localMaps.py - Map Background Configuration Override
September 25, 2012
localMaps.py Format
Adding new edit areas
Removing edit areas defined in
Modifying the characteristics
of existing edit areas
Placement of the localMaps.py file
Updating Map Shapefiles
The localMaps.py file provides a mechanism for a site to override entries
in the supplied Maps.py file. New edit areas
may be added, edit areas may be removed from the list, and existing edit area
attributes may be changed.
Refer to the Maps.py
for the definition of the edit area attributes and how they are used.
This document will explain how to add, remove, and modify edit areas.
See the server
configuration overview for information on how to make changes that
are supported to the map backgrounds.
localMaps.py Format
Example localMaps.py configuration file
The localMaps.py file must begin with the following line. This line
instructs the software to import all symbols from the primary Maps.py.
Failure to include this line will result in your modifications not being
recognized by the software:
from Maps import *
Adding New Edit Areas
New edit areas can be added through localMaps.py. Refer to
the syntax requirements of defining a map in the Maps.py
document. There is one additional line that is very important to
add (i.e., the append line) in order for the system to recognize the
edit areas. It is also important NOT to duplicate the Python variable
(i.e., the name left of the equals ("=") sign) of any Python variable
the Maps.py file. For example, if a
map is defined as "CWAzones = ..." in Maps.py,
do not create a variable that says "CWAzones = ..." in the localMaps.py
file. Note that this restriction is for adding new edit areas. If you
are overriding the characteristics of edit areas that are already
defined in Maps.py, then you will need to use the same Python variable
Here is an example of including a set of automatic edit areas for counties in Wyoming in group
WYcounties = ShapeTable('County')
WYcounties.name = 'WYCounties'
WYcounties.filter(lambda x : x['state'] == "WY")
WYcounties.editAreaName = ['state','countyname']
WYcounties.groupName = 'WYCounties'
In the above example, edit areas will be generated for
all counties where attribute STATE equals "WY". The generated edit areas will have names of the form
and will be part of the WYCounties edit area group. The very last
line appends this new definition to the list of edit areas to be
Note that if your new map background is using a new shapefile, you
will also need to import the shape file into the maps database.
Refer to section Map Files - Map Background Shapefile Handling
Example localMaps.py configuration
Removing edit areas defined in Maps.py
Removing a map that is defined in Maps.py,
but not desired is easy. Find the Python variable name of the map
you wish to remove by examining Maps.py.
The python variable name is the name to the left of the "equals" ('=')
For example, if you did not want to generate the marine
find the marine zones definition in Maps.py.
There are actually two maps generated. The identifiers are CWAmzones
Mzones. The following text would be included within localMaps.py:
Example localMaps.py
Modifying the characteristics of
existing edit areas
You can modify the following characteristics of the map definition:
- name of the database table (ShapeTable parameter)
- name of the map background (.name line)
- filtering (.filter line)
- generation of edit areas (.editAreaName line)
- group name of generated edit areas (.groupName)
Database Table Name
If you want to change the name of the database table used for edit area generation, you will
need to remove the existing definition and create a completely new map definition.
Name of the Map Background
The format of the line is identical to that found in Maps.py.
Simply repeat the line you want to change and then put the new map name.
For example, if you want to change the CWAzones map name to MyCWAZones,
you would add the following line to localMaps.py:
CWAzones.name = "MyCWAZones"
Note: this name is only used in text formatter definitions in the mapNameForCombinations setting.
Filter Changes
The format of the line is identical to that found in Maps.py.
Simply repeat the line you want to change and then put in the new filter string.
For example, if you want to change the CWAzones filter from all zones for
the CWA to all zones for the state of Ohio, you would add the following
line to localMaps.py:
CWAzones.filter(lambda x : x['state'] == "OH")
You can also use any of the alternate methods of specifying the filter
as described in Maps.py. This
shows much more complex types of filters than this file.
If you want to turn filtering off completely for a map, you will need
to remove the existing definition and create a completely new map definition.
Attribute names in the database are all stored in lower case.
Generation of Edit Area Changes
Name Changes
The format of the line is identical to that found in Maps.py.
Simply repeat the line you want to change and then put in the new editAreaName definition.
For example if you want the edit areas to be named using the contents of the 'cwa' attribute
of the database record you would add the following line ot localMaps.py:
CWAzones.editAreaName = 'cwa'
For detailed examples of editAreaName configuration refer to Maps.py.
Note: if the generated edit area names are not unique undesirable results may occur.
Group Name for the Edit Areas
To have the generated edit areas included in an edit area group simply supply the group name as a string.
CWAzones.groupName = 'MyZones'
If you don't want the edit areas to be included in a group supply an empty string:
CWAzones.groupName = ''
Example localMaps.py configuration
Placement of the localMaps.py file
The localMaps.py file should always be placed in the /awips2/edex/data/utility/edex_static/site/OAX/config/gfe/
directory on dx3/dx4
as explained here.
Updating Map Shapefiles
Map shape file updates must be imported into the maps database using the importShapeFile.sh script on dx1.
Refer to section Map Files - Map Background Shapefile Handling