-numpy" buildRPM "awips2-python-pyparsing" buildRPM "awips2-python-pytz" buildRPM "awips2-python-setuptools" buildRPM "awips2-python-six" buildRPM "awips2-python-pytz" buildRPM "awips2-qpid-lib" buildRPM "awips2-hdf5" } if [ "${1}" = "-ade" ]; then build_ade && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-python" ]; then build_python && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-qpid" ]; then build_qpid && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-server" ]; then build_server && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-pypies" ]; then build_pypies && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-localization" ]; then buildLocalization && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-database" ]; then build_database && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-edex" ]; then buildEDEX && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-cave" ]; then buildCAVE && exit 0; fi if [ "${1}" = "-WA" ]; then WA_rpm_build && exit 0; fi # BUILD ALL PACKAGES if [ "${1}" = "-all" ]; then build_ade build_python build_qpid build_server build_database buildEDEX buildCAVE exit 0 fi usage exit 0