""" You will need to have freetype, libpng and zlib installed to comile matplotlib, inlcuding the *-devel versions of these libraries if you are using a package manager like RPM or debian. The matplotlib build options can be modified with a setup.cfg file. See setup.cfg.template for more information. """ # distutils is breaking our sdists for files in symlinked dirs. # distutils will copy if os.link is not available, so this is a hack # to force copying import os try: del os.link except AttributeError: pass # This dict will be updated as we try to select the best option during # the build process. However, values in setup.cfg will be used, if # defined. rc = {'backend':'Agg'} # BEFORE importing disutils, remove MANIFEST. distutils doesn't properly # update it when the contents of directories change. import os if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'): os.remove('MANIFEST') import sys major, minor1, minor2, s, tmp = sys.version_info if major==2 and minor1<4 or major<2: raise SystemExit("""matplotlib requires Python 2.4 or later.""") import glob from distutils.core import setup from setupext import build_agg, build_gtkagg, build_tkagg, build_wxagg,\ build_macosx, build_ft2font, build_image, build_windowing, build_path, \ build_contour, build_delaunay, build_nxutils, build_gdk, \ build_ttconv, print_line, print_status, print_message, \ print_raw, check_for_freetype, check_for_libpng, check_for_gtk, \ check_for_tk, check_for_wx, check_for_macosx, check_for_numpy, \ check_for_qt, check_for_qt4, check_for_cairo, \ check_provide_pytz, check_provide_dateutil,\ check_for_dvipng, check_for_ghostscript, check_for_latex, \ check_for_pdftops, check_for_datetime, options, build_png #import distutils.sysconfig # jdh packages = [ 'matplotlib', 'matplotlib.backends', 'matplotlib.projections', # 'matplotlib.toolkits', 'mpl_toolkits', 'mpl_toolkits.mplot3d', 'mpl_toolkits.axes_grid', 'matplotlib.sphinxext', # The following are deprecated and will be removed. 'matplotlib.numerix', 'matplotlib.numerix.mlab', 'matplotlib.numerix.ma', 'matplotlib.numerix.linear_algebra', 'matplotlib.numerix.random_array', 'matplotlib.numerix.fft', ] py_modules = ['pylab'] ext_modules = [] for line in file('lib/matplotlib/__init__.py').readlines(): if (line.startswith('__version__')): exec(line.strip()) print_line() print_raw("BUILDING MATPLOTLIB") print_status('matplotlib', __version__) print_status('python', sys.version) print_status('platform', sys.platform) if sys.platform == 'win32': print_status('Windows version', sys.getwindowsversion()) print_raw("") print_raw("REQUIRED DEPENDENCIES") # Specify all the required mpl data package_data = {'matplotlib':['mpl-data/fonts/afm/*.afm', 'mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts/*.afm', 'mpl-data/fonts/pdfcorefonts/*.txt', 'mpl-data/fonts/ttf/*.ttf', 'mpl-data/images/*.xpm', 'mpl-data/images/*.svg', 'mpl-data/images/*.png', 'mpl-data/images/*.ppm', 'mpl-data/example/*.npy', 'mpl-data/matplotlibrc', 'mpl-data/matplotlib.conf', 'mpl-data/*.glade', 'backends/Matplotlib.nib/*', ]} if not check_for_numpy(): sys.exit(1) if not check_for_freetype(): sys.exit(1) build_ft2font(ext_modules, packages) build_ttconv(ext_modules, packages) build_contour(ext_modules, packages) build_delaunay(ext_modules, packages) build_nxutils(ext_modules, packages) build_path(ext_modules, packages) print_raw("") print_raw("OPTIONAL BACKEND DEPENDENCIES") has_libpng = check_for_libpng() if has_libpng and options['build_agg']: build_agg(ext_modules, packages) rc['backend'] = 'Agg' else: rc['backend'] = 'SVG' if has_libpng and options['build_image']: build_image(ext_modules, packages) if has_libpng and options['build_agg'] or options['build_image']: build_png(ext_modules, packages) if options['build_windowing'] and sys.platform=='win32': build_windowing(ext_modules, packages) # the options can be True, False, or 'auto'. If True, try to build # regardless of the lack of dependencies. If auto, silently skip # when dependencies are missing. if options['build_tkagg']: if check_for_tk() or (options['build_tkagg'] is True): options['build_agg'] = 1 build_tkagg(ext_modules, packages) rc['backend'] = 'TkAgg' if options['build_wxagg']: if check_for_wx() or (options['build_wxagg'] is True): options['build_agg'] = 1 import wx if getattr(wx, '__version__', '0.0')[0:3] < '2.8' : build_wxagg(ext_modules, packages) wxagg_backend_status = "yes" else: print_message("WxAgg extension not required for wxPython >= 2.8") rc['backend'] = 'WXAgg' hasgtk = check_for_gtk() if options['build_gtk']: if hasgtk or (options['build_gtk'] is True): build_gdk(ext_modules, packages) if options['build_gtkagg']: if hasgtk or (options['build_gtkagg'] is True): options['build_agg'] = 1 build_gtkagg(ext_modules, packages) rc['backend'] = 'GTKAgg' if options['build_macosx']: if check_for_macosx() or (options['build_macosx'] is True): build_macosx(ext_modules, packages) rc['backend'] = 'MacOSX' # These are informational only. We don't build any extensions for them. check_for_qt() check_for_qt4() check_for_cairo() print_raw("") print_raw("OPTIONAL DATE/TIMEZONE DEPENDENCIES") hasdatetime = check_for_datetime() provide_dateutil = check_provide_dateutil(hasdatetime) provide_pytz = check_provide_pytz(hasdatetime) if hasdatetime: # dates require python23 datetime # only install pytz and dateutil if the user hasn't got them def add_pytz(): packages.append('pytz') resources = ['zone.tab', 'locales/pytz.pot'] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.join('lib', 'pytz', 'zoneinfo')): if '.svn' in dirpath: continue # remove the 'pytz' part of the path basepath = os.path.join(*dirpath.split(os.path.sep)[2:]) #print dirpath, basepath resources.extend([os.path.join(basepath, filename) for filename in filenames]) package_data['pytz'] = resources #print resources assert len(resources) > 10, 'zoneinfo files not found!' def add_dateutil(): packages.append('dateutil') packages.append('dateutil/zoneinfo') package_data['dateutil'] = ['zoneinfo/zoneinfo*.tar.*'] if sys.platform=='win32': # always add these to the win32 installer add_pytz() add_dateutil() else: # only add them if we need them if provide_pytz: add_pytz() print 'adding pytz' if provide_dateutil: add_dateutil() print_raw("") print_raw("OPTIONAL USETEX DEPENDENCIES") check_for_dvipng() check_for_ghostscript() check_for_latex() check_for_pdftops() print_raw("") print_raw("[Edit setup.cfg to suppress the above messages]") print_line() # Write the default matplotlibrc file if options['backend']: rc['backend'] = options['backend'] template = file('matplotlibrc.template').read() file('lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc', 'w').write(template%rc) # Write the default matplotlib.conf file template = file('lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf.template').read() template = template.replace("datapath = ", "#datapath = ") template = template.replace(" use = 'Agg'", " use = '%s'"%rc['backend']) file('lib/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlib.conf', 'w').write(template) try: additional_params # has setupegg.py provided except NameError: additional_params = {} for mod in ext_modules: if options['verbose']: mod.extra_compile_args.append('-DVERBOSE') print 'pymods', py_modules print 'packages', packages distrib = setup(name="matplotlib", version= __version__, description = "Python plotting package", author = "John D. Hunter", author_email="jdh2358@gmail.com", url = "http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net", long_description = """ matplotlib strives to produce publication quality 2D graphics for interactive graphing, scientific publishing, user interface development and web application servers targeting multiple user interfaces and hardcopy output formats. There is a 'pylab' mode which emulates matlab graphics """, packages = packages, platforms='any', py_modules = py_modules, ext_modules = ext_modules, package_dir = {'': 'lib'}, package_data = package_data, **additional_params )