GFE/ifpIMAGE Configuration File
Initial GFE Startup Weather Elements, Samples, and Edit Action Lists and Keyboard Shortcuts Configuration

GFE Configuration Item
Applicable to GFE
Applicable to ifpIMAGE
Default Weather Element Load (Default Group) YES YES This is the primary mechanism  for defining the weather elements for ifpIMAGE 
Weather Element Group Ordering YES NO
Default Sample Sets YES YES Defines the initial set of samples to be displayed.
Edit Actions on PopUp YES NO
Keyboard Shortcuts YES NO
Grid Manager Edit Actions YES NO
Edit Area Groups YES NO

Default Weather Element Load (Default Group)

The DefaultGroup item names the weather element group that will be attempted to be loaded when starting the GFE.  A weather element group contains a listing of weather elements and their databases.  If you would like a different group to be initially loaded you have two options. You can change the definition of the default group by loading a desired set of weather elements in the GFE and then saving the group as that specified in the configuration file.  You can also create a new group through the weather element load dialog in the GFE and save it under a different name and then change the DefaultGroup item.

DefaultGroup = "Public"

Weather Element Group Ordering

Provides an order for the weather elements for the group menu.  The user may list an order preference in the list variable 'WEList'.   Any elements not listed in 'WEList', will be listed at the bottom of the weather element group menu in alphabetical order.

WEList = ["FireWx", "Gweight", "Public", "Temps"]


Default Sample Sets

The DefaultSamples item defines the initial set of sample sets that are displayed when starting the GFE.  Create your sample sets through the Maps->Samples menu and store them under a unique name.  Change the entry in the gfe configuration file to identify that sample set.  More than one sample set can be initially loaded if desired by listing each entry separated by a comma.

DefaultSamples = ['DefaultSamples']


Edit Actions on PopUp

This item specifies whether all Smart Tools (screened by the active weather element) will appear on the Spatial Editor button-3 popup menu.  All smart tools (screened by active element) will appear if AllEditActionsOnPopUp = yes.  If set to 'no', a list of smart tools (screened by active element) must be specified to appear on the Spatial Editor button-3 popup menu.

AllEditActionsOnPopUp = yes

AllEditActionsOnPopUP = no
PopUpEditActions = ["Assign_Value","AdjustValue_Down","AdjustValue_Up","Smooth"]


Keyboard Shortcuts

This item keyboard shortcuts. You are allowed up to 200 shortcuts.  IMPORTANT:  You should test your shortcuts on your system as many keys are already bound by the system.  For example, F10 is bound by some Tk widgets to bring up menus. Please note that AWIPS2 replaces the KP_ syntax with the NUMPAD_ syntax, i.e. KP_Add in AWIPS1 becomes NUMPAD_ADD in AWIPS2.

Each shortcut is defined by a list with entries:

  • Shortcut key
  • State of ShortCut key
  • None
  • Ctl  (control key)
  • Alt  (alt key)
  • Shift (shift key)
  • Action type:
  • EditTool
  • Sample
  • Pencil
  • Contour
  • MoveCopy
  • DrawEditArea
  • SmartTool - to execute a smart tool
  • Procedure - to run a procedure
  • Toggle
  • ISC   - to toggle ISC mode
  • TEGM - to toggle temporal editor/ grid manager
  • HorizVert - toggle horiz/vertical layout of GFE
  • Name of the action
  • Examples:

    ShortCut1 = ["F1", "None", "SmartTool","Assign_Value"]              # F1
    ShortCut2 = ["NUMPAD_SUBTRACT", "None", "SmartTool","AdjustValue_Down"] # Keypad -
    ShortCut3 = ["NUMPAD_ADD", "None", "SmartTool","AdjustValue_Up"]        # Keypad +
    ShortCut4 = ["F2", "None", "SmartTool","Smooth"]
    ShortCut5 = ["F3", "None", "Procedure","ISC_Discrepancies"]
    ShortCut6 = ["F5", "None", "EditTool", "Sample"]
    ShortCut7 = ["F6", "None", "EditTool", "Contour"]
    ShortCut8 = ["F7", "None", "EditTool", "Pencil"]
    ShortCut9 = ["F8", "None", "EditTool", "DrawEditArea"]

    ShortCut10 = ["F5", "Ctl", "EditTool", "Sample"]
    ShortCut11 = ["F6", "Alt", "EditTool", "Contour"]
    ShortCut12 = ["F7", "Shift", "EditTool", "Pencil"]

    Grid Manager Edit Actions

    This item specifies what Smart Tools (not screened by the active weather element) will appear on the Grid Manager button-3 popup menu.

    GridManagerEditActions = ["Show_ISC_Area","Show_ISC_Grid","Show_ISC_Highlights"]


    Edit Area Groups

    The Edit Area Groups entry is a list of edit area groups that will initially appear in the edit area and query dialog.  By default, only the Misc group will appear.  The user may set this to Zones to bring up the set of zone edit areas, or any other edit area group name.

    EditAreaGroups = ['Misc']

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