/************************************************************************ * Nxmlib.h * * * * Header file inside the nxmlib library. * * * * * ** * * Log: * * C. Lin/EAI 05/94 * * C. Lin/EAI 1/95 add variable NXManimationStatus * * add NxmQueryAnimationStatus() * * NxmStopAnimation(),NxmRestartAnimation() * * S. Wang/GSC 05/96 add structures bxmInfo and pxmBuf * * S. Wang/GSC 05/97 add NxmBxmBtn_*'s * * S. Wang/GSC 08/97 add NxmLineA() and NxmColrP() * * G. Krueger/EAI 9/97 Remove NxmExitDialog * * S. Wang/GSC 09/97 add NxmMarkA() * * G. Krueger/EAI 10/97 NxmControlBtn->NxmCtlBtn_create * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef Nxmlib_HH #define Nxmlib_HH #include #include #include #define NXMSUCCESS 0 #define MAX_COLOR 33 enum NXManimationStatus_t { NXM_NOLOOP, NXM_LOOPFRWD, NXM_LOOPBACK, NXM_LOOPFRWDBKWD }; typedef struct { int total; /* total number of pixmaps in the loop */ int current;/* index of current pixmap in the loop */ } _NXMpixmapData; typedef struct { Boolean loopfrwd; Boolean loopback; /* NEW */ Boolean loopfrwdbkwd; } _NXManimationFlags; typedef struct { unsigned long first; unsigned long loop; unsigned long last; float max_dwell; } _NXManimationDwell; typedef struct { unsigned long bgColor; unsigned long armColor; unsigned long topShadowColor; unsigned long bottomShadowColor; } _NXMbuttonColor; typedef struct _NXMmenuItem_{ char *label; /* the label for the item */ WidgetClass *class; /* pushbutton, label, separator... */ char *mnemonic; /* mnemonic */ char *accelerator; /* accelerator */ char *accel_text; /* string */ void (*callback)(); /* callback function */ int which_widget; /* the data passed into the callback */ struct _NXMmenuItem_ *subitems; /* submenus */ WidgetList sub_buttons; } _NXMmenuItem; struct bxmInfo { char fgcolor[30]; /* foreground color name */ char bgcolor[30]; /* background color name */ char *sens_bits; char *insens_bits; }; struct pxmBuf { Pixmap snstv; Pixmap insnstv; }; typedef struct { Widget colrFrame[MAX_COLOR]; int selectedFrame; } NxmColrP_t; extern Widget NxmCtlBtn_create(); extern Widget NxmBxmBtn_create(); extern Widget NxmBxmBtn_createMulti(); extern void NxmBxmBtn_setLabel(); extern Widget NxmLineA_create(); extern void NxmLineA_popUp(); extern int NxmColrP_getColorPixel(); extern void NxmColrP_setColor(); extern void NxmColrP_deselectAll(); extern NxmColrP_t *NxmColrP_create(); extern Widget NxmMarkA_create(); extern void NxmMarkA_popup(); #endif