
February 18, 2005


Modification Technique


The localVTECPartners.py file is the site-level override for the VTEC active table coordination.  This file overrides one or multiple entries in the VTECPartners.py file.


The localVTECPartners file starts with the two import statements:

import VTECPartners
from VTECPartners import *

Modifications to individual entries are made by repeating the variable name and providing a new definition.  For example, to change the VTEC_MERGE_SITES, the user would add a line similar to the following:


Modification Technique

The modification technique requires the user to create a localVTECPartners.py file in the etc/SITE directory and then override just those elements required.  The localVTECPartners.py file must have the two import statements in the file.  For example, to override the coordination interval, called VTEC_REMOTE_TABLE_FETCH_TIME, to one hour, the localVTECPartners.py file would contain:

import VTECPartners
from VTECPartners import *
VTEC_REMOTE_TABLE_FETCH_TIME = 3600  #in seconds

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