| Abbreviation | Description | Units | | ---------|:-----|---------- | | 0to5 | t-5Day Mean Hgt | m | | 2xTP6hr | 12Hr Accum Precip from 2 6hr | mm | | 36SHRMi | S=Shear incr > 10kts 3-6km | | | 50dbzZ | 50dbz Hgt for 1 in. Svr Hail | m | | accum_altimeter24 | accum_altimeter24 | Pa | | accum_dewpoint24 | accum_dewpoint24 | F | | accum_dpFromTenths24 | accum_dpFromTenths24 | | | accum_GH12 | accum_GH12 | m | | accum_htMan12 | accum_htMan12 | m | | accum_numMand12 | accum_numMand12 | | | accum_precip1Hour3 | accum_precip1Hour3 | in | | accum_precip1Hour6 | accum_precip1Hour6 | in | | accum_precip6Hour24 | accum_precip6Hour24 | in | | accum_prMan12 | accum_prMan12 | Pa | | accum_rawMETAR24 | accum_rawMETAR24 | | | accum_sfcPress3 | accum_sfcPress3 | Pa | | accum_temperature24 | accum_temperatur24 | in | | accum_tempFromTenths24 | accum_tempFromTenths24 | in | | accum_windDir24 | accum_windDir24 | in | | accum_windSpeed24 | accum_windSpeed24 | in | | ACOND | Aerodynamic conductance | m/s | | adimc | Additional Impervious Area Water Content | % | | ageoVC | Ageo Vert Circ | | | ageoW | Ageo Wind | m/s | | ageoWM | Magnitude Ageo Wind | m/s | | ALBDO | Albedo | % | | Along | Component Along | m/s | | Alt24Chg | Alt24Chg | Pa | | Alti | Altimeter | hPa | | ANCConvectiveOutlook | ANC Convective Outlook | | | ANCFinalForecast | ANC Final Forecast | dBZ | | ANCLayerCompositeReflectivity | ANC Layer Composite Reflectivity | dBZ | | AppT | Apparent Temperature | °F | | AV | Absolute Vorticity | /s | | AV | Vorticity | /s | | BARO | Barometric Velocity Vectors | m/s | | BASSW | Spectrum Width | kts | | BdEPT06 | Max ThetaE Difference (3-6km Min minus 0-3km Max) | K | | BGRUN | Baseflow-Groundwater Runoff | kg/m^2 | | BLI | Best (4 layer) Lifted Index | K | | BLI | Best Lifted Index | K | | BlkMag | Bulk Shear Magnitude | m/s | | BlkShr | Bulk Shear Vectors | m/s | | BMIXL | Blackadar's Mixing Length Scale | m | | BREFMaxHourly | Hourly Base Reflectivity Maximum | dBZ | | BrightBandBottomHeight | Bright Band Bottom Height | m | | BrightBandTopHeight | Bright Band Top Height | m | | BRN | Net Bulk Richardson Number | | | BRNEHIi | 72% Supercell Cases Tornadic | | | BRNmag | | m/s | | BRNSHR | BRN Shear | | | BRNvec | | m/s | | BRTMP | Brightness Temperature | K | | CAPE | Convective Available Potential Energy | J/kg | | CAPEc1 | Prob CAPE > 500 J/kg | % | | CAPEc2 | Prob CAPE > 1000 J/kg | % | | CAPEc3 | Prob CAPE > 2000 J/kg | % | | CAPEc4 | Prob CAPE > 3000 J/kg | % | | CAPEc5 | Prob CAPE > 4000 J/kg | % | | CapeStk | Cape Stack | | | capeToLvl | cape up to level | | | CAT | Clear Air Turbulence | % | | cCape | Computed CAPE | J/kg | | cCin | Computed CIN | J/kg | | CCOND | Canopy Conductance | m/s | | CCP | Cloud Cover | % | | CCPerranl | Cloud Cover Analysis Uncertainty | % | | CD | Drag Coefficient | Numeric | | CDCON | Convective Cloud Cover | % | | CDUVB | Clear sky UV-B Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | CEIL | Ceiling | m | | CFRZR | Categorical Freezing Rain | | | CFRZR | Categorical Freezing Rain | bit | | CFRZRc1 | Chc of Measurable FZRA (Dominant) | % | | CFRZRmean | Categorical Freezing Precip mean | | | CFRZRsprd | Categorical Freezing Precip sprd | | | CIce | Cloud Ice | g/m^3 | | CICE | Cloud Ice | kg/m^2 | | CICEP | Categorical Ice Pellets | | | CICEP | Categorical Ice Pellets | bit | | CICEPc1 | Chc of Measurable IP (Dominant) | % | | CICEPmean | Categorical Ice Pellets mean | | | CICEPsprd | Categorical Ice Pellets sprd | | | Cig | Ceiling Height | | | Cigc1 | Prob Ceiling Hgt < 500 ft | % | | Cigc2 | Prob Ceiling Hgt < 1000 ft | % | | Cigc3 | Prob Ceiling Hgt < 3000 ft | % | | CIn | Convective Inhibition | J/kg | | ClCond | Cloud Condensate | g/m^3 | | CLGTN | Categorical Lightning Potential | | | CLGTN2hr | 2hr Categorical Lightning Potential | | | climoPW | PW % of normal | % | | climoPWimp | Import NARR PW | in | | CloudCover | Cloud Cover | K | | CLWMR | Cloud Mixing Ratio | kg/kg | | CnvP2hr | 2hr Convective probability | % | | CnvPcat | Categorical convective potential | | | CNWAT | Plant Canopy Surface Water | mm | | COCO | Correlation Coefficient | | | CompositeReflectivityMaxHourly | Hourly Composite Reflectivity Maximum | dBZ | | CONUSMergedReflectivity | CONUS Merged Reflectivity | dBZ | | CONUSMergedRHV | CONUS Merged RhoHV | | | CONUSMergedZDR | CONUS Merged ZDR | dB | | CONUSPlusMergedReflectivity | CONUS-Plus Merged Reflectivity | dBZ | | CONVP | Categorical Convection Potential | | | CONVP2hr | 2hr Convection potential | | | Corf | Corfidi Vectors | m/s | | CorfF | Corfidi Vectors-Forward Prop | kn | | CorfFM | Corfidi Vec-Forward Mag | kn | | CorfM | Corfidi Vec Mag | kn | | covCat | Coverage Category | % | | CP | Conv Precip | mm | | CP | Convective Precipitation | mm | | CP12hr | Convective Precipitation(12 hours) | mm | | CP1hr | Convective Precipitation(1 hour) | mm | | CP3hr | Convective Precipitation(3 hours) | mm | | CP6hr | Convective Precipitation(6 hours) | mm | | CP9hr | Convective Precipitation(9 hours) | mm | | CP-GFS | Convective Precipitation for GFS | mm | | CPOFP | Percent of Frozen Precipitation | % | | CPOFP | Probability of Frozen precip | % | | CPOFP | Probability of Frozen Precip | % | | CPOLP | Probability of liquid precip | % | | CPOP | Categorical POP | | | CPOZP | Probability of Freezing Precip | % | | CPOZP | Probability of Freezing Precip | % | | CPr | Condensation Pressure | hPa | | CPRAT | Convective Precipitation Rate | mm/s | | CPrD | Condensation Pressure Deficit | hPa | | CRAIN | Categorical Rain | | | CRAIN | Categorical Rain | bit | | CRAINc1 | Chc of Measurable Rain (Dominant) | % | | CRAINmean | Categorical Rain mean | | | CRAINsprd | Categorical Rain sprd | | | CritT1 | Layer Min Temperature -6C, -10C | K | | CSDLF | Clear Sky Downward Long Wave Flux | W/m^2 | | CSDSF | Clear Sky Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | CSNOW | Categorical Snow | | | CSNOW | Categorical Snow | bit | | CSNOWc1 | Chc of Measurable Snow (Dominant) | % | | CSNOWmean | Categorical Snow mean | | | CSNOWsprd | Categorical Snow sprd | | | CSSI | CO Svr Storm Idx | | | CSULF | Clear Sky Upward Long Wave Flux | W/m^2 | | CSUSF | Clear Sky Upward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | cTOT | Cross Totals | C | | CTSTM | Categorical Tstorm | | | CTyp | Cloud Type | | | CUEFI | Convective Cloud Efficiency | non-dim | | CumNrm | Normalized Cumulative Shear | /s | | CumShr | Cumulative Shear | m/s | | CURU | Cu Rule 0>SKC,-1>SCT,-4<BKN,-6<OVC | | | CW | Cloud Water | g/m^3 | | CWAT | Cloud Water | mm | | CWORK | Cloud Work Function | J/kg | | CXR | Comp Refl | dBZ | | dCape | Downdraft CAPE | J/kg | | defV | Deformation | sec^-1 | | del2gH | | | | df | Duct Function | | | dGH12 | 12hr Height Change | m | | DIABi | Omega from Diabatic Effects | dPa/s | | diam | Feature Diameter | km | | Dir24Chg | Dir24Chg | ° | | DIRC | Current Direction | ° | | DIRC | Surface Current Direction | degree | | dirPW | Primary Wave Direction | | | DIRPW | Primary Wave Direction | deg | | dirSW | Secondary Wave Direction | | | DIRSW | Secondary Wave Direction | deg | | DivF | Frontogenesis Vector Divergence | K/m/s^2 | | DivFn | Fn Vector Divergence | K/m/s^2 | | DivFs | Fs Vector Divergence | K/m/s^2 | | DLWRF | Downward Long-Wave Rad. Flux | W/m^2 | | dP | Pressure Thickness | mb | | dP1hr | 1hr MSL Press Change | hPa | | Dp24Chg | Dp24Chg | °F | | dP3hr | 3hr MSL Press Change | hPa | | dP6hr | 6hr MSL Press Change | hPa | | DpD | Dew Point Depression | K | | DpD | Dewpoint depression | K | | DpDt | Local Pressure Derivative | hPa/s | | Dpress | Pressure Difference | hPa | | DpT | Dew Point Temperature | K | | DpT | Dewpoint temperature | K | | DpTerranl | Dew Point Temperature Error Analysis | K | | DpTerranl | Dewpoint Analysis Uncertainty | K | | DpTmean | Dewpoint Temp mean | K | | DpTsprd | Dewpoint Temp sprd | K | | dPW1hr | 1hr Precipitable Water Change | in | | dPW3hr | 3hr Precipitable Water Change | in | | dPW6hr | 6hr Precipitable Water Change | in | | DSLM | Deviation Of Sea Level from Mean | m | | DSWRF | Downward Short-Wave Radiation Flux | W/m^2 | | dT | Vrt Temp Chg | ℃ | | DthDt | Total Theta Tendency | K/S | | DUVB | UV-B Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | dVAdv | Diff vort Adv | /s\*1.0E9 | | dZ | Thickness | m | | EchoTop18 | 18 dBZ Echo Top | km | | EchoTop30 | 30 dBZ Echo Top | km | | EchoTop50 | 50 dBZ Echo Top | km | | EchoTop60 | 60 dBZ Echo Top | km | | EHI | Energy Helicity Index | | | EHI01 | Energy Helicity Index 0-1km | m\*m/s\*s | | EHIi | Energy Helicity Index | | | ELEV | Ocean Surface Elevation Relative to Geoid | m | | ELEV | Tidal Height | m | | ELON | East Longitude (0 to 360) | deg | | EMSP | MSLP (ETA Reduction) | Pa | | EPT | Equiv Pot Temp | K | | EPT | Equivalent Potential Temperature | K | | EPTA | Equiv Pot Temp Adv | K/s | | EPTC | Equiv Pot Temp Conv | K/s | | EPTGrd | Theta-E Gradient | K/m | | EPTGrdM | Theta-E Grad Mag | K/m | | EPTs | Saturated Equiv Pot Temp | K | | EPVg | Geo Equiv Pot Vort | K/hPa/s | | EPVs | Saturated Equiv Pot Vort | K/hPa/s | | EPVt1 | Instability is Slantwise=S Upright=U | | | EPVt2 | EPV* Instability is Slantwise=S Upright=U | | | ESP | Enhanced Stretching Potential (ML) | | | ESP2 | ESP gamma | | | ETCWL | Extra Tropical Storm Surge Combined Surge and Tide | m | | ETSRG | Extra Tropical Storm Surge | m | | EVBS | Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil | W/m^2 | | EVCW | Canopy water evaporation | W/m^2 | | EVP | Evaporation | kg/m^2 | | FD | Fire Danger | | | FeatMot | Feature Motion | kn | | fGen | QG Frontogenesis | K^2/m^2/s | | FLDCP | Field Capacity | Fraction | | fnD | Qn Div | K/m^2/s | | FnVecs | Fn Vectors | K/m/s | | FRICV | Frictional Velocity | m/s | | FROZR | Frozen Rain | kg/m^2 | | FRZR | Ice Accum | m | | FRZR12hr | 12 Hr Ice Accum | mm | | FRZR6hr | 6 Hr Ice Accum | mm | | FRZRmodel | Model Run Ice | mm | | FRZRrun | Model Run Ice Accum | mm | | fsD | Qs Div | K/m^2/s | | FsVecs | Fs Vectors | K/m/s | | FVecs | Frontogenesis Vectors | K/m/s | | Fzra1 | 850-1000 fz thk | | | Fzra2 | Thickness: FZRA/FZDZ | | | g2gsh | Gate to Gate Shear | kts | | gamma | Lapse Rate | K/m | | gammaE | ThetaE Lapse Rate | K/m | | GaugeCorrQPE01H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE03H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE06H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE12H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE24H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE48H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeCorrQPE72H | QPE - Radar with Gauge Bias Correction (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeInfIndex01HP1 | 1 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex01HP2 | 1 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex03HP1 | 3 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex03HP2 | 3 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex06HP1 | 6 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex06HP2 | 6 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex12HP1 | 12 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex12HP2 | 12 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex24HP1 | 24 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex24HP2 | 24 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex48HP1 | 48 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex48HP2 | 48 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeInfIndex72HP1 | 72 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 1 | | | GaugeInfIndex72HP2 | 72 hour QPE Gauge Influence Index Pass 2 | | | GaugeOnlyQPE01H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE03H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE06H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE12H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE24H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE48H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | GaugeOnlyQPE72H | QPE - Radar Gauge Only (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | GeH | Geometric Height | m | | geoVort | Geo Vorticity | /s | | geoW | Geostrophic Wind | m/s | | geoWM | Magnitude Geo Wind | m/s | | GFLUX | Ground Heat Flux | W/m^2 | | GH | Geopotential Height | gpm | | GH | Height | m | | GH12hour | 12 hour Height | m | | GH2day | 2 day Height | m | | GH5day | 5 day Height | m | | GH_avg | Height Ensemble Mean | m | | GH_perts | Height Perturbations | m | | GH_std | Height Ensemble Std Dev | m | | GHmean | Geopotential Height mean | m | | GHsprd | Geopotential Height spread | m | | GHxSM | Filtered-500km Hgt | m | | GHxSM2 | Filtered-250km Hgt | m | | gOvf | | | | Gust | Wind Gust | m/s | | GVV | Geometric Vertical Velocity | m/s | | GVV | Geometric Vertical Velocity | m/s | | GVV1hr | Mean 1hr Geometric Vertical Velocity | m/s | | H50Above0C | Height of 50 dBZ Echo Above 0C | km | | H50AboveM20C | Height of 50 dBZ Echo Above -20C | km | | H60Above0C | Height of 60 dBZ Echo Above 0C | km | | H60AboveM20C | Height of 60 dBZ Echo Above -20C | km | | HAILPROB | Hail Probability | % | | HC | Hydrometeor Class | | | HCDC | High Cloud Cover | % | | HeightCompositeReflectivity | Composite Reflectivity Height | m | | HeightLLCompositeReflectivity | Low-Level Composite Reflectivity Height | m | | Heli | Helicity | m\*m/s\*s | | Heli | Storm Relative Helicity | m^2/s^2 | | HeliC | Helicity (for > 300J/Kg MLCape) | | | HeliD | Helicity (NCEP Delivered) | m²/s² | | HI | Haines Index | | | HI | Haines Index | Numeric | | HI1 | Haines Stab Term | | | HI3 | HI1 Index Assign | | | HI4 | Moist Term Index Assign | | | HIdx | Heat Index | K | | HIdx | Heat Index | K | | HighLayerCompositeReflectivity | High Layer Composite Reflectivity (24-60 kft) | dBZ | | HIWC | HiWc | K | | HPBL | Height of Planetary Boundary Layer | m | | HPBL | Planetary Boundary Layer Height | m | | HTSGW | Total Significant Wave Height | m | | HyC | Hydrometer Conc | g/m^3 | | ICAHT | ICAO Standard Atmosphere Reference Height | m | | ICEC | Derived Radar Composite | Proportion | | ICEC | Ice Cover | | | ICEC | Ice Cover | Proportion | | ICEG | Ice growth rate | m/s | | ICETK | Ice Thickness | m | | ICI | Icing Severity Index | | | ICIP | Icing Probability | % | | ICMR | Ice Water Mixing Ratio | | | ICNG | Icing Potential | % | | ICPRB | Icing Probability | % | | ICSEV | Icing Severity Index | | | ICSEV | Icing severity | non-dim | | ILW | Int Liquid Water | g/m^2 | | Into | Component Into | m/s | | INV | Height of MaxTw above FrzLvl | ft | | IP | Icing Pot | | | IPLayer | SFC Cold Lyr Probs Toward SLEET | ft | | IRBand4 | Infrared Imagery | K | | JFWPRB9-20 | Fire Wx: Prob Wind >= 17.5 kts and RH < 20% | % | | KDP | Specific Differential Phase | deg/km | | KI | K Index | K | | KI | K Index | K | | L-I | Computed LI | ℃ | | L3EchoTop | Level III High Resolution Enhanced Echo Top Mosaic | kft | | L3VIL | Level III High Resolution VIL Mosaic | kg/m^2 | | LAND | Land Cover (0=sea, 1=land) | Proportion | | LANDN | Land-sea coverage (nearest neighbor) [land=1,sea=0] | | | LAPR | Lapse Rate | K/m | | latitude | Latitude | ° | | LatLon | Earth Location | | | LCDC | Low Cloud Cover | % | | LgSP | Large Scale Precipitation | mm | | LgSP1hr | Large Scale Precipitation(1 hour) | mm | | LgSP3hr | Large Scale Precipitation(3 hour) | mm | | LHF | Latent Heat Flux | W/m^2 | | LightningDensity15min | CG Lightning Density (15 min.) | Flashes/km^2/min | | LightningDensity1min | CG Lightning Density (1 min.) | Flashes/km^2/min | | LightningDensity30min | CG Lightning Density (30 min.) | Flashes/km^2/min | | LightningDensity5min | CG Lightning Density (5 min.) | Flashes/km^2/min | | LightningJumpGrid | Lightning Jump | | | LightningJumpGridMax5min | Lightning Jump Max | | | LightningProbabilityNext30min | CG Lightning Probability (0-30 min.) | % | | LightningProbabilityNext60min | CG Lightning Probability (0-60 min.) | % | | LIsfc2x | Lifted Index Sfc to | ℃ | | LLCompositeReflectivity | Low-Level Composite Reflectivity | dBZ | | LLWSWind | LLWSWind | kts | | LM5 | Bunkers Left-Moving Supercell | m/s | | LM6 | Elevated Left-Moving Supercell | m/s | | loCape | CAPE to 3kmAGL (Tv) | J/kg | | longitude | Longitude | ° | | LowLayerCompositeReflectivity | Low Layer Composite Reflectivity (0-24 kft) | dBZ | | LSOIL | Liquid soil moisture content (non-frozen) | kg/m^2 | | lsrSample | LSR Sample | | | LtgP2hr | 2hr Lightning probability | % | | LtgPcat | Categorical lightning potential | | | LTNG | Lightning | non-dim | | LTNG | Max 1hr Lightning Threat (flashes/km^2) | | | LWHR | Long-Wave Radiative Heating Rate | K/s | | lzfpc | Lower Zone Primary Free Water Content | % | | lzfsc | Lower Zone Secondary Free Water Content | % | | lztwc | Lower Zone Tension Water Content | % | | MAdv | Moisture Adv | (g/kg)/s | | maritimeObscuredSkyIFR | | ft | | maritimeObscuredSkyLIFR | | ft | | maritimeObscuredSkyMVFR | | ft | | maritimeObscuredSkySymIFR | | | | maritimeObscuredSkySymLIFR | | | | maritimeObscuredSkySymMVFR | | | | maritimeObscuredSkySymVFR | | | | maritimeObscuredSkyVFR | | ft | | maritimeWind20T34 | | kn | | maritimeWind34T48 | | kn | | maritimeWind48T64 | | kn | | maritimeWind64P | | kn | | maritimeWindDir20T34 | | deg | | maritimeWindDir34T48 | | deg | | maritimeWindDir48T64 | | deg | | maritimeWindDir64P | | deg | | maritimeWindDirLow | | deg | | maritimeWindGust20T34 | | kn | | maritimeWindGust34T48 | | kn | | maritimeWindGust48T64 | | kn | | maritimeWindGust64P | | kn | | maritimeWindGustLow | | kn | | maritimeWindLow | | kn | | MaxDVV | Max 1hr Downdraft Vertical Velocity | m/s | | maxEPT | Max ThetaE (0-3kmAgl) | K | | MaxGRPL1hr | Max Hourly Graupel | kg/m^2 | | MaxREF1hr | Max Hourly Reflectivity | dBZ | | MAXRH | Maximum Relative Humidity | % | | MAXRH12hr | 12-hour Maximum Rel Humidity | % | | MAXRH3hr | 3-hour Maximum Rel Humidity | % | | MAXUPHL | Max 1hr Updraft Helicity | m^2/s^2 | | MAXUPHL | Max Updraft Helicity | m^2/s^2 | | MaxUPHL1hr | Max Hourly Updft Helicity | m^2/s^2 | | MaxUVV | Max 1hr Updraft Vertical Velocity | m/s | | MAXUW | U Component of Hourly Maximum Wind Speed | m/s | | MAXVW | V Component of Hourly Maximum Wind Speed | m/s | | MaxWGS1hr | Max Hourly Wind Gust | m/s | | MaxWHRRR | Maximum 1hr Wind Gust | m/s | | MaxWind1hr | MaxWind1hr | m/s | | MCDC | Medium Cloud Cover | % | | MCon | Moisture Flux Div | (g/kg)/s | | MCon2 | Moisture Flux Div (Conv only) | (g/kg)/s | | MCONV | Horizontal Moisture Convergence | kg/kg*s^m^2/s | | MergedAzShear02kmAGL | Low-Level Azimuthal Shear (0-2km AGL) | 1/s | | MergedAzShear36kmAGL | Mid-Level Azimuthal Shear (3-6km AGL) | 1/s | | MergedBaseReflectivity | Raw Merged Base Reflectivity | dBZ | | MergedBaseReflectivityQC | Merged Base Reflectivity | dBZ | | MergedReflectivityAtLowestAltitude | Merged Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude (RALA) | dBZ | | MergedReflectivityComposite | Raw Composite Reflectivity Mosaic | dBZ | | MergedReflectivityQCComposite | Composite Reflectivity | dBZ | | MergedReflectivityQComposite | Composite Reflectivity Mosaic | dBZ | | MESH | Maximum Estimated Size of Hail (MESH) | mm | | MESHTrack120min | MESH Tracks (120 min. accum.) | mm | | MESHTrack1440min | MESH Tracks (1440 min. accum.) | mm | | MESHTrack240min | MESH Tracks (240 min. accum.) | mm | | MESHTrack30min | MESH Tracks (30 min. accum.) | mm | | MESHTrack360min | MESH Tracks (360 min. accum.) | mm | | MESHTrack60min | MESH Tracks (60 min. accum.) | mm | | minEPT | Min ThetaE (3-6kmAgl) | K | | MINRH | Minimum Relative Humidity | % | | MINRH12hr | 12-hour Minimum Rel Humidity | % | | MINRH3hr | 3-hour Minimum Rel Humidity | % | | Mix1 | 850-1000 mx thk | | | Mix2 | Thickness: Wintery MIX | | | MIXR | Humidity Mixing Ratio | kg/kg | | mixRat | Mixing Ratio | g/kg | | MLLCL | ML LCL Height | m | | Mmag | Moisture Trans Mag | g·m/(kg·s) | | MMP | MCS Maintenance Probability | % | | MMSP | MSLP (MAPS Reduction) | Pa | | MnT | Minimum Temperature | K | | MnT | Minimum Temperature | K | | MnT12hr | 12-hr Minimum Temperature | K | | MnT3hr | 3-hr Minimum Temperature | K | | MnT6hr | 6-hr Minimum Temperature | K | | MnT_avg | Min Temp Ensemble Mean | K | | MnT_perts | Min Temp Perturbations | K | | MnT_std | Min Temp Ensemble Std Dev | K | | ModelHeight0C | Freezing Level Height | m | | ModelSurfaceTemperature | Surface Temperature | C | | ModelWetbulbTemperature | Wet Bulb Temperature | C | | MountainMapperQPE01H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE03H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE06H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE12H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE24H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE48H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | MountainMapperQPE72H | QPE - Mountain Mapper (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | MpV | Saturated Geo Pot Vort | K/hPa/s | | MRETag | Echo Tops | m | | MRMSVIL | Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) | kg/m^2 | | MRMSVIL120min | VIL Max (120 min.) | kg/m^2 | | MRMSVIL1440min | VIL Max (1440 min.) | kg/m^2 | | MRMSVILDensity | Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) Density | g/m^3 | | MSFDi | Isen Moisture Stability Flux Div | (g\*hPa\*m)/(kg\*K\*s^2) | | MSFi | Isentropic Moisture Stability Flux | g·hPa·m/(kg·K·s) | | MSFmi | Isen Moisture Stability Flux Mag | g·hPa·m/(kg·K·s) | | MSG | Mont Strm Func | m | | MSG | Montgomery Stream Function | m^2/s^2 | | msl-P | MSL Pressure | hPa | | msl-P2 | MSL Pressure (2) | hPa | | msl-P_avg | MSL Press Ensemble Mean | hPa | | msl-P_perts | MSL Press Perturbations | hPa | | msl-P_std | MSL Press Ensemble Std Dev | hPa | | MSL1 | MSL1 | ft | | MSL2 | MSL2 | ft | | MSL3 | MSL3 | ft | | MSL4 | MSL4 | ft | | MSL5 | MSL5 | ft | | MSLSA | Altimeter | hPa | | MTV | Moisture Trans Vecs | g·m/(kg·s) | | muCape | Most Unstable CAPE | J/kg | | MultiSensorP1QPE01H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE03H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE06H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE12H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE24H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE48H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP1QPE72H | QPE - Multi Sensor P1 (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE01H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE03H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE06H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE12H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE24H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE48H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | MultiSensorP2QPE72H | QPE - Multi Sensor P2 (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | MXDVV | Max Downdraft Vertical Velocity | m/s | | MXREF | Max 1hr CAPPI | dB | | MXSALB | Maximum Snow Albedo | % | | MxT | Maximum Temperature | K | | MxT | Maximum Temperature | K | | MxT12hr | 12-hr Maximum Temperature | K | | MxT3hr | 3-hr Maximum Temperature | K | | MxT6hr | 6-hr Maximum Temperature | K | | MxT_avg | Max Temp Ensemble Mean | K | | MxT_perts | Max Temp Perturbations | K | | MxT_std | Max Temp Ensemble Std Dev | K | | MXUVV | Max Updraft Vertical Velocity | m/s | | NBDSF | Near IR Beam Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | NBE | Neg Buoy Energy | J/kg | | NDDSF | Near IR Diffuse Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | NetIO | Net Isen Adiabatic Omega | Pa/s | | NLAT | Latitude (-90 to 90) | deg | | NST | Nonsupercell Tornado (>1 NST Threat) | | | NST1 | Nonsupercell Tornado (>1 NST Threat | | | NST2 | Nonsupercell Tornado (>1 NST Threat | | | numLevels | Number of Levels | | | O3MR | Ozone Mixing Ratio | kg/kg | | obscuredSky2IFR | | ft | | obscuredSky2LIFR | | ft | | obscuredSky2MVFR | | ft | | obscuredSky2VFR | | ft | | obscuredSky3IFR | | ft | | obscuredSky3LIFR | | ft | | obscuredSky3MVFR | | ft | | obscuredSky3VFR | | ft | | obscuredSkyIFR | | ft | | obscuredSkyLIFR | | ft | | obscuredSkyMVFR | | ft | | obscuredSkySym2IFR | | | | obscuredSkySym2LIFR | | | | obscuredSkySym2MVFR | | | | obscuredSkySym2VFR | | | | obscuredSkySym3IFR | | | | obscuredSkySym3LIFR | | | | obscuredSkySym3MVFR | | | | obscuredSkySym3VFR | | | | obscuredSkySymIFR | | | | obscuredSkySymLIFR | | | | obscuredSkySymMVFR | | | | obscuredSkySymVFR | | | | obscuredSkyVFR | | ft | | obsWind30T50 | | kn | | obsWind50P | | kn | | obsWindDir30T50 | | deg | | obsWindDir50P | | deg | | obsWindDirLow | | deg | | obsWindGust30T50 | | kn | | obsWindGust50P | | kn | | obsWindGustLow | | kn | | obsWindLow | | kn | | obVis | Obstruction to Vision | | | OGRD | Current Vectors | m/s | | OmDiff | mb between -15C Omega and MaxOmega | hPa | | ONE | One | | | OTIM | Observation Time | | | OZCON | Ozone Concentration | ppb | | OZMAX1 | Ozone Daily Max from 1-hour Average | ppbV | | OZMAX8 | Ozone Daily Max from 8-hour Average | ppbV | | P | Pressure | hPa | | P | Pressure | Pa | | PAdv | Pressure Adv | hPa/s | | PBE | Pos Buoy Energy | J/kg | | PBLREG | Planetary Boundary Layer Regime | | | PEC | Precipitation Potential Placement | in | | PEC_TT24 | 24h Cumulative Precip Potential Placement | in | | PERPW | Primary Wave Mean Period | s | | PERPW | Primary Wave Period | s | | Perranl | Pressure Analysis Uncertainty | Pa | | Perranl | Pressure Error Analysis | Pa | | PERSW | Secondary wave mean period | s | | PERSW | Secondary Wave Mean Period | s | | PEVAP | Potential Evaporation | mm | | PEVPR | Potential Evaporation Rate | W/m^2 | | PFrnt | 2-D Frontogenesis/Mag Fn | K/m/s | | PGrd | Pressure Gradient | hPa/m | | PGrd1 | Pressure Gradient | dPa/km | | PGrdM | Pressure Grad Mag | hPa/m | | PICE | Pecipitating ice content | g/m^3 | | PIVA | Thermal Wind Vort Adv | /s | | pkPwr | Peak Power | dB | | PLI | Parcel Lifted Index (to 500 mb) | K | | PLIxc1 | Prob LI < 0 | % | | PLIxc2 | Prob LI < -2 | % | | PLIxc3 | Prob LI < -4 | % | | PLIxc4 | Prob LI < -6 | % | | PLIxc5 | Prob LI < -8 | % | | PMSL | Pressure Reduced to MSL | Pa | | PMSLmean | Mean Sea Level Pressure mean | hPa | | PMSLsprd | Mean Sea Level Pressure sprd | hPa | | poesDif11u3_7uIR | POES 11u-3.7u Satellite | GenericPixel | | POP | Probability of precip | % | | POP12hr | 12hr precip probability | % | | POP3hr | 3hr precip probability | % | | POP6 | POP 6hr | % | | POP6hr | 6hr precip probability | % | | POP_001 | Prob of .1in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_002 | Prob of .3in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_003 | Prob of .6in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_004 | Prob of 1in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_005 | Prob of 2in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_006 | Prob of .1in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_007 | Prob of .3in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_008 | Prob of .6in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_009 | Prob of 1in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_010 | Prob of 2in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_011 | Prob of .05in/6hr Precip | % | | POP_012 | Prob of .05in/12hr Precip | % | | POP_013 | Prob of 1in/24hr Precip | % | | POP_014 | Prob of 2in/24hr Precip | % | | POP_015 | Prob of 2in/36hr Precip | % | | POP_016 | Prob of 2in/48hr Precip | % | | POROS | Soil Porosity | Proportion | | POSH | Probability of Severe Hail (POSH) | % | | PoT | Potential Temp | K | | PoT | Potential Temperature | K | | PoTA | Pot Temp Adv | K/s | | PPAM | Prob Precip abv nrml | % | | PPAN | Prob Precip abv nrml | % | | PPAS | Prob Precip abv nrml | % | | PPBM | Prob Precip blw nrml | % | | PPBN | Prob Precip blw nrml | % | | PPBS | Prob Precip blw nrml | % | | PPFFG | Probability of excessive rain | % | | PPI | Precipitation Probability Index | % | | PPI1hr | Precipitation Probability Index(1 hour) | % | | PPI6hr | Precipitation Probability Index(6 hour) | % | | PPNN | Prob Precip near nrml | % | | PR | Precip Rate | mm/s | | PR | Precipitation Rate | mm/s | | prCloudHgt | prCLoud converted to Hgt | m | | prCloudHgtHi | prCloudHgt when in hi layer | m | | prCloudHgtLow | prCloudHgt when in low layer | m | | prCloudHgtMid | prCloudHgt when in mid layer | m | | prcp12hr | 12hr probability of 0.01 inch of precip | % | | prcp3hr | 3hr probability of 0.01 inch of precip | % | | prcp6hr | 6hr probability of 0.01 inch of precip | % | | Precip24Hr | Precip24Hr | in | | Precip3Hr | Precip3Hr | in | | Precip6Hr | Precip6Hr | in | | PrecipRate | Radar Precipitation Rate (SPR) | mm/hr | | PrecipType | Surface Precipitation Type (SPT) | | | PRESA | Pressure Anomaly | Pa | | PresStk | Obsolete, replace later | | | presWeather | Present Weather | | | Prob34 | Prob of Wind Speed > 34 knots | m/s | | Prob50 | Prob of Wind Speed > 50 knots | m/s | | Prob64 | Prob of Wind Speed > 64 knots | m/s | | ProbDpT50 | Probability of Dewpoint temp > 50 degF | % | | ProbDpT55 | Probability of Dewpoint temp > 55 degF | % | | ProbDpT60 | Probability of Dewpoint temp > 60 degF | % | | ProbDpT65 | Probability of Dewpoint temp > 65 degF | % | | ProbDpT70 | Probability of Dewpoint temp > 70 degF | % | | ProbVSS10p3Layer | Prob Vertical Speed Shear > 20 kts | % | | ProbVSS10p3Sfc | Prob 0-2kft Shear > 20 kts | % | | PROCON | Probability of convection | % | | PROCON2hr | 2hr Convection probability | % | | PROLGHT | Lightning probability | % | | PROLGHT2hr | 2hr Lightning probability | % | | PRP01H | 1hr MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRP03H | 3hr MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRP06H | 6hr MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRP12H | 12hr MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRP24H | 24hr MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRP30M | 30min MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRPMax | Maximum MRMS Radar-Only ARI | year | | PRSIGSV | Total Probability of Extreme Severe Thunderstorms | % | | PRSVR | Total Probability of Severe Thunderstorms | % | | Psfc | Surface pressure | hPa | | PT3 | 3 hr Pres Change | hPa | | PTAM | Prob Temp abv nrml | % | | PTAN | Prob Temp abv nrml | % | | PTAS | Prob Temp abv nrml | % | | PTBM | Prob Temp blw nrml | % | | PTBN | Prob Temp blw nrml | % | | PTBS | Prob Temp blw nrml | % | | PTNN | Prob Temp near nrml | % | | Ptopo | Surface pressure | hPa | | PTOR | Tornado Probability | % | | PTvA | Pot Vorticity Adv | K/hPa/s\*1.0E5 | | PTyp | Precip Type | | | PTypeRefIP | Prob Precip Type is Refreezing Ice Pellets | % | | pV | Potential Vorticity | K/hPa/s | | pVeq | Equiv Pot Vort | K/hPa/s | | PVORT | Potential Vorticity | m^2*kg^-1*s^-1 | | PVV | Omega | Pa/s | | PVV | Vertical Velocity Pressure | Pa/s | | PW | Precipitable Water | mm | | PW | Preciptable H2O | in | | PW2 | Preciptable H2O >1.4 in. | in | | PWmean | Precipitable Water mean | mm | | PWS34 | Incremental Prob of wind speed >= 34 knots | % | | PWS50 | Incremental Prob of wind speed >= 50 knots | % | | PWS64 | Incremental Prob of wind speed >= 64 knots | % | | PWsprd | Precipitable Water sprd | mm | | qDiv | Div Q | K/m^2/s\*1.0E-12 | | QMAX | Maximum specific humidity at 2m | kg/kg | | QMIN | Minimum specific humidity at 2m | kg/kg | | qnVec | Qn Vectors | K/m^2/s | | QPECrestSoilMoisture | QPE-CREST Soil Moisture | % | | QPECrestStreamflow | QPE-CREST Maximum Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1) | | QPECrestUStreamflow | QPE-CREST Maximum Unit Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1)*(km^-2) | | QPEFFG01H | 1hr MRMS Radar-Only QPE-to-FFG Ratio | | | QPEFFG03H | 3hr MRMS Radar-Only QPE-to-FFG Ratio | | | QPEFFG06H | 6hr MRMS Radar-Only QPE-to-FFG Ratio | | | QPEFFGMax | Maximum MRMS Radar-Only QPE-to-FFG Ratio | | | QPEHPStreamflow | QPE-Hydrophobic Maximum Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1) | | QPEHPUStreamflow | QPE-Hydrophobic Maximum Unit Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1)*(km^-2) | | QPESacSoilMoisture | QPE-SAC-SMA Soil Moisture | % | | QPESacStreamflow | QPE-SAC-SMA Maximum Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1) | | QPESacUStreamflow | QPE-SAC-SMA Maximum Unit Streamflow | (m^3)*(s^-1)*(km^-2) | | QPV1 | QVec Conv | K/m^2/s\*1.0E-12 | | QPV2 | Negative EPV* | K/hPa/s | | QPV3 | QPV Net | | | QPV4 | QG-EPV, RH>75% | | | qsVec | Qs Vectors | K/m^2/s | | qVec | Q Vectors | K/m^2/s | | RadarAQI01H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 1 hour | | | RadarAQI03H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 3 hour | | | RadarAQI06H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 6 hour | | | RadarAQI12H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 12 hour | | | RadarAQI24H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 24 hour | | | RadarAQI48H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 48 hour | | | RadarAQI72H | Radar Accumulation Quality Index 72 hour | | | RadarOnlyQPE01H | QPE - Radar Only (1 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE03H | QPE - Radar Only (3 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE06H | QPE - Radar Only (6 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE12H | QPE - Radar Only (12 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE12Z | QPE - Radar Only (Since 12Z accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE15M | QPE - Radar Only (15 min accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE24H | QPE - Radar Only (24 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE48H | QPE - Radar Only (48 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarOnlyQPE72H | QPE - Radar Only (72 hr. accum.) | mm | | RadarQualityIndex | Radar Quality Index (RQI) | | | RAIN | Rain content | g/m^3 | | Rain1 | 850-1000 ra thk | | | Rain2 | 700-850 ra thk | | | Rain3 | Thickness: Rain Likely | | | Raob | Raob Interleaved Data | | | rawMETAR24Chg | rawMETAR24Chg | ℃ | | RCQ | Humidity parameter in canopy conductance | Proportion | | RCS | Solar parameter in canopy conductance | Proportion | | RCSOL | Soil moisture parameter in canopy conductance | Proportion | | Reflectivity0C | Reflectivity at 0C | dBZ | | ReflectivityAtLowestAltitude | Reflectivity At Lowest Altitude (RALA) | dBZ | | ReflectivityM10C | Reflectivity at -10C | dBZ | | ReflectivityM15C | Reflectivity at -15C | dBZ | | ReflectivityM20C | Reflectivity at -20C | dBZ | | ReflectivityM5C | Reflectivity at -5C | dBZ | | RETOP | Echo Top | m | | RH | Rel Humidity | % | | RH | Relative Humidity | % | | RH_001 | Prob of RH Grtn 70 percent | % | | RH_001_bin | Binary Prob of RH Grtn 70 percent | | | RH_001_perts | Prob of RH Grtn 70 percent Perts | | | RH_002 | Prob of RH Grtn 90 percent | % | | RH_002_bin | Binary Prob of RH Grtn 90 percent | | | RH_002_perts | Prob of RH Grtn 90 percent Perts | | | RH_avg | Rel Humidity Ensemble Mean | % | | RH_perts | Rel Humidity Perturbations | % | | RH_std | Rel Humidity Ensemble Std Dev | % | | RHmean | Relative Humidity mean | % | | RHsprd | Relative Humidity spread | % | | RIME | Rime Factor | non-dim | | RLYRS | Number of Soil Layers in Root Zone | Numeric | | RM5 | Bunkers Right-Moving Supercell | m/s | | RM6 | Elevated Right-Moving Supercell | m/s | | RMGH2 | t-2Day Mean Hgt | m | | RMprop | Right Mover Propagation Vector | | | RMprop2 | Elevated Right Mover Propagation Vector | | | rms | root mean square | kn | | Ro | Rossby Number Vag/Vg | | | RotationTrackLL120min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (120 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackLL1440min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (1440 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackLL240min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (240 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackLL30min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (30 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackLL360min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (360 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackLL60min | Low-Level Rotation Tracks 0-2km AGL (60 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML120min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (120 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML1440min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (1440 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML240min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (240 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML30min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (30 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML360min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (360 min. accum.) | 1/s | | RotationTrackML60min | Mid-Level Rotation Tracks 3-6km AGL (60 min. accum.) | 1/s | | routed_flow | Channel Routed Flow [Low] | | | routed_flow_c | Channel Routed Flow [Combo] | | | routed_flow_h | Channel Routed Flow [Hi] | | | routed_flow_m | Channel Routed Flow [Mid] | | | RR | Reflectivity | dBZ | | RRtype | Radar w/PType | dBZ | | RRV | Radial Velocity | kts | | RSMIN | Minimal Stomatal Resistance | s/m | | RV | Rel Vorticity | /s | | RWMR | Rain Mixing Ratio | kg/kg | | s2H2O_CLIMO | Climatological -SON/DJF/MAM- Snow-to-water ratio | | | s2H2O_GFS | GFS Snow-to-water ratio | | | s2H2O_MEAN | HPC Mean Snow-to-water ratio | | | s2H2O_NAM | NAM Snow-to-water ratio | | | SA12hr | 12 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA1hr | 1 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA24hr | 24 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA36hr | 36 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA3hr | 3 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA48hr | 48 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SA6hr | 6 Hr Snow Accum | mm | | SAcc | Snow Accum via Thickness | mm | | SALIN | Practical Salinity | | | SALTY | Salinity | kg/kg | | SAmodel | Model Run Snow via Thickness | mm | | SArun | Model Run Snow Accum via Thickness | mm | | satCloudPhase | Satellite Cloud Phase[8.5-11.2 um] | K | | SATD | Saturation Deficit | Pa | | satDif11u12uIR | 11u-12u Satellite | GenericPixel | | satDif11u13uIR | 11u-13u Satellite | GenericPixel | | satDif11u3_9uIR | 11u-3.9u Satellite | GenericPixel | | satDivWVIR | IR in WV Satellite | DerivedWV | | satFog | Satellite Fog[3.9-11.2 um] | K | | satMoisture | Satellite Moisture[11.2-12.3 um] | K | | satSnow | Satellite Snow[0.64-1.61 um] | | | satUpperLevelInfo | Satellite Upper Level Info[11.2-6.19 um] | K | | satVegetation | Satellite Vegetation[0.64-0.87 um] | | | SBSNO | Sublimation (evaporation from snow) | W/m^2 | | SBT113 | Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 3 | K | | SBT114 | Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 11, Channel 4 | K | | SBT123 | Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 3 | K | | SBT124 | Simulated Brightness Temperature for GOES 12, Channel 4 | K | | sce | NOHRSC Snow Coverage Elevation | kft | | SCP | Snow Cover | | | SCP | Snow Cover | % | | SCWind | SCWind | m/s | | SDEN | Snow Density | kg/m³ | | SDENCLIMO | Climatological -SON/DJF/MAM- Snow Density | kg/m³ | | SDENGFS | GFS Snow Density | kg/m³ | | SDENMEAN | HPC Mean Snow Density | kg/m³ | | SDENNAM | NAM Snow Density | kg/m³ | | SeamlessHSR | Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (SHSR) | dBZ | | SeamlessHSRHeight | Seamless Hybrid Scan Reflectivity (SHSR) Height | km | | SFCR | Surface Roughness | m | | SH | Spec Humidity | | | SH | Specific Humidity | % | | Shear | Shear (Vector) | /s | | SHF | Sensible Heat Flux | W/m^2 | | SHI | Severe Hail Index (SHI) | | | ShrMag | Shear Magnitude | /s | | shWlt | Showalter Index | ℃ | | SHx | Spec Humidity | g/kg | | SIGHAILPROB | Significant Hail Probability | % | | SIGTRNDPROB | Significant Tornado Probability | % | | SIGWINDPROB | Significant Wind Probability | % | | SIPD | Supercooled Large Droplet Threat | | | SLDP | Supercooled Large Droplet Threat | | | SLI | Lifted Index | K | | SLI | Surface Lifted Index | K | | SLTYP | Surface Slope Type | Index | | SMC | Soil Moisture | % | | SMDRY | Direct Evaporation Cease (soil moisture) | Proportion | | SMREF | Transpiration Stress-onset (soil moisture) | Proportion | | SnD | Snow Depth | m | | SnD | Snow Depth | m | | SNFALB | Snow-Free Albedo | | | SNMR | Snow Mixing Ratio | kg/kg | | SNOL12c1 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 1 in | % | | SNOL12c10 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 24 in | % | | SNOL12c2 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 2 in | % | | SNOL12c3 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 4 in | % | | SNOL12c4 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 6 in | % | | SNOL12c5 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 7.5 in | % | | SNOL12c6 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 8 in | % | | SNOL12c7 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 10 in | % | | SNOL12c8 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 12 in | % | | SNOL12c9 | Prob 12-hr SNOW > 16 in | % | | SNOL12mean | 12-hr Snowfall mean | mm | | SNOL12sprd | 12-hr Large scale Snowfall sprd | mm | | SNOM | Snow Melt | kg/m^2 | | snoRat | | | | snoRatCrocus | Snow Ratio - Crocus/ECMWF | | | snoRatEMCSREF | Snow Ratio: EMC SREF | | | snoRatOv2 | | | | snoRatSPC | Snow Ratio - SPC | | | snoRatSPCdeep | Snow Ratio - SPC 0-3km MaxT | | | snoRatSPCsurface | Snow Ratio - SPCsurface | | | snoRatWPC | Snow Ratio - WPC Mean | | | SNOW | Snow content | g/m^3 | | Snow1 | 850-1000 sn thk | | | Snow2 | 700-850 sn thk | | | Snow3 | Thickness: Snow Likely | | | snowd3hr | 3hr Snow Depth | m | | snowd6hr | 6hr Snow Depth | m | | SNOWLVL | Snow Level | m | | SnowT | Preferred Ice Growth | K | | SNSQ | Snow Sql Parameter | | | SNW | Sect Norm Wind | m/s | | SNWA | Ageo Sect Norm Wind | kn | | SOILM | Soil Moisture Content | kg/m^2 | | SOILW | Volumetric Soil Moisture Content | Proportion | | SOTYP | Soil Type | | | SPAcc | Storm Total Precip | mm | | SPBARO | Barotropic Velocity | m/s | | SPC | Current Speed | m/s | | SPC | Surface Current Speed | m/s | | Spd24Chg | Spd24Chg | kn | | sRank | Feature Strength Rank | | | SRMl | Storm Relative Flow Vectors LM | m/s | | SRMlM | Storm Relative Flow Mag LM | m/s | | SRMm | Storm Relative Flow Vecs (Mean Wind) | m/s | | SRMmM | Storm Relative Flow Mag (Mean Wind) | m/s | | SRMr | Storm Relative Flow Vecs (RM) | m/s | | SRMrM | Storm Relative Flow Mag (RM) | m/s | | SSAcc | Storm Total Snow | mm | | SSi | Isentropic Static Stability | hPa/K | | SSP | Significant Severe Parameter | | | SSRUN | Storm Surface Runoff | kg/m^2 | | St-Pr | Stable Precipitation | mm | | St-Pr1hr | 1 hr Stable Precipitation | mm | | St-Pr2hr | 2 hr Stable Precipitation | mm | | St-Pr3hr | 3 hr Stable Precipitation | mm | | staName | StaName | | | stationId | Station Id | C | | stdDewpoint | Std Dewpoint | K | | stdMaxWindSpeed | Std Max Wind Speed | m/s | | stdSkyCover | Std Sky Cover | | | stdTemperature | Std Temperature | K | | stdWindDir | Std Wind Direction | | | stdWindSpeed | Std Wind Speed | m/s | | STP | Sig. Tornado Parameter (>1 Sig Tor) | | | STP1 | Sig. Tornado Parameter (>1 Sig Tor) | | | STRM | Stream Function | m^2/s | | StrmMot | Storm Motion | kn | | StrTP | Strong Tornado Parameter | m/s^2 | | SuCP | Supercell Composite Parameter | | | SUNSD | Sunshine Duration | s | | SuperLayerCompositeReflectivity | Super Layer Composite Reflectivity (33-60 kft) | dBZ | | SVV | Sigma Coordinate Vertical Velocity | /s | | SWDIR | Direction of Swell Waves | deg | | SWdir | Swell Direction | | | swe | NOHRSC Snow Water Equivalent | in | | SWELL | Significant Height of Swell Waves | m | | SWELL | Swell Height | m | | SWHR | Solar Radiative Heating Rate | K/s | | SWLEN | Mean length of swell waves | m | | SWPER | Mean Period of Swell Waves | s | | SWPER | Swell Period | s | | SWSTP | Steepness of swell waves | | | swtIdx | Sweat Index | | | SynPrecip24Hr | SynPrecip24Hr | mm | | SynthPrecipRateID | QPE - Synthetic Precip Rate ID | | | T | Temperature | K | | T | Temperature | K | | T24Chg | T24Chg | °F | | T24hr | 24 hr Temperature | K | | T_001 | Prob of Temp Lstn 0C | % | | T_001_bin | Binary Prob of Temp Lstn 0C | | | T_001_perts | Prob of Temp Lstn 0C Perturbations | | | T_avg | Temperature Ensemble Mean | K | | T_perts | Temperature Perturbations | K | | T_std | Temperature Ensemble Std Dev | K | | Ta | Temperature Anomaly | K | | TAdv | Temperature Adv | K/s | | Tc1 | Prob Temp < O C | % | | TCC | Total Cloud Cover | % | | TCCerranl | Total Cloud Cover Error Analysis | % | | TCICON | Total Column-Integrated Condensate | kg/m^2 | | TCLSW | Total Column Integrated Supercooled Liquid Water | kg/m^2 | | TCOLG | Total Column Integrated Graupel | kg/m^2 | | TCOLI | Total Column-Integrated Cloud Ice | kg/m^2 | | TCOLM | Total Column Integrated Melting Ice | kg/m^2 | | TCOLR | Total Column Integrated Rain | kg/m^2 | | TCOLS | Total Column Integrated Snow | kg/m^2 | | TCOLW | Total Column-Integrated Cloud Water | kg/m^2 | | TCOND | Total Condensate | kg/kg | | Tdef | Total Deformation | /s\*100000.0 | | Tdend | Dendritic Growth Temperatures | K | | Terranl | Temperature Analysis Uncertainty | K | | Terranl | Temperature Error Analysis | K | | TGrd | Temperature Gradient | K/m | | TGrdM | Temperature Grad Mag | K/m | | ThetaE | Theta E | K | | ThGrd | Temperature Gradient | ℃/m | | Thom5 | S-R Flow | | | Thom5a | S-R Flow | | | Thom6 | S-R Flow Suggests Tor Supercells | | | ThP | Thunderstorm probability | % | | ThP | Thunderstorm Probability | % | | ThP12hr | 12hr Thunderstorm probability | % | | ThP3hr | 3hr Thunderstorm probability | % | | ThP6hr | 6hr Thunderstorm probability | % | | ThPcat | Categorical thunderstorm | | | TiltAng | Radar Tilt Angle | deg | | TKE | Turb Kin Energy | J/kg | | TKE | Turbulent Kinetic Energy | J/kg | | Tmax | Layer Max Temperature | K | | TmDpD | Temp minus Dewp Dep | | | Tmean | Temperature mean | K | | Tmin | Layer Min Temperature | K | | Topo | Topography | m | | TORi | BRNSHR,EHI,LRate>3C/km,CIN < 150 | | | TORi2 | BRNSHR,EHI,0-2km LRate > 3C/km | | | TotQi | Isentropic Total Moisture | g·hPa/(kg·K) | | TOTSN | 24hr Snowfall | m | | TOTSN12hr | 12hr Snowfall | m | | TOZNE | Total Ozone | DU | | TP | Precipitation | mm | | TP | Total Precipitation | mm | | TP120hr | 5 Day Total Gridded Precip | in | | TP12c1 | 12-hr POP > 0.01 in | % | | TP12c2 | 12-hr POP > 0.05 in | % | | TP12c3 | 12-hr POP > 0.10 in | % | | TP12c4 | 12-hr POP > 0.25 in | % | | TP12c5 | 12-hr POP > 0.50 in | % | | TP12c6 | 12-hr POP > 1.00 in | % | | TP12c7 | 12-hr POP > 1.50 in | % | | TP12c8 | 12-hr POP > 2.00 in | % | | TP12hr | 12 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP12hr | Total Precipitation(12 hours) | mm | | TP12mean | 12-hr Total Precip mean | mm | | TP12sprd | 12-hr Total Precip sprd | mm | | TP168hr | 7 Day Total Gridded Precip | mm | | TP18hr | Total Precipitation(18 hours) | mm | | TP1hr | 1 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP1hr | Total Precipitation(1 hour) | mm | | TP24c1 | 24-hr POP > 0.01 in | % | | TP24c2 | 24-hr POP > 0.05 in | % | | TP24c3 | 24-hr POP > 0.10 in | % | | TP24c4 | 24-hr POP > 0.25 in | % | | TP24c5 | 24-hr POP > 0.50 in | % | | TP24c6 | 24-hr POP > 1.00 in | % | | TP24c7 | 24-hr POP > 1.50 in | % | | TP24c8 | 24-hr POP > 2.00 in | % | | TP24hr | 24 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP24hr | Total Precipitation(24 hours) | mm | | TP24hr_avg | 24hr Precip Ensemble Mean | mm | | TP24hr_perts | 24hr Precip Perturbations | mm | | TP24hr_std | 24hr Precip Ensemble Std Dev | mm | | TP24mean | 24-hr Total Precip mean | mm | | TP24sprd | 24-hr Total Precip sprd | mm | | TP36hr | 36 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP3c1 | 3-hr POP > 0.01 in | % | | TP3c2 | 3-hr POP > 0.05 in | % | | TP3c3 | 3-hr POP > 0.10 in | % | | TP3c4 | 3-hr POP > 0.25 in | % | | TP3c5 | 3-hr POP > 0.50 in | % | | TP3c6 | 3-hr POP > 1.00 in | % | | TP3c7 | 3-hr POP > 1.50 in | % | | TP3c8 | 3-hr POP > 2.00 in | % | | TP3hr | 3 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP3hr | Total Precipitation(3 hours) | mm | | TP3mean | 3-hr Total Precip mean | mm | | TP3sprd | 3-hr Total Precip sprd | mm | | TP48hr | 48 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP48hr | Total Precipitation(48 hours) | mm | | TP6c1 | 6-hr POP > 0.01 in | % | | TP6c2 | 6-hr POP > 0.05 in | % | | TP6c3 | 6-hr POP > 0.10 in | % | | TP6c4 | 6-hr POP > 0.25 in | % | | TP6c5 | 6-hr POP > 0.50 in | % | | TP6c6 | 6-hr POP > 1.00 in | % | | TP6c7 | 6-hr POP > 1.50 in | % | | TP6c8 | 6-hr POP > 2.00 in | % | | TP6hr | 6 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TP6hr | Total Precipitation(6 hours) | mm | | TP6hr_avg | 6hr Precip Ensemble Mean | mm | | TP6hr_perts | 6hr Precip Perturbations | mm | | TP6hr_std | 6hr Precip Ensemble Std Dev | mm | | TP6mean | 6-hr Total Precip mean | mm | | TP6sprd | 6-hr Total Precip sprd | mm | | TP72hr | 3 Day Total Gridded Precip | mm | | TP9hr | Total Precipitation(9 hours) | mm | | TP_ACR | ACR Precip | in | | TP_ALR | ALR Precip | in | | TP_avg | Precip Ensemble Mean | mm | | TP_ECMWF | ECMWF Precipitation | in | | TP_ECMWF12hr | ECMWF 12 Hr Accum Precip | in | | TP_FWR | FWR Precip | in | | TP_HPC | HPC Precip | in | | TP_KRF | KRF Precip | in | | TP_MSR | MSR Precip | in | | TP_ORN | ORN Precip | in | | TP_perts | Precip Perturbations | mm | | TP_PTR | PTR Precip | in | | TP_RHA | RHA Precip | in | | TP_RSA | RSA Precip | in | | TP_std | Precip Ensemble Std Dev | mm | | TP_STR | STR Precip | in | | TP_TAR | TAR Precip | in | | TP_TIR | TIR Precip | in | | TP_TUA | TUA Precip | in | | TPFI | Turbulence Index | | | TPFI | Turbulence Potential Forecast Index | | | TP-GFS | Total Precipitation for GFS | mm | | tpHPC | HPC Precip | in | | tpHPCndfd | Precipitation | mm | | TPmodel | Model Run Precip | mm | | TPrun | Run Accum Pcpn | mm | | TPrun_avg | Accum Precip Ensemble Mean | mm | | TPrun_perts | Accum Precip Perturbations | mm | | TPrun_std | Accum Precip Ensemble Std Dev | mm | | TPx12x6 | 12-6 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TPx1x3 | 3x1 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TPx3 | 3 Hr Accum Precip | mm | | TQIND | TQ Index 12=Cold Pool 17=Embedded Convection | C | | TRANS | Transpiration | W/m^2 | | transparentMaritimeSky | | ft | | transparentMaritimeSkySym | | ft | | transparentSky | | ft | | transparentSky2 | | ft | | transparentSky3 | | ft | | transparentSkySym | | ft | | transparentSkySym2 | | ft | | transparentSkySym3 | | ft | | TransWind | TransWind | kts | | TShrMi | S=0-6km Shear Supports Scells | | | TSLSA | 3 hr Pres Change | hPa | | TSNOW | Total Snow | kg/m^2 | | TSOIL | Soil Temperature | K | | Tsprd | Temperature spread | K | | TSRWE | Total Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent | kg/m^2/s | | Tstk | Temp Stack | K | | tTOT | Total Totals | C | | TURB | Turbulence Index | | | TV | Virtual Temperature | K | | TW | Wet Bulb Temp | K | | tWind | Thermal Wind | kn | | tWindU | U Component of Thermal Wind | kn | | tWindV | V Component of Thermal Wind | kn | | TwMax | Layer Max Wet-bulb Temperature | K | | TwMin | Layer Min Wet-bulb Temperature | K | | TWO | Two | | | Twstk | Wet-bulb Temp Stack | K | | TxSM | Filtered-500km Temp | C | | U-GWD | Zonal Flux of Gravity Wave Stress | N/m^2 | | UFLX | Momentum Flux, U-Component | N/m^2 | | uFX | Geo Momentum | m/s | | ulSnoRat | | | | ULWRF | Comp Refl | dBZ | | ULWRF | Upward Long-Wave Rad. Flux | W/m^2 | | UPHL | Updraft Helicity | m^2/s^2 | | USTM | U-Component of Storm Motion | m/s | | USWRF | Reflectivity | dBZ | | USWRF | Upward Short-Wave Radiation Flux | W/m^2 | | uv2 | Horz Variance | m^2/s^2 | | uW | u Component of Wind | m/s | | uW | U-Component of Wind | m/s | | uWerranl | | | | uWmean | | m/s | | uWsprd | | | | uWStk | U Stack | m/s | | uzfwc | Upper Zone Free Water Content | % | | uztwc | Upper Zone Tension Water Content | % | | V-GWD | Meridional Flux of Gravity Wave Stress | N/m^2 | | VAdv | Vorticity Adv | /s\*1.0E9 | | VAdvAdvection | Vorticity Adv | /s | | VAPP | Vapor Pressure | Pa | | VBDSF | Visible Beam Downward Solar Flux | W/m^2 | | VEG | Vegetation | % | | vertCirc | Vertical Circulation | | | VFLX | Momentum Flux, V-Component | N/m^2 | | VGP | Vort Gen Param | | | VGTYP | Vegetation Type | Integer (0-13) | | VII | Vertically Integrated Ice (VII) | kg/m^2 | | VILIQ | Vertically Integrated Liquid (VIL) | kg/m^2 | | Vis | Visibility | m | | Vis | Visibility | m | | visbyIFR | | mi | | visbyLIFR | | mi | | visbyMVFR | | mi | | visbyVFR | | mi | | Visc1 | Prob Sfc Visibility < 1 mile | % | | Visc2 | Prob Sfc Visibility < 3 miles | % | | Visc23 | Prob Sfc Visibility < 5 miles | % | | visCat | Categorical visibility | | | Viserranl | Visibility Analysis Uncertainty | m | | Viserranl | Visibility Error Analysis | m | | Visible | Visible Imagery | | | VPT | Virtual Potential Temperature | K | | VRATE | Ventilation Rate | m^2/s | | vSmthW | Verticall Smoothed Wind | m/s | | VSS | Vertical Shear Speed | /s | | VSTM | V-Component of Storm Motion | m/s | | VTMP | Virtual Temperature | K | | vTOT | Vertical Totals | | | VUCSH | Vertical u-component shear | /s | | VV | Vertical velocity | m/s | | VVCSH | Vertical v-component shear | /s | | vW | v Component of Wind | m/s | | vW | V-Component of Wind | m/s | | vWerranl | | | | vWmean | | m/s | | vwpSample | VWP Sample | | | VWSH | Vertical Speed Shear | /s | | vWsprd | | | | vWStk | V Stack | m/s | | w2 | Vert Variance | m^2/s^2 | | WarmRainProbability | Probability of Warm Rain | % | | water_depth | Hillslope Water Depth | in | | WaterVapor | Water Vapor Imagery | K | | WATR | Water Runoff | kg/m^2 | | WCD | Warm Cloud Depth Approx.: Frzlvl-LCL Thickness | m | | WD | Wind Direction (from which blowing) | deg | | WD | Wind direction | deg | | WDea | Wind Direction Analysis Uncertainity | deg | | WDEPTH | Geometric Depth Below Sea Surface | m | | WDerranl | Wind Direction Error Analysis | deg | | wDiv | Wind Divergence | /s | | WDmean | Wind Direction mean | deg | | WEASD | Water Equiv accum snow depth | m | | WEASD | Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth | mm | | WGH | 5-Wave Geopotential Height | gpm | | WGH | 5-wave geopotential height | m | | WGS | Wind Gust Speed | m/s | | WGS | Wind Gust Speed | m/s | | WGS1hr | Max 1-hr Wind Gust Speed | m/s | | WGSea | Wind Gust Speed Analysis Uncertainty | m/s | | WGSerranl | Wind Gust Speed Error Analysis | m/s | | WGSMX1hr | Max Hourly Wind Gust | m/s | | WILT | Wilting Point | Proportion | | Wind | Wind | m/s | | Wind_avg | Wind Ensemble Mean | m/s | | Wind_perts | Wind Perturbations | m/s | | Windmean | Mean Wind | kn | | WINDPROB | Wind Probability | % | | WMIXE | Wind Mixing Energy | J | | WndChl | Wind Chill | K | | WS | Wind Speed | m/s | | WSc1 | Prob SFC wind speed > 25 kt | % | | WSc2 | Prob SFC wind speed > 34 kt | % | | WSc3 | Prob SFC wind speed > 48 kt | % | | WSc4 | Prob SFC wind speed > 50 kt | % | | WSc6 | Prob SFC wind speed > 20 kt | % | | WSc7 | Prob SFC wind speed > 30 kt | % | | WSc8 | Prob SFC wind speed > 40 kt | % | | WSerranl | Wind Speed Error Analysis | m/s | | WSmean | Wind Speed mean | m/s | | wSp | Wind speed | m/s | | wSp_001 | Prob of Wind Grtn 40kts | % | | wSp_001_bin | Binary Prob of Wind Grtn 40kts | | | wSp_001_perts | Prob of Wind Grtn 40kts Perts | | | wSp_002 | Prob of Wind Grtn 50kts | % | | wSp_002_bin | Binary Prob of Wind Grtn 50kts | | | wSp_002_perts | Prob of Wind Grtn 50kts Perts | | | wSp_003 | Prob of Wind Grtn 60kts | % | | wSp_003_bin | Binary Prob of Wind Grtn 60kts | | | wSp_003_perts | Prob of Wind Grtn 60kts Perts | | | wSp_004 | Prob of Wind Grtn 30kts | % | | wSp_004_bin | Binary Prob of Wind Grtn 30kts | | | wSp_004_perts | Prob of Wind Grtn 30kts Perts | | | wSp_avg | Windspeed Ensemble Mean | m/s | | wSp_perts | Windspeed Perturbations | m/s | | wSp_std | Windspeed Ensemble Std Dev | m/s | | wSpea | Wind Speed Analysis Uncertainty | kn | | wSpmean | Mean Windspeed | kt | | wSpsprd | Windspread spread | kt | | WSsprd | Wind Speed sprd | m/s | | WVDIR | Direction of Wind Waves | deg | | WVdir | Wind Wave Direction | | | wvHeight | wvHeight | m | | WVHGT | Significant Height of Wind Waves | m | | WVHGT | Wind Wave Height | m | | WVLEN | Mean length of wind waves | m | | WVPER | Mean Period of Wind Waves | s | | WVPER | Wind Wave Period | s | | wvPeriod | wvPeriod | | | WVSTP | Steepness of wind waves | | | wvType | wvType | | | wW | w Component of Wind | cm/s | | wx | Weather | | | zAGL | Height AGL | m | | ZDR | Differential Reflectivity | dB |