dumpAT User's Guide

January 9, 2012

Table of Contents


Running the dumpAT Program

Example Output


The dumpAT is a utility program to output all or portions of the VTEC active table.  For further information on the meaning of the codes within the VTEC active table, refer to the GFESuite VTEC Guide.

Running the dumpAT Program

Restriction: The dumpAT program can only be run from the same machine as the VTEC active table is residing!

The command line syntax is:
dumpAT -w siteid [-p phenomena] [-s significance] [-a id] [-e etn] [-l pil] [-a action] [-n tableName] [-f tableFilename]

A sample command line is:
dumpAT -n active -a NEW -p WS -p FA -p GL
Option Syntax Optional or Mandatory Description
-w wfoid
Mandatory. May have more than one -w switch.
Defines the WFOID filter.
-p phenomena
Optional. May have more than one -p switch.
Defines the VTEC phenomena filter, e.g., "WS".  If not specified, then all phenomenas will be output.
-s significance
Optional. May have more than one -s switch. Defines the VTEC significance filter, e.g., "A".  If not specified, then all significances will be output.
-e etn
Optional. May have more than one -e switch.
Defines the etn (event tracking number) filter, e.g., 0245.  If not specified, then all etns will be output.
-l pil
Optional. May have more than one -l switch.
Defines the product pil (category) filter, e.g., NPW.  If not specified, then records from all product pils will be output.
-a action
Optional. May have more than one -a switch.
Defines the VTEC action filter, e.g., CON.  If not specified, then all actions will be output.
-i id
Optional. May have more than one -i switch.
Defines the Geographical ID filter, e.g., COZ023.
-n tableName
Determines the name of the active table to dump.  Default is "active".
-f tableFileName
Optional.  Only the -f or -n switch may be provided, not both.
Uses this file as the table to dump. This file may be an uncompressed active table, or a compressed active table.

Example Execution

The following shows an example of running the dumpAT without any filtering:

lx1-nhda{jdynina}113: ./dumpAT -w LWX
INFO:dumpAT:*********** dumpAT ****************
INFO:dumpAT:Cmd: -h ev -r 9581 -w LWX
INFO:dumpAT:Requesting active table dump from server.
INFO:dumpAT:Response received from server.
INFO:dumpAT:Number of records (unfiltered): 16
INFO:dumpAT:Number of records (filtered): 16
Vtec: /O.CAN.KLWX.WI.Y.0001.000000T0000Z-120102T1000Z/
Start: Mon Jan 2 08:09:00 2012 1325491740L Action: CAN Pil: NPW
End: Mon Jan 2 10:00:00 2012 1325498400L UFN: False RecState: Decoded
Purge: Mon Jan 2 09:15:00 2012 1325495700L
Issue: Mon Jan 2 08:09:00 2012 1325491740L
Phen: WI Sig: Y Office: KLWX Etn: 0001 Seg: 1 Key: WI.Y
Zone: MDZ501

Vtec: /O.CON.KLWX.WS.W.0001.000000T0000Z-120103T2200Z/
Start: Tue Jan 3 15:29:00 2012 1325604540L Action: CON Pil: WSW
End: Tue Jan 3 22:00:00 2012 1325628000L UFN: False RecState: Decoded
Purge: Tue Jan 3 22:00:00 2012 1325628000L
Issue: Tue Jan 3 15:29:00 2012 1325604540L
Phen: WS Sig: W Office: KLWX Etn: 0001 Seg: 2 Key: WS.W
Zone: MDZ501

Vtec: /O.EXT.KLWX.GL.W.0001.000000T0000Z-120104T0000Z/
Start: Tue Jan 3 22:36:00 2012 1325630160L Action: EXT Pil: MWW
End: Wed Jan 4 00:00:00 2012 1325635200L UFN: False RecState: Decoded
Purge: Wed Jan 4 06:45:00 2012 1325659500L
Issue: Tue Jan 3 22:36:00 2012 1325630160L
Phen: GL Sig: W Office: KLWX Etn: 0001 Seg: 1 Key: GL.W
Zone: ANZ530

INFO:dumpAT:Final: wctime:2.40, cputime:0.28