Color Bar Dialogs

The following dialogs are invoked directly or indirectly from the Button Bar: The SetColorTableRange Dialog and the Color Table Brightness Dialog are invoked via a MB3 pop-up menu from the Color Bar.

Set Color Table Range Dialog

The Set Color Table Range Dialog is accessed from the MB3 pop-up menu on the color bar. Selecting Select Range... displays a dialog that allows you to set the range of the current color table. To set a new range, move one or both of the horizontal slider widgets to define your new range and click OK. The same set of colors will now be defined over this new range, thus modifying the color table temporarily.

Note that each weather element saves the state of the current color table. If you modify a color table, it will remain in that state until explicitly changed or until the parm is unloaded from the GFE. In the latter case, the default color table will be used the next time that weather element is loaded. Currently, you are not allowed to preserve color table changes of this type.

Color Table Brightness Dialog

The Color Table Brightness Dialog is accessed from the MB3 pop-up menu on the color bar, the "Change Color Table To..." entry on the Spatial Editor Legends, and the pop-up menu on the Pickup Value Dialog.

The color table brightness may be varied in 10% steps from 0 to 100%. By default, the brightness is set to 100% upon selection of a new color table.

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