# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This is a base level file that should not be modified. # Please use the user administration GUI to modify user roles/permissions. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SOFTWARE HISTORY # # Date Ticket# Engineer Description # ------------- -------- --------- ------------------------ # Apr 18, 2017 6288 randerso Initial creation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defined permissions # Permissions must be listed in the permissions section to be available # in the user admin GUI. # # permissionString = Description # NOTE: permission names must use . instead of : due to INI parser limitation # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [permissions] oup.send = Allow sending of Official User Products # Define the description for each role # roleName = description # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [roleDescriptions] OUPUser = Allows sending of Official User Products # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Define the permissions assigned to each role # roleName = perm1, perm2, ..., permN # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [roles] OUPUser = oup:send awipsUser = oup:send