<project> <target name="setup"> <!-- read the properties --> <property file="${basedir}/edex/common.properties" /> <property file="${basedir}/edex/developer.properties" /> <condition property="wa.enabled"> <not><equals arg1="${wa.to.deploy}" arg2="" /></not> </condition> <!-- Determine where we are. --> <!-- actually evaluate the directory instead of using relative pathing. --> <shellscript shell="bash" outputproperty="awips.baseline.directory" dir="${basedir}"> cd ../ dirpath=`pwd` dir=`basename ${dirpath}` if [ "${dir}" = "edexOsgi" ]; then # we are in the distributed development environment cd ../ pwd else # all of the projects are in the workspace or one single directory echo ${dirpath} fi </shellscript> <!-- construct the list of "basedirectories" --> <propertyselector property="baseline.variables" delimiter="${path.separator}" match="dir.([0-9][0-9])" select="\1" casesensitive="true" /> <var name="basedirectories" value="${awips.baseline.directory}" /> <for list="${baseline.variables}" param="index" delimiter="${path.separator}"> <sequential> <propertycopy property="variable.name" override="true" from="dir.@{index}" /> <var name="base.directory" value="${awips.baseline.directory}/${variable.name}" /> <if> <available file="${base.directory}" type="dir" /> <then> <var name="basedirectories" value="${base.directory};${basedirectories}" /> </then> </if> <!-- Loop through the WA directories, if they exist. --> <if> <isset property="wa.enabled" /> <then> <for list="${wa.to.deploy}" param="wa" delimiter="${path.separator}"> <sequential> <var name="wa.base.directory" value="@{wa}/${variable.name}" /> <if> <available file="${wa.base.directory}" type="dir" /> <then> <var name="basedirectories" value="${wa.base.directory};${basedirectories}" /> </then> </if> </sequential> </for> </then> </if> </sequential> </for> </target> </project>