
# Send inquiries to an active task manager
# (see Scientific.DistributedComputing)

# Written by Konrad Hinsen <hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr>
# last revision: 2006-12-12

from Scientific.DistributedComputing import TaskManager
import Pyro.core
import Pyro.naming
import Pyro.errors
from optparse import OptionParser
import os, sys


commands = {}
arg_count = {}

def getTaskManager(label):
    if options.master is None:
            return Pyro.core.getProxyForURI("PYRONAME://TaskManager.%s" % label)
        except Pyro.errors.NamingError:
            print "No name server or no task manager with label %s" % label
            raise SystemExit
            uri = "PYROLOC://%s/TaskManager.%s" % (options.master, label)
            return Pyro.core.getProxyForURI(uri)
        except Pyro.errors.URIError:
            print "No host %s" % options.master
            raise SystemExit
        except Pyro.errors.ProtocolError:
            print "No task manager with label %s" % label
            raise SystemExit

def showInfo(label):
    task_manager = getTaskManager(label)
    active_processes = task_manager.numberOfActiveProcesses()
    waiting, running, finished = task_manager.numberOfTasks()
    print "%d active processe(s)" % active_processes
    if options.verbose:
        for i in range(active_processes):
            print "  %d: %s" % (i, task_manager.activeProcessInfo(i))
    print "%d waiting tasks" % sum(waiting.values())
    if options.verbose:
        for tag, count in waiting.items():
            print "  %s: %d" % (tag, count)
    print "%d running tasks" % sum(running.values())
    if options.verbose:
        for tag, count in running.items():
            print "  %s: %d" % (tag, count)
    print "%d results waiting to be retrieved" % sum(finished.values())
    if options.verbose:
        for tag, count in finished.items():
            print "  %s: %d" % (tag, count)
commands["show"] = showInfo
arg_count["show"] = 2

def listTaskManagers():
    if options.master is not None:
        print "Command 'list' requires a name server"
        raise SystemExit
    pyro_ns = Pyro.naming.NameServerLocator().getNS()
    for label, type in pyro_ns.list("TaskManager"):
        if type == 1:
            print label
            if options.verbose:
                task_manager = getTaskManager(label)
                active_processes = task_manager.numberOfActiveProcesses()
                print "  %d active processe(s)" % active_processes
commands["list"] = listTaskManagers
arg_count["list"] = 1

def runSlave(label):
    task_manager = getTaskManager(label)
        slave_code = task_manager.retrieveData("slave_code")
        directory = task_manager.retrieveData("cwd")
    except KeyError:
        print "No slave code available for %s" % label
        raise SystemExit
    namespace = {}
    sys.modules["__main__"].SLAVE_PROCESS_LABEL = label
    sys.modules["__main__"].SLAVE_NAMESPACE = namespace
    exec slave_code in namespace
commands["slave"] = runSlave
arg_count["slave"] = 2

# Parse command line and execute command
parser = OptionParser(usage="Usage: %prog [options] command [label]")
parser.add_option("-m", "--master",
                  help="hostname of the machine running the master process")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                  help="verbose output")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
    parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")
    command = commands[args[0]]
except KeyError:
    parser.error("unknown command %s" % args[0])
if len(args) != arg_count[args[0]]:
    parser.error("incorrect number of arguments")