import glob import os import re import shutil import traceback from datetime import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree # Updates the host elements in backupSvc.xml for the VM hostname changes # Run on dv1 # # Author: tgurney def fix(path): print("INFO: Checking " + path) if not os.path.exists(path): print("INFO: " + path + " does not exist. Skipping this file") return with open(path) as f: document = ElementTree.parse(f) root = document.getroot() elements = root.findall('hosts') if len(elements) != 1: print("WARN: " + path + " is invalid, it does not have exactly " + "one element. Skipping this file") return changed = False hosts = elements[0] for host in hosts: for elem in host: if elem.tag == 'name': old_text = elem.text elem.text = re.sub('dx[1-8]-|ec-', 'edexcluster-', elem.text) if elem.text != old_text: changed = True if not changed: print("INFO: No update needed in " + path) return backup_path = path + '.' + datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') print("INFO: Writing backup of " + path + " to " + backup_path) shutil.copyfile(path, backup_path) print("INFO: Writing out updated " + path) document.write(path) def main(): for path in glob.glob("/awips2/edex/data/utility/common_static/site/*/backupsvc/backupSvc.xml"): try: fix(path) except Exception as e: print("ERROR: Failed to update " + path) traceback.print_exc() if __name__ == '__main__': main()