/** * This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, * pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. * * U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA * This software product contains export-restricted data whose * export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination * to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires * an export license or other authorization. * * Contractor Name: Raytheon Company * Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 * Mail Stop B8 * Omaha, NE 68106 * 402.291.0100 * * See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for * further licensing information. **/ INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (1,'Imager Visible'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (2,'Imager 3.9 micron IR'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (3,'Imager 6.7-6.5 micron IR (WV)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (4,'Imager 11 micron IR'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (5,'Imager 12 micron IR'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (6,'Imager 13 micron (IR)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (7,'Imager 1.3 micron (IR)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (8,'Reserved for future use'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (9,'Reserved for future use'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (10,'Reserved for future use'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (11,'Reserved for future use'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (12,'Reserved for future use'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (13,'Imager Based Derived Lifted Index (LI)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (14,'Imager Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (15,'Imager Based Derived Surface Skin Temp (SFC Skin)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (16,'Sounder Based Derived Lifted Index (LI)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (17,'Sounder Based Derived Precipitable Water (PW)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (18,'Sounder Based Derived Surface Skin Temp (SFC Skin)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (19,'Derived Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (20,'Derived land-sea temp'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (21,'Derived Wind Index(WINDEX)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (22,'Derived Dry Microburst Potential Index (DMPI)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (23,'Derived Microburst Day Potential Index (MDPI)'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (24,'Derived Convective Inhibition'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (25,'Derived Volcano Imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (26,'Scatterometer Data'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (27,'Gridded Cloud Top Pressure or Height'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (28,'Gridded Cloud Amount'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (29,'Rain fall rate'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (30,'Surface wind speeds over oceans and Great Lakes'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (31,'Surface wetness'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (32,'Ice concentrations'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (33,'Ice type'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (34,'Ice edge'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (35,'Cloud water content'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (36,'Surface type'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (37,'Snow indicator'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (38,'Snow-water content'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (39,'Derived volcano imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (40,'Low cloud base imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (41,'Sounder 14.71 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (42,'Sounder 14.37 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (43,'Sounder 14.06 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (44,'Sounder 13.64 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (45,'Sounder 13.37 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (46,'Sounder 12.66 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (47,'Sounder 12.02 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (48,'Sounder 11.03 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (49,'Sounder 9.71 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (50,'Sounder 7.43 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (51,'Sounder 7.02 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (52,'Sounder 6.51 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (53,'Sounder 4.57 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (54,'Sounder 4.52 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (55,'Sounder 4.45 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (56,'Sounder 4.13 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (57,'Sounder 3.98 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (58,'Sounder 3.74 micron imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (59,'Sounder Visible imagery'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (60,'Percent of Normal TPW'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (61,'Polar Vis'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (62,'Polar 3.9u'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (63,'Polar 3.7u'); INSERT INTO awips.satellite_physical_elements VALUES (64,'Polar IR');