GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Default (Non-Weather) Color Table Algorithm Configuration

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Default Color Table Spectrum YES YES
Weather Element Default Color Tables YES YES
Logrithmetic Color Tables YES YES
Default Color Table Range YES YES
Color Bar Label Specification YES YES Labels must be entered as floats for all parameters.

Default Color Table Spectrum

If not specified, all scalar and vector weather elements will be assigned the "--DEFAULT--" color table algorithm.  This algorithm is a smooth spectrum of colors, usually from purple to red.  Three entries define the minimum wavelength, maximum wavelength, and number of colors that the default color table uses.

Depending upon the hardware graphics capability in use, you may not want to increase the number of colors too far.

The left wavelength defines the left side value for the color in nanometers. 380 is roughly purple. The right wavelength defines the right side value for the color in nanometers. 650 is red. The number of colors indicate the number of color bins that will be used when the default color table is displayed.

DefaultColorTable_leftWavelength = 380.0
DefaultColorTable_rightWavelength = 650.0
DefaultColorTable_numColors = 70

Weather Element Default Color Tables

The default color table entries define the initial color table to use for a particular weather element.  The format is parmName_defaultColorTable.  For non-surface based elements, the format is parmName_level_defaultColorTable. The user should ensure that the color tables are "known" tables, i.e., they exist on the server. The user can determine the list of color tables by starting the GFE, displaying any weather element, as an image, and using the popup menu over the legend to see a list of color tables. If a default color table is not defined for a parameter, then the spectrum defined in DefaultColorTable* will be used for the parameter.

Note: In AWIPS2 this list is greatly expanded. See for full list.

T_defaultColorTable="midrange enhanced"
Td_defaultColorTable="midrange enhanced"
MaxT_defaultColorTable="midrange enhanced"
MinT_defaultColorTable="midrange enhanced"
Wind_defaultColorTable="lowrange enhanced"
PoP_defaultColorTable="gridded data"
QPF_defaultColorTable="gridded data"

Logrithmetic Color Tables

Some weather elements may be displayed as an image using a logrithmetic color table.  The assignment of color slots to values is logrithmetic, rather than the normal case of linear.  The format of these entries are parmName_LogFactor.  For non surface-based elements, the format is parmName_level_LogFactor. The value given must be greater than 0.  The closer the value is to zero, the steeper the log curve will appear. Values greater than 1 will result in an almost linear assignment of values to color slots.  Values approaching zero will result in an emphasis of the values near the weather element's minimum possible value.

The following table illustrates the percent of color table entries that are used for the first 50% of the weather element's range.

Factor Value
Percent of Color Table Entries used in the first 60% of the weather element range
For example, if QPF ranges from 0" to 5", the color table has 70 entries in it, and the factor is set to 0.01, then 59 color slots will be used between 0" and 2.50" and 11 color slots between 2.50" and 5.00".  If a factor entry was not made for QPF, then 35 color slots would be used between 0" and 2.50" and 35 additional color slots between 2.50" and 5.00".

QPF_LogFactor = 0.03
SnowAmt_LogFactor = 0.6

Default Color Table Range

By default, the color table spectrum is linearly spread from the minimum possible value to the maximum possible value in the weather element as defined by the Weather Element Configuration Section in The user can control the initial range of the color table spectrum based on the weather element name by adding a pair of entries for each weather element into the gfe configuration file.  The format is parmName_minColorTableValue and parmName_maxColorTableValue.  For non surface-based elements, the format is parmName_level_maxColorTableValue and parmName_level_minColorTableValue. The user should ensure that the values have a decimal point in them.  When the weather elements are first displayed as an image, the color spectrum will be displayed based on the supplied min and max values, rather than those in the database.

T_maxColorTableValue = 120.0
T_minColorTableValue = -30.0
WetBulb_maxColorTableValue = 50.0
WetBulb_minColorTableValue = 20.0

The user may also specify that the initial color table is calculated based on the "fit to data" algorithm.  All of the grid values are examined and the color table assigned from the minimum to maximum observed value in all of the grids.  The format of this entry is parmName_fitToDataColorTable.  For non surface-based elements, the format is parmName_level_fitToDataColorTable. Through the GFE GUI, there are four types of fit to data that are available, 'All Grids', 'All Grids over Area', 'Single Grid', and 'Single Grid over Area'.  Of these,  all of them are available to the ifpIMAGE program, but only the 'All Grids' and 'All Grids over Area' are recognized by the GFE.   The area used is the current edit area for the GFE.  Note that the ifpIMAGE program can specify an edit area to use for the 'All Grids over Area', and 'Single Grid over Area' algorithms.  See the Png_fitToDataArea entry.

T_fitToDataColorTable = "None"

Color Bar Label Specification

Comfigure the desired labels on the SE Color Bar on a per-parameter basis.  The format is parmName_ColorBarLabels.  For non surface-based elements, the format is parmName_level_ColorBarLabels. Given the example below,  the  Temperature color bar would be labeled at 10, 40, 60 and 90.  Note that the values need to be entered as floats.  This variable does not apply to Weather data types, only scalar and vector.

T_ColorBarLabels = [10.00, 40.00, 60.00, 90.00]

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