# # AWIPS II Database Standalone Configuration Spec File # Name: awips2-database-standalone-configuration Summary: AWIPS II Database Standalone Configuration Version: %{_component_version} Release: %{_component_release} Group: AWIPSII BuildRoot: /tmp BuildArch: noarch URL: N/A License: N/A Distribution: N/A Vendor: Raytheon Packager: Bryan Kowal AutoReq: no requires: awips2-postgresql provides: awips2-database-standalone-configuration provides: awips2-database-configuration %description AWIPS II Database Server Configuration - contains the AWIPS II server configuration files optimized for a standalone environment. %prep # Verify That The User Has Specified A BuildRoot. if [ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" = "/tmp" ] then echo "An Actual BuildRoot Must Be Specified. Use The --buildroot Parameter." echo "Unable To Continue ... Terminating" exit 1 fi %build %install mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/awips2/data if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi PROJECT_DIR="Installer.database-standalone-configuration" CONFIGURATION_DIR="rpms/awips2.core/${PROJECT_DIR}/configuration" CONF_FILE="postgresql.conf" cp %{_baseline_workspace}/${CONFIGURATION_DIR}/${CONF_FILE} \ ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/awips2/data %pre # Remove any existing postgresql.conf files if [ -f /awips2/data/postgresql.conf ]; then rm -f /awips2/data/postgresql.conf fi %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} %files %defattr(644,awips,fxalpha,755) /awips2/data/postgresql.conf %defattr(644,awips,fxalpha,700) %dir /awips2 %dir /awips2/data