GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Preference Defaults

There are many preference defaults that can be set from the gfe configuration file.  Many of these may also be set through the GFE GUI too.
GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Image On Active YES NO
Time Scale Lines Visibility YES NO
Editor Time Lines Visibility YES NO
Split Boundary Visibility YES NO
Temporal Editor Overlay YES NO
Temporal Editor Absolute/Relative Mode YES NO
Temporal Editor Statistics Mode YES NO
Temporal Editor Statistics Mode Scales YES NO
Wind Edit Mode YES NO
Weather Combine/Replace Mode YES NO
Missing Data Mode YES NO
Show Warning Dialogs YES NO
Default Contour to Grid Algorithm YES NO
Contour Sub-sample YES NO
Select Grids When Stepping YES NO
Time Scale Displayed Periods YES NO
Contour Tool Representative Color

Move/Copy, Select Area, Contour Drawing Color

Image On Active

Default setting for changing the active grid to an image-type display. This occurs when "Edit Grid" is chosen from the Grid Manager or by setting a parameter active from the legend.

ImageOnActiveSE = yes


Time Scale Lines Visibility

Default visibility setting for showing the time scale lines in the Grid Manager and Temporal Editor.

TimeScaleLines = yes


Editor Time Lines Visibility

Default visibility setting for showing the editor time lines in the Grid Manager and Temporal Editor. The editor time line is always on for the Time Scale.

EditorTimeLines = yes


Split Boundary Visibility

Default visibility setting for showing the split boundary or time constraints in the Grid Manager and Temporal Editor for mutable parameters.

SplitBoundaryDisplay = yes


Temporal Editor Overlay

Default setting for combining like parameters (same units) in the temporal editor when loading parameters.

TemporalEditorOverlay = yes


Temporal Editor Absolute/Relative Mode

Default setting for temporal editor edits. Choices are absolute mode or relative mode which is defined by "yes" or "no".

TemporalEditorAbsoluteEditMode = no


Temporal Editor Statistics Mode

Initial statistics mode for temporal editor range statistics dialog. Choices are "ABSOLUTE", # "MODERATED", or "STANDARD_DEVIATION".

TemporalEditorStatisticsMode = "ABSOLUTE"


Temporal Editor Statistics Mode Scales

Initial minimum and maximum values for scales on temporal editor range statistics dialog in moderated and stadard deviation operation modes (dialog is not shown in absolute mode). Do NOT include a decimal point for moderated mode values, you MUST include a decimal point for standard deviation values.

TemporalEditorStatisticsModeModeratedMin = 15
TemporalEditorStatisticsModeModeratedMax = 15
TemporalEditorStatisticsModeStandardDeviationMin = 1.0
TemporalEditorStatisticsModeStandardDeviationMax = 1.0


Wind Edit Mode

Default setting for editing components of vector parameters. Choices are MAG, DIR, or BOTH.

WindEditMode = "BOTH"


Weather Combine/Replace Mode

Default setting for automatic combining of existing weather/discrete and new weather/discrete when editing. For example, if the setting is yes and existing weather is Rain, then setting the value to Snow will result in a Rain/Snow mix. For discrete, if you setting is yes and the existing discrete value is HiWndWRN, then setting the value to WntStmWRN will result in values of HiWndWRN with WntStmWRN.

WeatherDiscreteCombineMode = no


Missing Data Mode

Default setting for Missing Data Mode. Possible values are: 'Stop' execution of a smart tool if there is missing data and 'Skip' grids for which there is missing data. A User Alert message will report which grids were skipped.
A 'Create' instructs the GFE to supply the missing data grids. A User Alert message will report which grids were created.

MissingDataMode = "Stop"


Show Warning Dialogs

Default setting for showing the dialog box when the user attempts to edit grids when a selection time range is active. Editing grids when a selection time range is active may cause multiple grids to be edited.

ShowTimeRangeWarning = yes

Default setting for showing the dialog box when the user attempts to edit grids without an edit area being set. The behavior is to edit the entire domain.

ShowEmptyEditAreaWarning = yes


Default Contour to Grid Algorithm

Specifies the default contour to grid algorithm. Can be set to "Contour Analyzer" or "Internal SIRS Server".

ContourServer = "Contour Analyzer"


Contour Sub-sample

The Contour Analyzer algorithm can run over a sub-sampled grid to improve performance. This is usually ok since the contour tool is mostly used where there is not much detail due to topography. The value of ContourSubSample is used to divide the x and y dimensions of the original grid to get the dimensions of the sub-sampled grid. So, setting ContourSubSample to 4 would cause the Contour Analyzer to reduce a 400x400 grid to a 100x100 grid for contouring purposes. This can greatly speed up the algorithm. Setting ContourSubSample to 1 will cause no reduction. The default value is 4. If ContourSubSample is set to a value less than or equal to 0 then it will go back to 4. If it is set to a value large enough to make the sub-sampled grid have an x or y dimension less than 5 then it will be reduced so that the minimum dimension for x or y will be 5.

ContourSubSample = 4


Select Grids When Stepping

Specifies whether the selection time range will track the spatial editor time when time stepping.  Time stepping is accomplished using the Toolbar step forward and back buttons or the keyboard shortcuts.  When this preference is enabled (i.e., yes), the selection time range will be set to:
  • the one hour period surrounding the spatial editor time, if there is no active weather element, or
  • the time constraint box for the active weather element, if there is no grid that intersects the spatial editor time, or
  • the valid time of the grid for the active weather element that intersects the spatial editor time.
  • In addition, all weather elements except the active weather element will be deselected.

    When this preference is disabled (i.e., no), the selection time range, and the set of selected weather elements will not change when using the GFE toolbar stepping buttons and keyboard shortcuts.

    SelectGridsWhenStepping = no


    Time Scale Displayed Periods

    Specifies the list of named selection time ranges  that appear on the Time Scale.  The user may change the list through the GFE->Viewing Preferences->Time Scale Periods... menu entry.  The definitions of the time scale periods may also be changed through the GFE->Define Time Ranges menu.

    TimeScalePeriods = ['Today', 'Tomorrow', 'Tomorrow Night', 'Day 3',
      'Day 4', 'Day 5', 'Day 6', 'Day 7']

    Contour Tool Representative Color

    Specifies the display color for the contour tool's contour display.  Default is "White".

    ContourToolDrawing_color = "White"

    Move/Copy, Select Area, Contour Drawing Color

    Specifies the display color for the drawing aspect for the move/copy, select area, and contour drawing tools.  Default is "White".

    Drawing_color = "White"

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