#ifndef GAGEQC_DEFS_H #define GAGEQC_DEFS_H /******************************************************************************* * FILENAME: gageqc_defs.h * DESCRIPTION: Contains constants used by the QPEmapper application. * * ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Bryon Lawrence * CREATION DATE: January 9, 2006 * ORGANIZATION: HSEB OHD11 * MACHINE: Linux * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * DATE PROGRAMMER DESCRIPTION/REASON * 1/9/2006 Bryon Lawrence Created. ******************************************************************************** */ #define DEFAULT_ENDING_6HOUR_OBS_TIME 6 /* The default ending obs time for temperature and freezing level data. */ #define MAX_GAGEQC_BASINS 2000 /* The maximum number of basins that may be defined for an office. */ #define MAX_GAGEQC_DAYS 10 /* The maximum number of days DailyQC may be run for. */ #define MAX_GAGEQC_WFOS 20 /* The maximum number of WFOs in the RFC area. */ #define NUM_COLORMAP_LEVELS 16 /* The number of colors in the color map. */ #define NUM_CONSISTENCY_LEVELS 3 /* The number of levels in the spatial consistency check. */ #define GAGEQC_AREANAME_LEN 100 /* The max length of the DQC area name. */ #define GAGEQC_FILENAME_LEN 150 /* The length of a gageqc file path and name. */ #define GAGEQC_MESSAGE_LEN 256 /* The length of a gageqc message. */ #define GAGEQC_TOPO_BUF 100 #define MAX_FREEZING_STATIONS 20000 /* The maximum number of freezing stations. */ #define LOG_MESSAGE_LEN 150 /* The max length of a log message. */ #define MAX_STATION_RECORD_LEN 200 /* The max length of a record in the station file list record. */ #define QPEMAPPER_SITE_NAME_LEN 20 /* The max length of a site name in QPEmapper. */ #define GAGE_ID_LEN 8 #define MESSAGE_LEN 512 #define HHMMSS_LEN 8 #define YYYYMMDDHH_LEN 10 #define FNAME_LEN 128 #define TOKEN_VALUE_LEN 512 #define MAX_TOKEN_SIZE 250 #define PEDTSEP_LEN 8 #define MAX_GAGEQC_TYPE 9 #define DEFAULT_MAX_PRECIP_NEIGHBORS 30 #define DEFAULT_MAX_TEMP_NEIGHBORS 20 #define DEFAULT_PRECIP_DEVIATION 3.0 #define DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_DEVIATION 10.0 #define DEFAULT_MIN_GOOD_STATIONS 5 #define DEFAULT_DQC_COPY_TO_IHFS 0 #define DEFAULT_DQC_COPY_TO_ARCHIVE 0 #define DEFAULT_SAVE_NETCDF 0 #define DEFAULT_SAVE_GRIB 0 #define DAILYQC_FAILED 1 #define DAILYQC_OK 0 #define NUM_QCTYPE 3 struct _dqc_run_date { int dqc_data_year; int dqc_data_month; int dqc_data_day; int dqc_num_days; }; struct _dqc_run_date dqc_run_date; struct _dqc_run_date dqc_run_date_new; #endif