SUBROUTINE plot_indices(stabmap, printsw, soundfile, soundtime, + stnfilter,dev) C*************************************************************** C* plot_indices C* C* This subroutine renders plan-view displays of indices C* computed from nsharp_awc C* C* plot_indices(stabmap, printsw, soundfile, soundtime, stnfilter, dev) C* Input parameters: C* stabmap CHAR* - Values "Map1", "Map2" for two types of C* stability maps. C* Map1 - Displays these parameters: C* STID, LFC, LCL, CAPE, CIN, EL, Sweat C* Map2 - Displays these parameters: C* STID LIFT, K-Index, TOTL, PWAT, CAPE, BRCH C* Map3 - Displays these parameters: C* STID LIFT, K-Index, TOTL, CIN, CAPE, BRCH C* C* The station model described in snmap.hlp is used C* Positions 1,2,4,6,7,8,9 are now being used. C* printsw CHAR* - Values "display, "print". Set the display C* graphics output mode to display or print. C* C* soundfile - Name of sounding file C* soundtime - Date/Time of sounding, used for GDATTIM C* dev - PS device with specs of whether to use 17x11 or 8.5x11 paper C* Adapted after SNMAP C* C* Author: Larry J. Hinson, AWC July 2004 C* lhinson 06/15/2005 C* lhinson 05/24/2006 - Updated to add Map 3 C***************************************************************** INCLUDE 'GEMPRM.PRM' CHARACTER *(*) stabmap CHARACTER *(*) printsw CHARACTER *(*) soundfile CHARACTER *(*) soundtime CHARACTER *(*) stnfilter CHARACTER *(*) dev CHARACTER snfile*(LLMXLN), area*(LLMXLN), garea*(LLMXLN), + prminp*(LLMXLN), dattim*(LLMXLN), + colors*(LLMXLN), map*(LLMXLN), title*(LLMXLN), + device*(LLMXLN), proj*(LLMXLN), panel*(LLMXLN), + text*(LLMXLN), levels*(LLMXLN), vcoord*(LLMXLN), + latlon*(LLMXLN), filter*(LLMXLN), + shrttl*(LLMXLN), satfil*(LLMXLN), + radfil*(LLMXLN), lutfil*(LLMXLN), + stnplt*(LLMXLN), imcbar*(LLMXLN) LOGICAL clear C* CHARACTER snfcur*72, arecur*48, datcur*48, voutc*4 CHARACTER pmdset (MMPARM)*4, params*72, colrs*72 CHARACTER parms (MMPARM)*4, times (LLMXTM)*20 CHARACTER prcons (MMPARM)*16, chd (MMPARM)*8 CHARACTER tstn*8, sta*8, ttlstr*80, ttt*72 CHARACTER area1*48, area2*48, ttlinp*72, filnam*72 CHARACTER imgfls(MXLOOP)*132, uprj*72, shrtin*72 INTEGER icolor (MMPARM), iscale (MMPARM) LOGICAL respnd, done, proces, newfil, chrflg (MMPARM) LOGICAL more, morlev, plot, wndflg REAL offset (4), sxplt (LLSTFL), outd (MMPARM) REAL syplt (LLSTFL), data (LLMXDT), rlevel (LLMXLV) REAL filtfc dimension results(200) LOGICAL first uprj = '' area = "us-" garea = '22.7;-117.5;47.7;-63.0' satfil = '' radfil='' imcbar='' dattim=soundtime levels='500' vcoord='pres' snfile=soundfile map='1/1' latlon='' title='1' clear=.true. panel='0' proj='str/90;-100;0/0;2;0;0' filter=stnfilter text='1' lutfil='' stnplt='' C device="ps|/tmp/|11.0;8.5|M" device=dev IF (stabmap .EQ. "map1") THEN prminp='stid;LFCT;SPAC;CAPE;SPAC;LCLT;CINS;EQLV;LIFT' colors='18;2;5;15;3;7;26' title='1/0/'//soundtime// +' LFC(hft AGL) CAPE LCL(hft AGL) CIN EL(hft AGL) SWEAT' ELSE IF (stabmap .EQ."map2") THEN prminp='stid;LIFT;SPAC;KINX;SPAC;TOTL;PWAT;CAPE;BRCH;SPAC;SPAC' colors='18;2;5;15;3;7;26' title='1/0/'//soundtime//' LIFT KINX TOTL PWAT CAPE BRCH' ELSE IF (stabmap .EQ."map3") THEN prminp='stid;LIFT;SPAC;KINX;SPAC;TOTL;CINS;CAPE;BRCH;SPAC;SPAC' colors='18;2;5;15;3;7;26' title='1/0/'//soundtime//' LIFT KINX TOTL CIN CAPE BRCH' ELSE IF (stabmap .EQ. "map4") THEN prminp='stid;CAPE;SPAC;CAPE;SPAC;CINS;CINS;PWAT;DWPT' colors='18;2;5;15;3;7;26' title='1/0/'//soundtime// + ' MUCAPE MLCAPE MUCIN MLCIN PWAT(in*100) MLDWPT(F)' ENDIF proces = .true. CALL IN_BDTA (ier) IF ( PRINTSW .EQ. "print") THEN CALL GG_SDEV ( device, iret ) colors='1' ENDIF C C* Set text. C C CALL IN_TEXT ( text, ier ) CALL GSMODE (2, ier) CALL IN_TEXT (text, iret) IF ( iret .eq. 0 ) THEN CALL GSMFIL ('mepowo.gsf',ier) CALL GSMFIL ('hipowo.gsf',ier) CALL GG_MAPS ( proj, garea, imgfls (1), idrpfl, iret ) ELSE proces = .false. END IF C C* Process filename, winds, and title. C IF ( iret .eq. 0 ) THEN CALL FL_MFIL ( snfile, ' ', filnam, iret ) IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) CALL ER_WMSG ( 'FL', iret, +' ', ier ) snfcur = ' ' CALL SNMFIL ( filnam, snfcur, iflno, newfil, pmdset, + npmdst, ivert, iret ) END IF IF ( iret .ne. 0 ) proces = .false. CALL IN_FILT ( filter, filtfc, ier ) C CALL TB_PARM ( prminp, params, colrs, iret ) IF ( iret .lt. 0 ) THEN CALL ER_WMSG ( 'TB', iret, ' ', ier ) proces = .false. ELSE IF ( iret .eq. 2 ) THEN params = prminp colrs = colors ELSE IF ( colors .ne. ' ' ) colrs = colors END IF IF ( proces ) THEN CALL SNMLEV ( iflno, levels, vcoord, ivert, nlev, + rlevel, voutc, lvert, iret ) IF ( ( iret .ne. 0 ) .or. ( nlev .eq. 0 ) ) + proces = .false. END IF C IF ( proces ) THEN C C* Process parameter names. C CALL SNMPRM ( newfil, params, pmdset, npmdst, + parms, chrflg, ncprm, + prcons, wndflg, iret ) C C* Determine whether any data will be plotted. C IF ( ncprm .eq. 0 ) THEN plot = .false. ELSE plot = .true. END IF IF ( ncprm .gt. 0 ) + CALL SNMCLR (ncprm, parms, colrs, icolor, ier) END IF C C* Get offsets for filtering C IF ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) .and. plot .and. proces ) + CALL SNMCOF ( ncprm, parms, wndflg, + filtfc, offset, ier ) C C* Set area and get times to be processed. C IF ( proces ) THEN ipos2 = INDEX ( area, '/' ) IF ( area (1:1) .eq. '@' .and. ( ipos2 .gt. 4 ) ) THEN area1 = area ( :ipos2-1 ) area2 = area ( ipos2+1: ) iloop = 1 ELSE area1 = area iloop = 2 END IF CALL LC_UARE ( area1, newfil, iflno, arecur, tstn, + ier ) IF ( ier .ne. 0 ) proces = .false. C* CALL SNMDAT ( dattim, iflno, newfil, datcur, ntime, + times, ier ) IF ( ier .ne. 0 ) proces = .false. END IF C C* Begin processing if inputs are ok. C IF ( proces ) THEN C C* For projection = SAT or RAD, make sure we only display as C* many times as we have images for. C IF ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'SAT' .or. + uprj (1:3) .eq. 'RAD' ) + ntime = MIN ( ntime, numimg ) C C* Loop over times. C ipass = 1 itime = 1 more = .true. C DO WHILE ( more ) C C* Set the projection, garea for SAT (for each plot) C IF ( uprj (1:3) .eq. 'SAT' .or. + uprj (1:3) .eq. 'RAD' ) THEN CALL GG_MAPS ( proj, garea, imgfls (itime), + idrpfl, iret ) IF (iret .ne. 0) more = .false. END IF C C* Set the current pixmap. C* If this is the first time, go to the first pixmap. C* If it is not the first time, go to the next pixmap. C IF ( more ) THEN IF ( itime .eq. 1 ) THEN first = .true. CALL GSTANM ( iret ) ELSE first = .false. CALL GSPLOT ( iret ) END IF END IF nplot = 0 CALL SN_STIM ( iflno, times (itime), ier ) C C* Loop over levels. C ilevl = 1 morlev = .true. DO WHILE ( morlev ) CALL SN_BEGS ( iflno, ier ) vlevel = rlevel ( ilevl ) iopt=0 ipass = ipass + 1 IF ( iopt .lt. 0 ) THEN more = .false. morlev = .false. END IF C C* Process clear, define panel, set up C* filtering and draw map. C IF ( more ) THEN IF ( clear ) CALL GCLEAR ( iret ) C C* Set the panel C CALL GG_PANL ( panel, ier ) C C* Apply LUT file C IF ( itime .eq. 1 ) CALL IM_LUTF ( lutfil, ier ) C C* Draw map, lat/lon lines, and station ID/marker. C CALL GG_MAP ( map, ier ) CALL GG_LTLN ( latlon, ier ) CALL GG_SPLT ( stnplt, ier ) C* Flush the graphics buffer. C C* Set up filtering. C C* Set up filtering. C IF ( ( filtfc .ne. 0. ) .and. plot ) THEN DO m = 1, LLSTFL sxplt (m) = RMISSD syplt (m) = RMISSD END DO END IF C C* For special plotting, change the area on the C* second time through. C DO lll = iloop, 2 IF (( lll .eq. 2 ) .and. ( iloop .eq. 1 )) THEN CALL LC_UARE ( area2, newfil, iflno, + arecur, tstn, ier ) IF ( ier .ne. 0 ) plot = .false. END IF C C* Station loop. C iout = 0 DO WHILE ( plot .and. ( iout .eq. 0 )) CALL SN_SNXT ( iflno, sta, id, slat, + slon, selv, iout ) IF ( iout .eq. 0 ) THEN C C* Get the data. C CALL SN_RDAT ( iflno, numlev, data, + ihhmm, ier ) C C* Filter, first parm filter and C* second sta filter, if requested. C IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN ispri = 0 CALL PC_SSTN ( sta, id, slat, slon, selv, + ispri, ihhmm, numlev, ier ) CALL PC_CMVS ( vlevel, lvert, data, + outd, chd, ier ) IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN CALL GTRANS ( 'M', 'P', 1, slat, + slon, sx, sy, ier2 ) END IF END IF C* IF ( ( ier .eq. 0 ) .and. (filtfc .ne. 0.) + .and. ( lll .eq. 2 ) ) THEN CALL SNMOVR ( sx, sy, sxplt, syplt, + nplot, offset, ier ) END IF IF ( ier .eq. 0 .and. filtfc .ne. 0. ) THEN C C* Save x/y for no overlap. C nplot = nplot + 1 sxplt (nplot) = sx syplt (nplot) = sy END IF C C* Plot if we are ok to here. C IF ( ier .eq. 0 ) THEN CALL calc_vals(numlev, data, results) C C* Grouping the station model as group type 10. C igroup = 10 CALL GSGRP (igroup, iret ) IF (stabmap .eq. "map1") THEN outd(1)=-9999. IF (results(8)>0) THEN outd(2)=INT(results(8)/100.0+.5); ENDIF outd(3)=-9999. outd(4)=results(5) outd(5)=-9999. IF (results(7)>0) THEN outd(6)=INT(results(7)/100.0+.5); ENDIF outd(7)=results(10) IF (results(9)>0) THEN outd(8)=INT(results(9)/100.0+.5); ENDIF outd(9)=results(11) ELSE IF (stabmap .eq. "map2") THEN outd(1)=-9999. outd(2)=results(1) outd(3)=-9999. outd(4)=results(2) outd(5)=-9999. outd(6)=results(3) outd(7)=results(4)*100 outd(8)=results(5) outd(9)=results(6) ELSE IF (stabmap .eq. "map3") THEN outd(1)=-9999. outd(2)=results(1) outd(3)=-9999. outd(4)=results(2) outd(5)=-9999. outd(6)=results(3) outd(7)=results(10) outd(8)=results(5) outd(9)=results(6) ELSE IF (stabmap .eq. "map4") THEN outd(1)=-9999. outd(2)=results(5) outd(3)=-9999. outd(4)=results(12) outd(5)=-9999. outd(6)=results(10) outd(7)=results(13) outd(8)=results(4)*100 outd(9)=results(14) ENDIF CALL SNMPLT ( icolor, parms, sx, sy, slat, + slon, chrflg, ncprm, outd, + chd, ier ) CALL GEGRP ( iret ) END IF END IF END DO C C* Create and draw the title. C ipbar = INDEX ( title, '|' ) IF ( ipbar .ne. 0 ) THEN shrtin = title ( ipbar+1: ) IF ( ipbar .eq. 1 ) THEN ttlinp = ' ' ELSE ttlinp = title ( :ipbar-1 ) END IF ELSE shrtin = ' ' ttlinp = title END IF C C* Create and draw the title. C CALL IN_TITL ( title, -3, ititl, linttl, + ttlstr, ier ) DO ii = 1, ncprm iscale (ii) = 0 END DO ilvl = NINT ( vlevel ) IF ( ititl .gt. 0 ) THEN CALL GR_MTTL ( ttlstr, '^ @ _', .false., + times (itime), ' ', .true., + ilvl, -1, lvert, ncprm, + prcons, iscale, ' ', ttt, ier ) CALL GSCOLR ( ititl, ier ) CALL GG_WSTR ( ttt, linttl, ier ) END IF C C* Create the short title string. C IF ( clear ) THEN CALL GR_MTTL ( ttlstr, 'UPPER_AIR ^ @ #', + .true., times (itime), ' ', + .true., ilvl, -1, lvert, + ncprm, prcons, iscale, area, + shrttl, ier ) CALL GMESG ( shrttl, ier ) END IF END DO END IF ilevl = ilevl + 1 IF ( ilevl .gt. nlev ) morlev = .false. END DO itime = itime + 1 IF ( itime .gt. ntime ) more = .false. END DO END IF C C* Flush the graphics buffer. C CALL GEPLOT ( iret ) RETURN END