#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Domain File # Original Author(s): Roberto Padilla-Hernandez,Douglas Gaer # Alex Gibbs, Pablo Santos,Tony Freeman # File Creation Date: 06/01/2012 # Date Last Modified: 05/11/13...ag # # Version control: 1.33 # # Support Team: # # Contributors: # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------- Description and Details ------------------------ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # File used to setup a geographical domain for SWAN and WW3 # # ----------------------------------------------------------- #======================================================================== # MOB = # GEOGRAPHICAL DOMAIN, GEOGRAPHICAL RESOLUTION AND OUTPUT TIME STEP = # = # NOTE: RES = spatial resolution in km = # TSTEP = request output time step (not the model time step) = #======================================================================== # export SITEID="MOB" export REGIONID="SR" export NELAT="31.00" export NELON="-85.90" export SWLAT="28.50" export SWLON="-89.10" export RES="1.8" export TSTEP="3" # #======================================================================== # NESTED GRID CONFIGURATION = # = # These nested grids are non-telescopic grids (i.e all of them are = # nested in the outer grid, and get the boundary conditions only from it) = # Later versions of NWPS will either allow for telescopic nesting or = # will be run on an unstructured grid characterized with a fine mesh = # over the nearshore zones and a coarser mesh across the offshore areas. = # = #======================================================================== # # TO DO: Update the domains below to reflect the area/s that you are # interested in (must reside inside of you outer domain defined # above). Also, remember to remove or comment out the remaining # example nests below that were configured for another area. Once # your nests are configured, just toggle the NESTGRIDS to '1' # (Default configuration is off or '0') and you will have control # from the GFE GUI to activate your nests during your runs. # # STATIONARY VS NONSTATIONARY MODE: # # STATN=STA for STATIONARY RUNS, STATN=NON for NON-STATIONARY RUNS. # The default value is NONstationary for CG1 (outer grid) and STAtionary # for the nested grids. Change this only if you know what you are doing. # You can choose STA or NON for a particular nested grid. In general, # if your domain that you define as a nest below is >= 100 km^2, then # set STATN=NON. For the very small domains or nests (<= 100 km^2) # set STATN=STA. # # ACTIVATE NEST/S: default is on for MOB # # NESTGRIDS="0" ... turns off nest options # NESTGRIDS="1" ... turns on nest options # export NESTGRIDS="4" export NESTINCG1="YES" # # NEST 1...Bay export NELATN1="30.85" export NELONN1="-87.65" export SWLATN1="30.15" export SWLONN1="-88.45" export RESN1=".75" export TSTEPN1="3" export STATN1="NON" # NEST 2...Perdido Bay export NELATN2="30.55" export NELONN2="-87.20" export SWLATN2="30.08" export SWLONN2="-87.68" export RESN2=".75" export TSTEPN2="3" export STATN2="NON" # NEST 3...Escam/Pens. Bays export NELATN3="30.65" export NELONN3="-86.78" export SWLATN3="30.10" export SWLONN3="-87.32" export RESN3=".75" export TSTEPN3="3" export STATN3="NON" # NEST 4...Choct Bay export NELATN4="30.55" export NELONN4="-86.07" export SWLATN4="30.15" export SWLONN4="-86.80" export RESN4=".75" export TSTEPN4="3" export STATN4="NON" # # #======================================================================== # SPECTRA OUTPUT LOCATIONS # = # NOTE TO USER: the lat/lon points specified can be changed for any = # arbitrary point of interest within your outer domain defined above. = # One default buoy locations has already been configured for you = # below. Add more as needed. = # # NOTE: These do not have to match NDBC locations. = # #======================================================================== # Spectra points defined as space delimited list of: # "name1:lat1:lon1 name2:lat2:lon2 name3:lat3:lon3 name4:lat4:lon4 ...." # export SPECPOINTS="42012:30.100:-87.600 42040:29.190:-88.290" # #======================================================================== # WAVE TRACKING (and WAVE PARTITION) ON/OFF = # SET: SUBDOMOBN, GEOGRAPH RESOL and TOLERANCE WAVETRACK PARAMETERS = #======================================================================== # IF WAVE TRACKING IS REQUIRED THEN WVTRCK="ON", OTHER WISE SET IT AS "OFF" # IF WVTRCK IS "ON", ADDTIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED, SEE BELOW # export WVTRCK="ON" # # IF WAVE TRACKING IS REQUIRED EXACTLY OVER THE COMPUTATIONAL GRID AND SAME SPATIAL # RESOLUTION: SET WVTONCG="1" # IF USER WANTS TO CHANGE ANYONE OF THE PARAMETERS THEN WVTONCG="0" AND USER MUST GIVE # ALL INFORMATION FOR THE DOMAIN OR SUBDOMAIN AND GEOGRAPHICAL RESOLUTION. # BE CAREFULL, IF THERE IS ANY SPECTRAL OUTPUT LOCATIONS OUT OF THE NEW (REDUCED) DOMAIN # FOR WAVE TRACKING NWPS WILL ABORT. # (This will be changed in a new version, the user can get 1d-spectra but not g-h plots). # export WVTONCG="0" export NELATWT="31.00" export NELONWT="-85.90" export SWLATWT="28.50" export SWLONWT="-89.10" export GEORESWT="4.0" # # PARAMETERS FOR TRACKING ALGORITHM for WVTONCG=0 or =1 THIS IS ALWAYS READ # *CAUTION* CHANGE THEM ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING # RECOMENDED VALUES WVTRKPA="10. 1. 0.25 0.1 10. 1." # dirKnob, perKnob, hsKnob, wetPts, dirTimeKnob, tpTimeKnob export WVTRKPA="10. 1. 0.25 0.1 10. 1." # #======================================================================== # CURRENTS DEFINITION (SEE SWAN MANUAL) = #======================================================================== #export CURRL1="INPGRID CUR ............................." #export CURRL2="READINP CUR ............................." # #======================================================================== # BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (SEE SWAN MANUAL) = #======================================================================== # IF BOUNDARY CONDITIONS WILL BE USED then BOUNDCOND=1, Otherwise =0; # Setting up BOUNDCOND here to zero will permanently disable BCs. # If you leave it as 1 the user will still have the option to disable # them from the interactive Run_NWPS GUI. # export BOUNCOND="1" export FTPPAT1="multi_1" export FTPPAT1B="multi_1" export FTPPAT2="MOB" export NFTPATTEMPTS="3" export WAVECPS="multi_1.MOB52.spec.swan,multi_1.MOB58.spec.swan" # # THE FOLLOWING LINES MUST BE COMMENTED. IF YOU ADD BOUNDARY COMMAND LINES FOR YOUR # DOMAIN, ADD THEM WITH THE "#" AS A FIRST CHARACTER, IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO USE BOUNARY # CONDITIONS (BOUNCOND="0") THEY WILL REMAIN AS A COMMENTED LINES. IF YOU DECIDE TO USE # BOUNDARY CONDITIONS (BOUNCOND="1") NWPS WILL INCLUDE THE INFORMATION IN THE ACTUAL # INPUT FILES WITH NOT COMMENT CHARACTER # #$BOUNDARY COMMAND LINES #BOUN SEG XY 270.9 28.8 270.9 28.5 VAR FILE 0.00 'multi_1.MOB51.spec.swan' 1 & # 0.30 'multi_1.MOB52.spec.swan' 1 #$ #BOUN SEG XY 274.1 28.5 270.9 28.5 VAR FILE 0.00 'multi_1.MOB58.spec.swan' 1 & # 0.50 'multi_1.MOB57.spec.swan' 1 & # 1.00 'multi_1.MOB56.spec.swan' 1 & # 1.50 'multi_1.MOB55.spec.swan' 1 & # 2.00 'multi_1.MOB54.spec.swan' 1 & # 2.50 'multi_1.MOB53.spec.swan' 1 & # 3.20 'multi_1.MOB52.spec.swan.cp' 1 #$ #BOUN SEG XY 274.1 30.0 274.1 28.5 VAR FILE 0.00 'multi_1.MOB61.spec.swan' 1 & # 0.50 'multi_1.MOB60.spec.swan' 1 & # 1.00 'multi_1.MOB59.spec.swan' 1 & # 1.50 'multi_1.MOB58.spec.swan.cp' 1 #$END BOUNSEG