#include "Nxmlib.h" #include "NxmInit.h" #include void NxmCursorChange (parent, shape, color) Widget parent; unsigned int shape; char *color; /************************************************************************ * NxmCursorChange * * * * This function changes the cursor of the widget. * * * * Widget NxmCursorChange (parent, shape, color) * * * * Input parameters: * * parent Widget ID of parent widget * * shape unsigned int ID of parent widget * * color char * color of the cursor * * * * Output parameters: * * Return parameters: * * NONE * * * ** * * Log: * * C. Lin/EAI 05/94 * * S. Law/GSC 09/99 check if cursor has been created * ***********************************************************************/ { int ii; XColor xcolr, ignore; static Cursor cursor[XC_num_glyphs]; static Boolean first = TRUE; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (!NXMisInitialized) { NxmInitialize (parent); } if (first) { for (ii = 0; ii < XC_num_glyphs; ii++) { cursor[ii] = '\0'; } first = FALSE; } if (cursor[shape] == '\0') { cursor[shape] = XCreateFontCursor (NXMdisplay, shape); } XDefineCursor (NXMdisplay, XtWindow (parent), cursor[shape]); xcolr.flags = DoRed | DoBlue | DoGreen; XAllocNamedColor (NXMdisplay, NXMcmap, color, &xcolr, &ignore); XRecolorCursor (NXMdisplay, cursor[shape], &xcolr, &xcolr); }