The virtual ISC grid is always
the same duration as the Fcst QPF grid. The Virtual ISC
grid is the rate-summation of the ISC QPF grid.
The virtual ISC grid is always
the same duration as the Fcst SnowAmt grid. The Virtual ISC grid
is the rate-summation of the ISC SnowAmt grid.
The virtual ISC grid is always
the same duration as the Fcst MaxT grid. It contains the maximum MaxT
value gridpoint by gridpoint from the ISC MaxT grids valid over the
same period. Normally there is only 1 MaxT grid, except in cases
where the office is in a different time zone or adjacent offices have
configured their MaxT time constraints differently.
The virtual ISC grid is always
the same duration as the Fcst MinT grid. It contains the minimum MinT
value gridpoint by gridpoint from the ISC MinT grids valid over the
same period. Normally there is only 1 MinT grid, except in cases where
the office is
in a different time zone or adjacent offices have configured their MinT
time constraints differently. |
The virtual ISC grid is always
the same duration as the Fcst PoP grid. It contains the maximum PoP
value gridpoint by gridpoint from the ISC PoP grids valid over the same