## # This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, # pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. # # U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA # This software product contains export-restricted data whose # export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination # to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires # an export license or other authorization. # # Contractor Name: Raytheon Company # Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 # Mail Stop B8 # Omaha, NE 68106 # 402.291.0100 # # See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for # further licensing information. ## # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This software is in the public domain, furnished "as is", without technical # support, and with no warranty, express or implied, as to its usefulness for # any purpose. # # GLF tests # # Author: hansen # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- import TestScript scripts = [ { "commentary":""" Morning Test at 4 a.m. """, "name":"GLF_1", "productType":"GLF", "cmdLineVars": "{('Product Issuance', 'productIssuance'): '400 AM', ('Groupings', 'groupings'): 'West 1/2:East 1/2'}", "comboFlag": 0, "checkStrings": ["...STORM WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING..."], "createGrids": [ ("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0, 24, "SR.A", "all"), ], }, { "commentary":""" Morning Test at 4 a.m. """, "name":"GLF_2", "productType":"GLF", "cmdLineVars": "{('Product Issuance', 'productIssuance'): '400 AM', ('Groupings', 'groupings'): 'West 1/2:East 1/2'}", "comboFlag": 0, "checkStrings": [ "WEST HALF", "...STORM WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING...", "EAST HALF", "...HAZARDOUS SEAS WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING...", ], "createGrids": [ ("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0, 24, "SR.A", ["west_half"]), ("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0, 24, "SE.A", ["east_half"]), ], }, { "commentary":""" Morning Test at 4 a.m. """, "name":"GLF_3", "productType":"GLF", "cmdLineVars": "{('Product Issuance', 'productIssuance'): '400 AM', ('Groupings', 'groupings'): 'Entire Lake'}", "comboFlag": 0, "checkStrings": [ "...STORM WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH THIS EVENING..." ], "notCheckStrings": [ "WEST HALF", "EAST HALF", ], "createGrids": [ ("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0, 24, "SR.A", ["west_half"]), ("Fcst", "Hazards", "DISCRETE", 0, 24, "SE.A", ["east_half"]), ], }, ] def testScript(self, dataMgr, level="Site"): gridsStartTime = self.getAbsFromLocal(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0) drtTime = self.getAbsFromLocal(2010, 1, 1, 4, 0) defaults = { "gridsStartTime": gridsStartTime, "drtTime": drtTime, "orderStrings": 1, "internalStrip": 0, } for script in scripts: drtHour = script.get("drtHour", None) if drtHour is not None: script["drtTime"] = self.getAbsFromLocal(2010, 1, 1, drtHour, 0) return TestScript.generalTestScript(self, dataMgr, scripts, defaults, level=level)