#!/usr/local/viz/python/bin/python # # Author: M. Oberfield # Date: 31 March 2009 # Purpose: To validate proper functioning of TAF Decoder OB9.2 # import os, pprint, re, sys, sets, time, types import TafDecoder # # 06Z Wind checks # 07Z Visibility checks # 08Z Sky checks # 09Z Obvis checks # 10Z Wx checks # 11Z LLWS checks # Additional NWSI 10-813 checks # Tests = [ { 'text':"""TAF KBOS D10600Z D106/D218 360200KT P6SM SKC FMD10603 36001G01KT P6SM SKC FMD10606 36001G00KT P6SM SKC FMD10609 36001G32KT P6SM SKC FMD10612 VRB10KT P6SM SKC FMD10615 00003KT P6SM SKC FMD10618 01000KT P6SM SKC FMD10621 37010KT P6SM SKC FMD10624 01510KT P6SM SKC FMD10627 010100KT P6SM SKC FMD10700 00000KT 1 1/4SM VA SKC FMD10703 00000KT 1 3/4SM VA SKC FMD10800 00000KT P6SM FEW001 FEW001 FMD10803 00000KT P6SM FEW002 FEW001 FMD10806 00000KT P6SM SCT001 FEW002 FMD10809 00000KT P6SM CLR FMD10812 00000KT P6SM OVC001 OVC002 FMD10815 00000KT P6SM FEW001 FEW002 FEW003 FEW004 FMD10818 00000KT P6SM FEW029 FMD10821 00000KT P6SM FEW031 FMD10824 00000KT P6SM FEW049 FMD10827 00000KT P6SM FEW050 FMD10830 00000KT P6SM FEW051 FMD10833 00000KT P6SM FEW055 FMD10836 00000KT P6SM FEW060 FMD10900 00000KT P6SM VA SKC FMD10901 00000KT P6SM DRDU SKC FMD10902 00000KT P6SM DRSA SKC FMD10904 00000KT P6SM MIFG SKC FMD10905 00000KT P6SM PRFG SKC FMD10906 00000KT P6SM BCFG SKC FMD10907 00000KT P6SM BR SKC FMD10909 00000KT 6SM FC SKC FMD10912 00000KT 6SM BR BR SKC FMD11000 00000KT P6SM -RARA FEW001 FMD11003 00000KT P6SM TS RA OVC001CB FMD11006 00000KT P6SM TS FZRA OVC001CB FMD11009 00000KT P6SM -IC SKC FMD11010 00000KT P6SM +IC SKC FMD11011 00000KT P6SM -GR FEW001 FMD11012 00000KT P6SM +GR SCT001 FMD11013 00000KT P6SM -GS BKN001 FMD11014 00000KT P6SM -SHGR VV001 FMD11015 00000KT P6SM +SHGR SKC FMD11016 00000KT P6SM -SHGR FEW002 FMD11017 00000KT P6SM +SHGR SCT002 FMD11018 00000KT P6SM -SHGS BKN002 FMD11019 00000KT P6SM +SHGS OVC002 FMD11020 00000KT P6SM TSGS VV002CB FMD11021 00000KT P6SM TSGR FEW002CB FMD11024 00000KT 3SM +PL OVC001 FMD11027 00000KT 3SM SN BKN001 FMD11100 00000KT P6SM SKC WS021/01010KT FMD11103 00000KT P6SM SKC WS020/010100KT FMD11106 00000KT P6SM SKC WS000/01030KT FMD11109 00000KT P6SM SKC WS001/01130KT FMD11112 00000KT P6SM SKC TEMPO D105/D112 P6SM WS010/18050KT FMD11115 00000KT P6SM SKC PROB30 D111/D112 WS020/36050KT FMD11200 00000KT P6SM TS SCT050 TEMPO D111/D116 VA FMD11300 00000KT 6SM SCT050 FMD11303 00000KT 1/2SM MIFG SKC FMD11306 00000KT 1SM FG SKC FMD11309 00000KT 1/2SM BR SKC PROB40 D113/D114 6SM -DZ FMD11308 00000KT P6SM BR SKC PROB30 D113/D114 6SM BR FMD11400 00000KT P6SM VCBR BKN000 TEMPO D114/D115 FMD11500 00000KT P6SM -DZ SKC TEMPO D115/D114 5SM FMD11600 00000KT P6SM SKC PROB30 D116/D123 1/4SM SN FMD11700 00000KT P6SM SKC PROB30 D124/D200 6SM -RA FMD11800 00000KT P6SM -RA OVC005 TEMPO D118/D119 NSW FMD11900 00000KT P6SM -RA OVC005 TEMPO D119/D120 NSW FMD12000 00000KTP6SMSKC PROB30 D123/D124 6SM -RA AMD NOT AFT 17Z=""", 'results': {'warning': [('wind', ('5.14', '5.24'), 'Suspicious value of wind gust'), ('wind', ('6.14', '6.21'), 'Variable wind speed must be between 1 and 6KT\nwithout convective activity.\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.4)'), ('wind', ('11.14', '11.22'), 'Suspicious value of wind speed'), ('sky', ('19.27', '19.54'), 'Number of cloud groups should not exceed three\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('obv', ('34.26', '34.28'), 'Tornadoes or Waterspouts should not be\nforecast in terminal forecasts\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('llws', ('55.31', '55.45'), 'Suspicious value of llws speed'), ('time', ('72.31', '72.47'), 'The period of time covered by a PROB should be \n6 hours or less (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,')], 'error': [('itime', ('2.5', '2.12'), 'Issue and valid times do not match'), ('vtime', ('2.13', '2.22'), 'The period covered by a TAF shall not exceed 30\nhours'), ('time', ('2.13', '2.22'), 'The period covered by a TAF shall not exceed 30\nhours'), ('wind', ('2.23', '2.31'), 'Invalid value of wind speed'), ('wind', ('3.14', '3.24'), 'Wind gust <= wind speed'), ('wind', ('4.14', '4.24'), 'Wind gust <= wind speed'), ('wind', ('7.14', '7.21'), 'Invalid value of wind direction'), ('wind', ('8.14', '8.21'), 'Invalid value of wind direction'), ('wind', ('9.14', '9.21'), 'Invalid value of wind direction'), ('wind', ('10.14', '10.21'), 'Invalid value of wind direction'), ('vsby', ('12.22', '12.29'), 'Invalid value of visibility \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.5)'), ('vsby', ('13.22', '13.29'), 'Invalid value of visibility \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.5)'), ('sky', ('14.27', '14.40'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('15.27', '15.40'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('16.27', '16.40'), 'Invalid sky cover sequence \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('17.27', '17.30'), 'CLR shall not be used in TAF\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('18.27', '18.40'), 'Invalid sky cover sequence \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('21.27', '21.33'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('22.27', '22.33'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('24.27', '24.33'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('25.27', '25.33'), 'Invalid cloud base \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('obv', ('33.27', '33.29'), 'Invalid weather with visibility >= 6SM \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.5)'), ('obv', ('35.26', '35.31'), 'Repeated occurence of weather elements'), ('pcp', ('36.27', '36.32'), 'Repeated occurence of weather elements'), ('pcp', ('37.27', '37.32'), 'Invalid precipitation string\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('pcp', ('39.27', '39.30'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('40.27', '40.30'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('41.27', '41.30'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('42.27', '42.30'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('43.27', '43.30'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('44.27', '44.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('45.27', '45.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('46.27', '46.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('47.27', '47.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('48.27', '48.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('49.27', '49.32'), 'Invalid value of sig weather \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix B, 4)'), ('pcp', ('52.26', '52.29'), '+PL requires visibility < 3SM\nPL requires visibility <= 6SM (FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('pcp', ('53.26', '53.28'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('llws', ('54.31', '54.44'), 'Invalid value of wind shear height'), ('llws', ('56.31', '56.44'), 'Invalid value of wind shear height'), ('llws', ('57.31', '57.44'), 'Invalid value of wind shear direction'), ('time', ('59.6', '59.21'), 'Group time period not within TAF forecast period'), ('time', ('59.6', '59.21'), 'The period covered by a TEMPO group will not \nexceed 4 hours (NWSI 10-813, 4.3.4)'), ('time', ('59.6', '59.21'), 'Valid time of TEMPO/PROB must be >= valid time \nof previous FM group'), ('llws', ('59.27', '59.40'), 'Forecast of non-convective low-level wind shear \nshall not be included in TEMPO or PROB groups \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.8)'), ('time', ('60.5', '60.13'), 'Valid time must be >= valid time of previous\nTEMPO or PROB group'), ('time', ('60.31', '60.47'), 'The PROB group shall not be used in the first \n9 hours of the valid TAF forecast \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('60.31', '60.47'), 'PROB group must include forecast of a thunderstorm\nor precipitation event (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('60.31', '60.47'), 'Valid time of TEMPO/PROB must be >= valid time \nof previous FM group'), ('llws', ('60.48', '60.61'), 'Forecast of non-convective low-level wind shear \nshall not be included in TEMPO or PROB groups \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.8)'), ('pcp', ('61.27', '61.29'), 'Thunderstorm forecast requires CB in the cloud \ngroup (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('62.6', '62.21'), 'The period covered by a TEMPO group will not \nexceed 4 hours (NWSI 10-813, 4.3.4)'), ('time', ('62.6', '62.21'), 'Valid time of TEMPO/PROB must be >= valid time \nof previous FM group'), ('obv', ('62.22', '62.24'), 'Volcanic ash requires visibility forecast \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('time', ('63.5', '63.13'), 'Valid time must be >= valid time of previous\nTEMPO or PROB group'), ('vsby', ('63.22', '63.25'), 'Visibility <= 6SM requires forecast of significant\nweather (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.5)'), ('obv', ('64.28', '64.32'), 'FG or FZFG forecast requires visibility < 5/8SM,\nMIFG requires visibility >= 5/8SM\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('obv', ('65.26', '65.28'), 'FG or FZFG forecast requires visibility < 5/8SM,\nMIFG requires visibility >= 5/8SM\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('obv', ('66.28', '66.30'), 'BR forecast requires visibility between 5/8SM\nand 6SM (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('time', ('66.35', '66.51'), 'Only PROB30 is allowed'), ('time', ('67.5', '67.13'), 'Valid time of FM group must be > valid time for \nthe entire TAF or a previous FM group'), ('obv', ('67.27', '67.29'), 'Invalid weather with visibility >= 6SM \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.5)'), ('time', ('67.34', '67.50'), 'The PROB group shall not be used in the first \n9 hours of the valid TAF forecast \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('67.34', '67.50'), 'PROB group must include forecast of a thunderstorm\nor precipitation event (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('67.34', '67.50'), 'Valid time of TEMPO/PROB must be >= valid time \nof previous FM group'), ('vcnty', ('68.27', '68.31'), 'Invalid VC weather. Allowed entries:\nVCFG, VCSH, VCTS. \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('68.32', '68.38'), 'Cannot forecast partial obscuration \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('time', ('69.6', '69.21'), 'Missing weather in this group'), ('time', ('71.6', '71.21'), 'Bad TEMPO/PROB group duration'), ('vsby', ('71.22', '71.25'), 'When reduction in visibility is forecast\nto change in TEMPO group, the significant weather\ncausing the deterioration shall be included \n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('pcp', ('72.54', '72.56'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('time', ('73.5', '73.13'), 'Valid time must be >= valid time of previous\nTEMPO or PROB group'), ('time', ('73.31', '73.47'), 'Invalid start hour'), ('time', ('73.31', '73.47'), 'Invalid end hour'), ('time', ('73.31', '73.47'), 'Bad TEMPO/PROB group duration'), ('time', ('74.5', '74.13'), 'Valid time must be >= valid time of previous\nTEMPO or PROB group'), ('nsw', ('75.22', '75.25'), 'P6SM needed with NSW in this group\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('nsw', ('77.22', '77.25'), 'Consecutive NSW groups not permitted\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('wind', ('78.14', '78.21'), 'Missing terminating blank'), ('vsby', ('78.21', '78.25'), 'Missing terminating blank'), ('amd', ('79.6', '79.22'), 'Invalid AMD phrase. Valid phrases are:\nAMD NOT SKED\nAMD NOT SKED AFT ddHHmm\nAMD NOT SKED TIL ddHHmm\nAMD NOT SKED ddHH/ddHH\nAMD LTD TO (element list) (AFT ddHHmm, or TIL ddHHmm, or\nddHH/ddHH)')]}}, { 'text': """TAF KPVD D10459Z D106/D212 00000KT 6SM +PL OVC002 WS020/120010KT TEMPO D106/D107 6SM PL FMD10700 00000KT 1/2SM +SS SKC FMD10701 00000KT 1/2SM SS SKC FMD10702 00000KT 1/4SM +SS SKC FMD10703 00000KT 1/4SM SS SKC FMD10704 00000KT 1/2SM +DS SKC FMD10705 00000KT 1/2SM DS SKC FMD10706 00000KT 1/4SM +DS SKC FMD10707 00000KT 1/4SM DS SKC FMD10708 00000KT 1/2SM +SN SKC FMD10709 00000KT 1/2SM SN SKC FMD10710 00000KT 1/4SM +SN SKC FMD10711 00000KT 1/4SM SN SKC FMD10712 00000KT 1/2SM +DZ SKC FMD10713 00000KT 1/2SM DZ SKC FMD10714 00000KT 1/4SM +DZ SKC FMD10715 00000KT 1/4SM DZ SKC AMD NOT SKED D100/D110=""", 'results': {'warning': [('amd', ('20.6', '20.29'),'AMD restriction not within TAF forecast period')], 'error': [('itime', ('2.5', '2.12'), 'Issue and valid times do not match'), ('pcp', ('2.35', '2.38'), '+PL requires visibility < 3SM\nPL requires visibility <= 6SM (FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('llws', ('2.46', '2.60'), 'Unnecessary leading zero for wind shear speed'), ('obv', ('4.28', '4.31'), '+SS or +DS requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSS or DS requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(NWSI 10-813, B-4)'), ('obv', ('7.28', '7.30'), '+SS or +DS requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSS or DS requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(NWSI 10-813, B-4)'), ('obv', ('8.28', '8.31'), '+SS or +DS requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSS or DS requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(NWSI 10-813, B-4)'), ('obv', ('11.28', '11.30'), '+SS or +DS requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSS or DS requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(NWSI 10-813, B-4)'), ('pcp', ('12.28', '12.31'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('pcp', ('15.28', '15.30'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('pcp', ('16.28', '16.31'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'), ('pcp', ('19.28', '19.30'), '+SN or +DZ requires visibility <= 1/4SM \nSN or DZ requires visibility <= 1/2SM \n(FMH#1, p 8-3)'),]}}, { 'text':"""TAF AMD KBDL D11243Z D113/D212 20006KT 6SM BR FEW008 TEMPO D113/D114 P6SM NSW BKN008 FMD11400 20008KT 3SM BR SCT010 TEMPO D114/D115 P6SM NSW FMD11600 19012G18KT P6SM SKC FMD20100 17008KT P6SM SCT250 TEMPO D201/D202 P6SM NSW FMD20200 16010KT 5SM BR FEW002 FMD20300 00000KT 3SM BR SCT002 TEMPO D203/D204 NSW FMD20400 00000KT P6SM SCT002 VV003 TEMPO D204/D205 VCSH BKN009=""", 'results':{'warning':[], 'error': [('nsw',('5.27', '5.30'),'Consecutive NSW groups not permitted\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('nsw', ('8.27', '8.30'), 'NSW not needed'), ('nsw', ('11.22', '11.25'), 'P6SM needed with NSW in this group\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C, 1.2.6)'), ('vcnty', ('13.22', '13.26'), 'Weather in the vicinity shall not be used in TEMPO\nor PROB groups (NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,'), ('sky', ('12.27', '12.39'), 'Invalid cloud amount\n(NWSI 10-813, Appendix C,')],}}, ] ScreenColors = { 'FAIL':31, 'OK':32, 'WARN':33, 'N/A': 34 } now = time.time() D1 = '%02d' % time.gmtime(now)[2] D2 = '%02d' % time.gmtime(now + 86400.)[2] reD1 = re.compile('D1') reD2 = re.compile('D2') d = {'error': [], 'warning': []} def prepareText(text): """Create recent day/time groups""" text = reD1.sub(D1,text) text = reD2.sub(D2,text) for n,lne in enumerate(text.split('\n')): # print '%d: %s' %(n+1,lne) print lne return text def compareResults(ResultsKey,results): """Examine results from decoder and output results""" # overall = 'OK' # # Do warnings and errors separately for resultType in ResultsKey: if len(ResultsKey[resultType]) == 0: continue sys.stdout.write( '\nExamining %ss\n' % resultType) # uniqueTokenTypes = sets.Set([x[0] for x in ResultsKey[resultType]]) for tokenType in uniqueTokenTypes: sys.stdout.write( '\n\033[3G%s %s checks\n' % (tokenType,resultType)) # # Separate out results by token type rresults = [(x[1],x[2],x[3]) for x in results[resultType] if x[0] == tokenType] kresults = [(x[1],x[2]) for x in ResultsKey[resultType] if x[0] == tokenType] # # For each line in the Key for keyanswer in kresults: keylocation,keymsg = keyanswer locationFound = 'FAIL' msgFound = 'FAIL' TAFtext ='' for answer in rresults: if keylocation == answer[0]: locationFound = 'OK' TAFtext = answer[2] if keymsg in answer[1]: msgFound = 'OK' break if locationFound == 'FAIL': msgFound = 'N/A' overall = 'FAIL' if overall == 'OK' and msgFound == 'FAIL': overall = 'WARN' sys.stdout.write('L:%s' % keylocation[0].split('.')[0]) PrettyPrintText(TAFtext, locationFound) PrettyPrintMsg(' '.join(keymsg.split('\n')), msgFound) time.sleep(0.9) return overall def PrettyPrintText(text,status): sys.stdout.write('\033[6GText: %s\033[40G[ \033[1;%dm%s\033[0;39m ]' % (text,ScreenColors.get(status,32),status)) def PrettyPrintMsg(text,status): sys.stdout.write(' Msg: %s\033[120G[ \033[1;%dm%s\033[0;39m ]\n' % (text[:67],ScreenColors.get(status,32),status)) def walk(item, k=None): if type(item) == types.ListType: for i in item: walk(i) elif type(item) == types.DictType: if 'error' in item: d['error'].append((k, item['index'], item['error'], item['str'])) elif 'warning' in item: d['warning'].append((k, item['index'], item['warning'], item['str'])) elif 'fatal' in item: print 'Fatal Error Location:', item['index'] for text in item['fatal']: print 'Fatal Error: %s' % text else: for k, v in item.iteritems(): walk(v, k) def walk1(item, k=None): if type(item) == types.ListType: for i in item: walk1(i) elif type(item) == types.DictType: if 'error' in item: d['error'].append((k, item['index'], item['error'])) elif 'warning' in item: d['warning'].append((k, item['index'], item['warning'])) elif 'fatal' in item: print 'Fatal Error Location:', item['index'] for text in item['fatal']: print 'Fatal Error: %s' % text else: for k, v in item.iteritems(): walk1(v, k) def mysort(a,b): return cmp(int(a[1][0].split('.')[0]),int(b[1][0].split('.')[0])) or \ cmp(int(a[1][0].split('.')[1]),int(b[1][0].split('.')[1])) if __name__ == '__main__': decoder = TafDecoder.Decoder() pp=pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=1) print "Tests for OB9.2 TAF Syntax Check (decoder)" for test in Tests: if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-d': walk1(decoder(prepareText(test['text']),'',strict=True)) d['warning'].sort(mysort) d['error'].sort(mysort) pp.pprint(d) d = {'error': [], 'warning': []} walk(decoder(prepareText(test['text']),'',strict=True)) status = compareResults(test['results'],d) sys.stdout.write('\n\033[3GOverall: [ \033[1;%dm%s\033[0;39m ]\n' % (ScreenColors.get(status,32),status)) d = {'error': [], 'warning': []} sys.stdout.write('\n')