# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.templates test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD license. """ from nose.tools import assert_raises from werkzeug.utils import MultiDict from werkzeug.templates import Template def test_interpolation(): """Template variable interpolation""" t = Template('\n'.join([ '$string', '${", ".join(string.upper().split(" AND "))}', '$string.replace("foo", "bar").title()', '${string}s', '${1, 2, 3}', '$string[0:3][::-1]' ])) assert t.render(string='foo and blah').splitlines() == [ 'foo and blah', 'FOO, BLAH', 'Bar And Blah', 'foo and blahs', '(1, 2, 3)', 'oof' ] def test_while(): """Template while loop""" t = Template('<%py idx = 0 %><% while idx < 10 %>x<%py idx += 1 %><% endwhile %>') assert t.render() == 'x' * 10 def test_for(): """Template for loop""" t = Template('<% for i in range(10) %>[$i]<% endfor %>') assert t.render() == ''.join(['[%s]' % i for i in xrange(10)]) def test_if(): """Template if condition""" t = Template('<% if idx == 1 %>ONE<% elif idx == 2 %>TWO<% elif ' 'idx == 3 %>THREE<% else %>OMGWTF<% endif %>') assert t.render(idx=0) == 'OMGWTF' assert t.render(idx=1) == 'ONE' assert t.render(idx=2) == 'TWO' assert t.render(idx=3) == 'THREE' def test_break(): """Template brake statement""" t = Template('<% for i in xrange(5) %><%py break %>$i<% endfor %>') assert t.render() == '' def test_continue(): """Template continue statement""" t = Template('<% for i in xrange(10) %><% if i % 2 == 0 %>' '<%py continue %><% endif %>$i<% endfor %>') assert t.render() == '13579' def test_print(): """Template print helper""" t = Template('1 <%py print "2", %>3') t.render() == '1 2 3' def test_code(): """Template code block""" t = Template('''<%py a = 'A' b = 'B' %>$a$b''') assert t.render() == 'AB' def test_undefined(): """Template undefined behavior""" t = Template('<% for item in seq %>$item<% endfor %>$missing') assert t.render() == '' def test_unicode(): """Template unicode modes""" t = Template(u'öäü$szlig') assert t.render(szlig='ß') == u'öäüß' t = Template(u'öäü$szlig', unicode_mode=False, charset='iso-8859-15') assert t.render(szlig='\xdf') == '\xf6\xe4\xfc\xdf' def test_nl_trim(): """Template newline trimming""" t = Template('<% if 1 %>1<% endif %>\n2') assert t.render() == '12' def test_multidict(): """Template multidict behavior""" t = Template('$a|$b') assert t.render(MultiDict(dict( a=[1, 2], b=2 ))) == '1|2' def test_substitute(): """Templer rendering responds to substitute as well""" t = Template('<% if a %>1<% endif %>\n2') assert t.render(a=1) == t.substitute(a=1)