# # AWIPS II Eclipse Spec File # # --define arguments: # %{_uframe_eclipse} # %{_build_root} # %{_baseline_workspace} Name: awips2-eclipse Summary: AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution Version: 3.6.1 Release: 1 Group: AWIPSII BuildRoot: %{_build_root} URL: N/A License: N/A Distribution: N/A Vendor: Raytheon Packager: Bryan Kowal AutoReq: no provides: awips2-eclipse %description AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution - Contains the AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution. # Turn off the brp-python-bytecompile script %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-python-bytecompile[[:space:]].*$!!g') %global __os_install_post %(echo '%{__os_install_post}' | sed -e 's!/usr/lib[^[:space:]]*/brp-java-repack-jars[[:space:]].*$!!g') %prep # Verify That The User Has Specified A BuildRoot. if [ "%{_build_root}" = "/tmp" ] then echo "An Actual BuildRoot Must Be Specified. Use The --buildroot Parameter." echo "Unable To Continue ... Terminating" exit 1 fi if [ -d %{_build_root} ]; then rm -rf %{_build_root} fi mkdir -p %{_build_root}/awips2/eclipse %build %install # The location of the awips2 eclipse source directory will be # specified as a command line argument. Fail if the specified # directory cannot be found. if [ ! -d %{_uframe_eclipse} ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable To Find The AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution." echo "Unable To Continue ... Terminating" exit 1 fi # Copy the uframe eclipse distribution. cp -r %{_uframe_eclipse}/* %{_build_root}/awips2/eclipse # Copy eclipse.sh to our build-directory. cp %{_baseline_workspace}/rpms/awips2.ade/Installer.eclipse/scripts/* \ %{_build_root}/awips2/eclipse # delete the basemaps and etc links rm -f %{_build_root}/awips2/eclipse/basemaps rm -f %{_build_root}/awips2/eclipse/etc %pre JAVA_INSTALL="" PYTHON_INSTALL="" ANT_INSTALL="" INSTALL_PATH="/awips2/java" if [ -d ${INSTALL_PATH} ]; then JAVA_INSTALL=${INSTALL_PATH} fi INSTALL_PATH="/awips2/python" if [ -d ${INSTALL_PATH} ]; then PYTHON_INSTALL=${INSTALL_PATH} fi INSTALL_PATH="/awips2/ant" if [ -d ${INSTALL_PATH} ]; then ANT_INSTALL=${INSTALL_PATH} fi echo -e "\e[1;34m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m\| Installing the AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution...\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m Java Detected At: ${JAVA_INSTALL}\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m Python Detected At: ${PYTHON_INSTALL}\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m Ant Detected At: ${ANT_INSTALL}\e[m" %post echo -e "\e[1;34m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m\| Creating ADE Eclipse Desktop Shortcut...\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;34m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" ADE_ECLIPSE_SHORTCUT="ade-eclipse" SHORTCUT_OWNER="${USER}" CREATE_SHORTCUT="true" if [ ! "${SUDO_USER}" = "" ]; then SHORTCUT_OWNER="${SUDO_USER}" fi echo -e "\e[1;34m Creating Shortcut For User: ${SHORTCUT_OWNER}\e[m" USER_HOME_DIR="~${SHORTCUT_OWNER}" if [ ! -d ${USER_HOME_DIR} ]; then USER_HOME_DIR="/home/${SHORTCUT_OWNER}" echo " (Assuming User Home Directory Is Under '/home')" fi if [ ! -d ${USER_HOME_DIR}/Desktop ]; then echo -e "\e[1;31m ERROR: Unable To Find The User's Desktop!!!" CREATE_SHORTCUT="false" fi if [ "${CREATE_SHORTCUT}" = "true" ]; then SHORTCUT_TMP="${USER_HOME_DIR}/Desktop/${ADE_ECLIPSE_SHORTCUT}.tmp" SHORTCUT="${USER_HOME_DIR}/Desktop/${ADE_ECLIPSE_SHORTCUT}.desktop" if [ -f ${SHORTCUT} ]; then echo -n " Attempting To Remove The Existing Shortcut ... " sudo -u ${SHORTCUT_OWNER} rm -f ${SHORTCUT} if [ ! -f ${SHORTCUT} ]; then echo -n "SUCCESS" else echo -n "FAILURE" fi echo "" fi sudo -u ${SHORTCUT_OWNER} touch ${SHORTCUT_TMP} sudo -u ${SHORTCUT_OWNER} chmod 666 ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "[Desktop Entry]" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Version=1.0" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Name=ADE Eclipse" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "GenericName=Eclipse" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Comment=IDE" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Exec=/bin/bash -i -c \"xterm -title 'AWIPS II ADE Eclipse' -e '/awips2/eclipse/eclipseShortcutWrap.sh'\"" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Icon=/awips2/eclipse/icon.xpm" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Terminal=false" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Type=Application" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} echo "Categories=Development;IDE;" >> ${SHORTCUT_TMP} sudo -u ${SHORTCUT_OWNER} mv ${SHORTCUT_TMP} ${SHORTCUT} sudo -u ${SHORTCUT_OWNER} chmod 644 ${SHORTCUT} fi echo -e "\e[1;32m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;32m\| AWIPS II Eclipse Distribution Installation - COMPLETE\e[m" echo -e "\e[1;32m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[m" %preun %postun %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(644,awips,fxalpha,755) %dir /awips2/eclipse /awips2/eclipse/* %defattr(755,awips,fxalpha,755) /awips2/eclipse/about.html /awips2/eclipse/artifacts.xml /awips2/eclipse/eclipse /awips2/eclipse/eclipse.ini /awips2/eclipse/eclipse.sh /awips2/eclipse/eclipseShortcutWrap.sh /awips2/eclipse/epl-v10.html /awips2/eclipse/icon.xpm /awips2/eclipse/libcairo-swt.so /awips2/eclipse/notice.html