#include #include /* * Fortran prototype (see proto_gemlib.h) */ void gg_maps_ (char *proj, char *garea, char *imgfil, int *idrpfl, int *iret, size_t, size_t, size_t); /* * C prototype (see fortran_wrapper.h) */ void ggc_maps (const char *proj, const char *garea, const char *imgfil, int *idrpfl, int *iret); /* * underscore issue (uscore.h) */ #define gg_maps gg_maps_ void ggc_maps (const char *proj, const char *garea, const char *imgfil, int *idrpfl, int *iret) /************************************************************************ * ggc_maps * * * * This subroutine is a wrapper function for gg_maps. It is used by * * the Java JNA to resolve string size issues. * * * * ggc_maps ( proj, garea, imgfil, idrpfl, iret ) * * * * Input parameters: * * *proj const char Map projection * * *garea const char Graphic area * * *imgfil const char Image file name * * * * Output parameters: * * *idrpfl int Image drop flag * * 0 = No input from user * * 1 = Drop image * * 2 = Do not drop image * * *iret int Return code * * 0 = normal return * ** * * Log: * * T. Lee/NCEP 3/10 C wrapper for GG_MAPS * ************************************************************************/ { *iret = 0; *idrpfl = 0; /* * Call Fortran funtion GG_MAPS */ gg_maps ( (char *)proj, (char *)garea, (char *)imgfil, idrpfl, iret, strlen(proj), strlen(garea), strlen(imgfil)); /*printf ( " strlen(proj) ---> %d\n ", strlen(proj) ); printf ( " strlen(garea) ---> %d\n ", strlen(garea) ); printf ( " strlen(imgfil) ---> %d\n ", strlen(imgfil) ); */ return; }