#!/usr/local/python/bin/python # This program decodes a product's UGC and VTEC strings ## # This software was developed and / or modified by Raytheon Company, # pursuant to Contract DG133W-05-CQ-1067 with the US Government. # # U.S. EXPORT CONTROLLED TECHNICAL DATA # This software product contains export-restricted data whose # export/transfer/disclosure is restricted by U.S. law. Dissemination # to non-U.S. persons whether in the United States or abroad requires # an export license or other authorization. # # Contractor Name: Raytheon Company # Contractor Address: 6825 Pine Street, Suite 340 # Mail Stop B8 # Omaha, NE 68106 # 402.291.0100 # # See the AWIPS II Master Rights File ("Master Rights File.pdf") for # further licensing information. ## import sys, os, time, re, string, getopt import copy import LogStream from ufpy import TimeUtil ACCURATE_CITIES_PILS = ['CFW', 'FFA', 'NPW', 'RFW', 'WSW'] REGIONS = { "AK":"ALASKA", "AL":"SOUTHERN", "AR":"SOUTHERN", "AS":"PACIFIC", "AZ":"WESTERN", "CA":"WESTERN", "CO":"CENTRAL", "CT":"EASTERN", "DC":"EASTERN", "DE":"EASTERN", "FL":"SOUTHERN", "GA":"SOUTHERN", "GU":"PACIFIC", "HI":"PACIFIC", "IA":"CENTRAL", "ID":"WESTERN", "IL":"CENTRAL", "IN":"CENTRAL", "KS":"CENTRAL", "KY":"CENTRAL", "LA":"SOUTHERN", "MA":"EASTERN", "MD":"EASTERN", "ME":"EASTERN", "MI":"CENTRAL", "MN":"CENTRAL", "MO":"CENTRAL", "MS":"SOUTHERN", "MT":"WESTERN", "NC":"EASTERN", "ND":"CENTRAL", "NE":"CENTRAL", "NH":"EASTERN", "NJ":"EASTERN", "NM":"SOUTHERN", "NV":"WESTERN", "NY":"EASTERN", "OH":"EASTERN", "OK":"SOUTHERN", "OR":"WESTERN", "PA":"EASTERN", "PR":"SOUTHERN", "RI":"EASTERN", "SC":"EASTERN", "SD":"CENTRAL", "TN":"SOUTHERN", "TX": "SOUTHERN", "UT":"WESTERN", "VA":"EASTERN", "VI":"SOUTHERN", "VT":"EASTERN", "WA":"WESTERN", "WI":"CENTRAL", "WV":"EASTERN", "WY":"CENTRAL", "GM":"SOUTHERN" } class StdWarningDecoder(): def __init__(self, text=None, filePath=None, command=None): self._hasDTG = None self._officeFromWMO = None #to ensure time calls are based on Zulu os.environ['TZ'] = "GMT0" self._deleteAfterProcessing = 0 if filePath is None: self._incomingFilename = None else: self._incomingFilename = filePath self._notifyGFE = True self._makeBackups = 1 #make backups after each "update" self._wmoid = None self._command = command self._timeOffset = 0 #decode the command line if text is None and filePath is None: self._decodeCommandLine() self._rawMessage = None checkForWmo = False else: self._rawMessage = text checkForWmo = True #base time for decoder self._time = time.time() + self._timeOffset #present time allowArchive = os.getenv("ALLOW_ARCHIVE_DATA") if allowArchive.lower() == "true" and re.match(".*\\.\\d{8}$", self._incomingFilename): m = re.search('(.*\\.)(\\d{8}$)', self._incomingFilename) yyyymmdd = m.group(2) timeTuple = time.strptime(yyyymmdd, "%Y%m%d") self._time = time.mktime(timeTuple) os.umask(0) #ensure proper permissions self._mappedPils = {} #get product self._rawMessage, self._lines = self._getProduct(text, checkForWmo) if len(self._lines) < 2: raise Exception, "Empty Product -- ABORTING" #Delete incoming product if requested. if self._deleteAfterProcessing: os.remove(self._incomingFilename) #set up vtec regular expressions self._vtecRE = r'/[OTEX]\.([A-Z]{3})\.([A-Z]{4})\.([A-Z]{2})\.' + \ r'([WAYSOFN])\.([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\-' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z/' self._hVtecRE = r'/([0-9A-Z]{5})\.([0-3NU])\.([A-Z]{2})\.' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.([A-Z][A-Z])/' self._badVtecRE = r'^\s?/.*/\s?$' self._endSegmentRE = r'^\$\$' self._dlineRE = r"^1?[0-9]{3} [AP]M [A-Z][A-Z]?[DS]T.*[A-Z]{3} " + \ r"[0123]?[0-9] 2[0-9]{3}.*$" #maximum future time (used for until further notice) self._maxFutureTime = float(2**31 - 1) #max signed int def decode(self): #get pil and date-time group self._productPil, self._issueTime, linePos,\ self._completeProductPil = self._getPilAndDTG() # If this is a WCL - don't go any further. Run WCL procedure and exit. if self._productPil[0:3] == "WCL": endpoint = "WCLWatch" # build a Java object for the warning from com.raytheon.edex.plugin.gfe.wcl import WclInfo import JUtil lines = JUtil.pyValToJavaObj(self._lines) warning = WclInfo(long(self._issueTime * 1000), self._completeProductPil, lines, self._notifyGFE) from com.raytheon.uf.edex.core import EDEXUtil EDEXUtil.getMessageProducer().sendAsync(endpoint, warning) LogStream.logEvent("%s forwarded to WCLWatch" % self._productPil) return [] # Determine if this is a segmented product segmented = self._determineSegmented(linePos) # Get overview text if segmented == 1: self._overviewText, linePos = self._getOverviewText(linePos) else: self._overviewText = '' LogStream.logDebug("OverviewText: ", self._overviewText) #find all UGCs, VTEC strings, and segment text ugcVTECList = self._getUGCAndVTECStrings(linePos) self._polygon = self._getPolygon(linePos) self._storm = self._getStorm(linePos) #convert UGC strings into UGC list ugcVTECSegText = [] segCount = 1 for ugcString, vtecStrings, segText, cities in ugcVTECList: purgeTime = None self._checkForDTG(ugcString) if self._hasDTG: purgeTime = self._dtgFromDDHHMM(ugcString[-7:-1]) else: purgeTime = self._getPurgeTimeFromVTEC(vtecStrings) vtecList = self._expandVTEC(ugcString, vtecStrings, segCount, segText, cities, purgeTime) segCount = segCount + 1 for r in vtecList: ugcVTECSegText.append(r) if len(ugcVTECSegText) == 0: LogStream.logVerbose("No VTEC Found in product") return return ugcVTECSegText def _checkForDTG(self, ugcString): if re.search(r'.*[0-3][0-9][0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]', ugcString): self._hasDTG = True else: self._hasDTG = False def _getPurgeTimeFromVTEC(self, vtecStrings): for vtecS, hvtec in vtecStrings: search = re.search(self._vtecRE, vtecS) #print "getting time from ", search.group(8)[-2:] + search.group(9) endTime = self._dtgFromDDHHMM(str(search.group(8)[-2:]) + str(search.group(9))) return endTime return 0 def _usage(self): #Prints out usage information if started without sufficient command #line arguments. s = """ usage: VTECDecoder -f productfilename -d -a activeTableName -f productfilename: location of the file to be decoded -d: delete input file after processing flag -g: Notify GFE when configured items arrive -w: wmoid WMOid for product, (optional, for info only) -n: Do not make backups (optional) -z: drtInfo Run in DRT mode """ print s LogStream.logProblem(s) def _decodeCommandLine(self): #Routine to decode the command line. if self._command is None: self.command = sys.argv if len(self._command) < 2: self._usage() sys.exit(1) LogStream.logVerbose("Command line: ", self._command[1:]) try: optionlist, arglist = getopt.getopt(self._command[1:], 'f:da:gw:nz:') except getopt.error, val: LogStream.logProblem(val) self._usage() sys.exit(1) self._notifyGFE = False for each_option in optionlist: if each_option[0] == '-f': self._incomingFilename = each_option[1] elif each_option[0] == '-w': self._wmoid = each_option[1] elif each_option[0] == '-d': self._deleteAfterProcessing = 1 elif each_option[0] == '-n': self._makeBackups = 0 elif each_option[0] == '-g': self._notifyGFE = True elif each_option[0] == '-z': self._timeOffset = TimeUtil.determineDrtOffset(each_option[1])[0] #import offsetTime #offsetTime.setDrtOffset(each_option[1]) if self._incomingFilename is None: LogStream.logProblem("Invalid command line specified", self._command[1:]) self._usage() sys.exit(1) LogStream.logVerbose("WMOID: ", self._wmoid) def _getProduct(self, text=None, checkForWmo=False): #Opens, reads the product. Splits into lines, strips whitespace, if text is None: fd = open(self._incomingFilename, 'r') if fd == -1: s = "Unable to open incoming file: " + self._incomingFilename LogStream.logProblem(s) raise Exception, s buf = fd.read() fd.close() else: buf = text raw = buf if checkForWmo: wmore = r'(\w{6} (\w{4}) (\d{6})(?: \w{3})?)' wmosearch = re.search(wmore, buf) if wmosearch: self._officeFromWMO = wmosearch.group(2) self._wmoid = wmosearch.group(1) #eliminate junk characters and change some if self._wmoid is not None: index = string.find(buf, self._wmoid) if index != -1: buf = buf[index:] #remove garbage before start of real prod buf = re.sub(r",", r"...", buf) #eliminate commas, replace with ... buf = re.sub(r"\.\.\. r", "...", buf) #'... ' becomes '...' buf = re.sub(r"\r", r"", buf) #eliminate carriage returns #LogStream.logVerbose("Product:\n", buf) #process the file into lines, eliminate trailing whitespace lines = string.split(buf, '\n') for n in xrange(len(lines)): lines[n] = string.rstrip(lines[n]) return raw, lines def _determineSegmented(self, startLine): # # Determine if this is a segmented product or not # count = startLine dlineFlag = 0 while count < 12 and count < len(self._lines): if re.search(r'^[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9].*', self._lines[count]): if dlineFlag == 0: return 0 if re.search(self._dlineRE, self._lines[count]): dlineFlag = 1 count += 1 return 1 def _getOverviewText(self, startLine): #searches through the product from the startLine to the date-time #group, then until the first UGC line. Extracts out the text for #the overview text (which is after the MND header. Returns the #overviewText. count = startLine ugcLine = None #search for the MND header date line while 1: dline_search = re.search(self._dlineRE, self._lines[count]) count = count + 1 if dline_search: break if count >= len(self._lines)-1: raise Exception, "No MND date line to start overview text" startOverviewLine = count #next line after MND date line #search for the 1st UGC line ugcRE = r'^[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9].*' while 1: ugc_search = re.search(ugcRE, self._lines[count]) if ugc_search: stopOverviewLine = count - 1 break count = count + 1 if count >= len(self._lines)-1: raise Exception, "No UGC line to end overview text" #now eliminate any blank lines between the start/stop overview line while startOverviewLine <= stopOverviewLine: if len(string.strip(self._lines[startOverviewLine])) != 0: break startOverviewLine = startOverviewLine + 1 while startOverviewLine <= stopOverviewLine: if len(string.strip(self._lines[stopOverviewLine])) != 0: break stopOverviewLine = stopOverviewLine - 1 LogStream.logDebug("start/stop overview: ", startOverviewLine, stopOverviewLine) #put together the text if startOverviewLine <= stopOverviewLine: overviewLines = self._lines[startOverviewLine:stopOverviewLine+1] overviewText = string.join(overviewLines, '\n') return (overviewText, stopOverviewLine) else: return ("", startLine) def _getPilAndDTG(self): #searches through the product (lines) and extracts out the product #pil and date-time group. Returns (pil, issueTime, lineEnd, fullpil). # The line end is how far the processing got for the PIL line. count = 0 while 1: dtg_search = re.search(r' ([0123][0-9][012][0-9][0-5][0-9])', self._lines[count]) pil_search = re.search(r'^([A-Z]{3})(\w{3}|\w{2}|\w{1})', self._lines[count+1]) if dtg_search and pil_search: LogStream.logVerbose("Dtg=", dtg_search.group(0)) LogStream.logVerbose("Pil=", pil_search.group(0)) return (self._lines[count+1][0:3], self._dtgFromDDHHMM(dtg_search.group(1)), count+2, pil_search.group(0)) count = count + 1 if count >= len(self._lines)-1: LogStream.logProblem("Did not find either the product DTG" +\ " or the pil: ", string.join(self._lines, sep='\n'), LogStream.exc()) raise Exception, "Product DTG or Pil missing" def _dtgFromDDHHMM(self, dtgString): #utility function taking a ddhhmm string #group1=day, group2=hour, group3=minute #returns a time object wmo_day = int(dtgString[0:2]) wmo_hour = int(dtgString[2:4]) wmo_min = int(dtgString[4:6]) gmtuple = time.gmtime(self._time) wmo_year = gmtuple[0] #based on current time wmo_month = gmtuple[1] #based on current time current_day = gmtuple[2] if current_day - wmo_day > 15: # next month wmo_month = wmo_month + 1 if wmo_month > 12: wmo_month = 1 wmo_year = wmo_year + 1 elif current_day - wmo_day < -15: # previous month wmo_month = wmo_month -1 if wmo_month < 1: wmo_month = 12 wmo_year = wmo_year - 1 s = `wmo_year` + "%02i" % wmo_month + "%02i" % wmo_day + \ "%02i" % wmo_hour + "%02i" % wmo_min + "UTC" timeTuple = time.strptime(s, "%Y%m%d%H%M%Z") wmoTime = time.mktime(timeTuple) #TZ is GMT0, so this mktime works LogStream.logVerbose("DTG=",dtgString, "IssueTime=", time.asctime(time.gmtime(wmoTime))) return wmoTime def _getUGCAndVTECStrings(self, lineStart): #goes through the product, extracts UGC and VTEC strings and the #segment text, returns a list of (UGC keys, VTEC strings, segText). #Segment number is determined by order in the list. ugcList = [] count = lineStart #start on line following PIL while 1: #look for the first UGC line if re.search(r'^[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9].*', self._lines[count]): LogStream.logDebug("First line of UGC found on line: ", count, '[' + self._lines[count] + ']') #print "ugc found on line ", count #find the line with the terminating ugc (dtg), might be #the same one. Terminating line has -mmddhh #combine all of the UGC lines that are split across nxt = 0 #number of lines from the first UGC line ugc = "" #final UGC codes while count+nxt < len(self._lines): if not re.search(r'.*[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-', self._lines[count+nxt]): nxt = nxt + 1 else: LogStream.logDebug("Last line of UGC found on line: ", count+nxt, '[' + self._lines[count+nxt] + ']') ugc = string.join(self._lines[count:count+nxt+1], sep="") break #after incrementing check if the next line is not a #continuation of the ugc because it is a vtec string #print "checking for non-ugc" #print self._lines[count+nxt] if re.search(self._vtecRE, self._lines[count+nxt]): LogStream.logDebug("Last line of UCG was previous line: ", count+nxt, '[' + self._lines[count+nxt-1] + ']') nxt = nxt - 1 ugc = string.join(self._lines[count:count+nxt+1],sep="") break if len(ugc) == 0: s = "Did not find end of UGC line which started on " +\ " line " + `count` LogStream.logProblem(s) raise Exception, "Aborting due to bad UGC lines" #find the VTEC codes following the ugc line(s) nxt = nxt + 1 #go the 1st line after ugc vtectext = [] while count+nxt < len(self._lines): if re.search(self._vtecRE, self._lines[count+nxt]): hvtec = None if re.search(self._hVtecRE, self._lines[count+nxt+1]): hvtec = self._lines[count+nxt+1] vtectext.append((self._lines[count+nxt], hvtec)) LogStream.logDebug("VTEC found on line: ", count+nxt, self._lines[count+nxt]) elif (re.search(self._badVtecRE, self._lines[count+nxt]) \ and not re.search(self._hVtecRE, self._lines[count+nxt])): LogStream.logProblem("Bad VTEC line detected on line#", count+nxt, '[' + self._lines[count+nxt] + ']', 'UGC=', ugc) raise Exception,"Aborting due to bad VTEC line" else: break #no more VTEC lines for this ugc nxt = nxt + 1 #go to next line # for capturing the city names cityFirst = count+nxt cityLast = cityFirst - 1 #capture the text from dtg to the $$ at the beginning of #the line. Just in case there isn't a $$, we also look #for a new VTEC or UGC line, or the end of file. textFirst = count+nxt dtgFound = 0 segmentText = "" while count+nxt < len(self._lines): # Date-TimeGroup if dtgFound == 0 and re.search(self._dlineRE, self._lines[count+nxt]): cityLast = count+nxt-1 textFirst = count+nxt+2 #first text line dtgFound = 1 # found the $$ line elif re.search(self._endSegmentRE, self._lines[count+nxt]): segmentText = self._prepSegmentText(\ self._lines[textFirst:count+nxt]) break # found a UGC line, terminate the segment elif re.search(r'^[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9].*', self._lines[count+nxt]): segmentText = self._prepSegmentText(\ self._lines[textFirst:count+nxt]) nxt = nxt - 1 #back up one line to redo UGC outer loop break # end of file, terminate the segment elif count+nxt+1 == len(self._lines): segmentText = self._prepSegmentText(\ self._lines[textFirst:count+nxt+1]) break nxt = nxt + 1 #next line # capture cities cityText = '' for i in range(cityFirst, cityLast+1): line = self._lines[i].rstrip() if line.startswith("INCLUDING THE"): cityText = line elif cityText != '': cityText += line cities = [] if cityText != '': cities = cityText.split('...')[1:] #add the ugc and vtec text to the list ugcList.append((ugc, vtectext, segmentText, cities)) count = count + nxt count = count + 1 if count >= len(self._lines): break for e in ugcList: LogStream.logVerbose("UGC/VTEC found: ", e[0], e[1]) return ugcList def _expandUGC(self, ugcString): #expand a UGC string into its individual UGC codes, returns the list. ugc_list = [] #returned list of ugc codes ugc_line = None if ( self._hasDTG ): ugc_line = ugcString[0:-8] #eliminate dtg at end of ugc string else: ugc_line = ugcString #print "ugc_line is ", ugc_line working_ugc_list = ugc_line.split('-') #individual parts state = '' code_type = '' for ugc in working_ugc_list: try: # Case One (i.e., WIZ023)... if len(ugc) == 6: state, code_type, decUGCs = self._ugcCaseOne(ugc) for d in decUGCs: ugc_list.append(d) # Case Two (i.e., 023)... elif len(ugc) == 3: decUGCs = self._ugcCaseTwo(ugc, state, code_type) for d in decUGCs: ugc_list.append(d) # Case Three (ie. 044>067) elif len(ugc) == 7: decUGCs = self._ugcCaseThree(ugc, state, code_type) for d in decUGCs: ugc_list.append(d) # Case Four (ie. WIZ044>067) elif len(ugc) == 10: state, code_type, decUGCs = self._ugcCaseFour(ugc) for d in decUGCs: ugc_list.append(d) # Problem - malformed UGC else: raise Exception, "Malformed UGC Found" except: LogStream.logProblem("Failure to decode UGC [" + ugc + \ "] in [" + ugc_line + "]", `self._lines`, LogStream.exc()) raise Exception, "Failure to decode UGC" #print "ugc_list is ", ugc_list return ugc_list def _ugcCaseOne(self, ugc): #Decodes the WIZ023 case. Returns state, code type, and list of #decoded UGC codes. Returns None on failure. subtype_search = re.search(r'[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9]', ugc) if not subtype_search: return None state = ugc[0:2] code_type = ugc[2] code = ugc[3:6] decodedUgcs = [(state + code_type + code)] return (state, code_type, decodedUgcs) def _ugcCaseTwo(self, ugc, state, code_type): #Decodes the 034 case. Current state and code_type are provided in #order to generate ugc code. Returns list of decoded UGC codes. #Returns None on failure. subtype_search = re.search(r'[0-9][0-9][0-9]', ugc) if not subtype_search: return None decodedUgcs = [(state + code_type + ugc)] return decodedUgcs def _ugcCaseThree(self, ugc, state, code_type): #Decodes the 044>067 case. Current state and code_type are provided #in order to generate ugc code. Returns list of decoded UGC codes. #Returns None on failure. subtype_search = re.search(r'[0-9][0-9][0-9]>[0-9][0-9][0-9]', ugc) if not subtype_search: return None start_code = int(ugc[0:3]) end_code = int(ugc[4:7]) ugcList = [] for code in xrange(start_code, end_code + 1): codeString = "%03i" % code ugcList.append(state + code_type + codeString) return ugcList def _ugcCaseFour(self, ugc): #Decodes the WIZ023>056 case. Returns state, code type, and list of #decoded UGC codes. Returns None on failure. searchString = r'[A-Z][A-Z][CZ][0-9][0-9][0-9]>[0-9][0-9][0-9]' subtype_search = re.search(searchString, ugc) if not subtype_search: return None state = ugc[0:2] code_type = ugc[2] ugcList = self._ugcCaseThree(ugc[3:10], state, code_type) return (state, code_type, ugcList) def _getPolygon(self, linePos): poly = r'LAT\.\.\.LON [\d\s]*' dec = r'[\d\s]+' count = linePos latlon = None while count < len(self._lines): if re.search(poly, self._lines[count]): nxt = 0 #number of lines from the first latlon line while count+nxt+1 < len(self._lines): if re.match(dec, self._lines[count+nxt+1]): nxt = nxt + 1 else: break n = 0 latlon = "" while n <= nxt: latlon += self._lines[count + n] + " " n += 1 latlon = latlon.rstrip() latlon = latlon[10:] break count += 1 return latlon def _getStorm(self, linePos): stormre = r'TIME\.\.\.MOT\.\.\.LOC \d+Z (\d+)DEG (\d+)KT ((?:\d{4,5}\s?)*)' nextline = r' *((?:\d{4,5}\s?)+)' storm = None count = linePos while count < len(self._lines): search = re.search(stormre, self._lines[count]) if search: coordString = search.group(3) # check the next line if re.search(nextline, self._lines[count + 1]): coordString = coordString + " " + self._lines[count + 1].lstrip() counter = 0 coords = coordString.split(" ") buf = "MULTIPOINT(" tempbuf = "" for coord in coords: counter += 1 if counter % 2 == 0: buf = buf + str(float(coord) / -100) + " " + tempbuf + ", " tempbuf = "" else: tempbuf = str(float(coord) / 100) buf = buf[0:-2] buf = buf + ")" storm = (int(search.group(1)), int(search.group(2)), buf) break count = count + 1 return storm def _calcTime(self, yymmdd, hhmm, allZeroValue): #Returns tuple of time, and allZeroFlag. Time is based on the #two time strings. If all zeros, then return allZeroValue if yymmdd == "000000" and hhmm == "0000": return (allZeroValue, 1) else: timeString = yymmdd + hhmm timeTuple = time.strptime(timeString, "%y%m%d%H%M") return (long(time.mktime(timeTuple) * 1000), 0) #TZ is GMT0, mktime works def _expandVTEC(self, ugcstring, vtecStrings, segment, segmentText, cities, purgeTime): #Routine takes a list of vtec strings and expands them out into #the format of the active table. #Returns the records. ugcs = self._expandUGC(ugcstring) records = [] for vtecS, hvtec in vtecStrings: search = re.search(self._vtecRE, vtecS) #construct the active table entries, without the geography template = {} template['vtecstr'] = search.group(0) template['etn'] = search.group(5) template['sig'] = search.group(4) template['phen'] = search.group(3) template['segText'] = segmentText template['overviewText'] = self._overviewText template['phensig'] = template['phen'] + '.' + template['sig'] template['act'] = search.group(1) template['seg'] = segment startTime, zeros = self._calcTime(search.group(6), search.group(7), self._issueTime * 1000) endTime, ufn = self._calcTime(search.group(8), search.group(9), self._maxFutureTime * 1000) template['startTime'] = long(startTime) template['endTime'] = long(endTime) if ufn: template['ufn'] = True else: template['ufn'] = False template['officeid'] = search.group(2) template['purgeTime'] = long(purgeTime * 1000) template['issueTime'] = long(self._issueTime * 1000) template['state'] = "Decoded" template['xxxid'] = self._completeProductPil[3:] if ( self._hasDTG ): template['countyheader'] = ugcstring[:-8] else: template['countyheader'] = ugcstring if self._productPil[:3] in ACCURATE_CITIES_PILS: template['cities'] = cities #remap pil if in mappedPils table to relate events that are #issued in one product, and updated in another product template['pil'] = self._remapPil(template['phen'], template['sig'], self._productPil) template['ugcs'] = ugcs state = ugcstring[0:2] if REGIONS.has_key(state): template['region'] = REGIONS[state] else: template['region'] = 'DEFAULT' template['wmoid'] = self._wmoid template['productClass'] = template['vtecstr'][1] template['geometry'] = self._polygon try: from com.raytheon.uf.common.time import DataTime, TimeRange valid = TimeRange(long(startTime), long(endTime)) template['dataTime'] = DataTime(long(startTime), valid) except: template['dataTime'] = long(endTime) template['rawmessage'] = self._rawMessage if self._storm is not None: template['motdir'] = self._storm[0] template['motspd'] = self._storm[1] template['loc'] = self._storm[2] if hvtec is not None: hsearch = re.search(self._hVtecRE, hvtec) template['locationID'] = hsearch.group(1) template['floodSeverity'] = hsearch.group(2) template['immediateCause'] = hsearch.group(3) template['floodRecordStatus'] = hsearch.group(10) template['floodBegin'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(4), hsearch.group(5), self._issueTime)[0]) template['floodCrest'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(6), hsearch.group(7), self._issueTime)[0]) template['floodEnd'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(8), hsearch.group(9), self._issueTime)[0]) records.append(template) #expand the template out by the ugcs #for geo in ugcs: # dict = copy.deepcopy(template) # dict['id'] = geo # records.append(dict) return records def _remapPil(self, phen, sig, pil): # remaps the product pil for certain phen/sig/pils. The VTECDecoder # needs to relate hazards through all states from the same pil. Some # short-fused hazards issue in one pil and followup/cancel in # another pil. key = (phen, sig, pil) rPil = self._mappedPils.get(key, pil) if rPil != pil: LogStream.logEvent("Remapped Pil", key, "->", rPil) return rPil def _prepSegmentText(self, lines): # eliminate leading and trailing blank lines from the set of # lines, the joins the lines and returns one long string. # eliminate leading blank lines while len(lines) and len(lines[0]) == 0: del lines[0] # eliminate trailing blank lines while len(lines) and len(lines[-1]) == 0: del lines[-1] # assemble into long string return string.join(lines, '\n') # time contains, if time range (tr) contains time (t), return 1 def __containsT(self, tr, t): return (t >= tr[0] and t < tr[1]) # time overlaps, if tr1 overlaps tr2 (adjacent is not an overlap) def __overlaps(self, tr1, tr2): if self.__containsT(tr2, tr1[0]) or self.__containsT(tr1, tr2[0]): return 1 return 0 class NoVTECWarningDecoder(StdWarningDecoder): #this is a special case, we do not want to make changes to this class that will break parsing #warnings that do have vtec strings. If needed all non-vtec specific code should be split out #into new classes def _makeRecordWithoutVTEC(self, ugcstring, vtecStrings, segment, segmentText, cities, purgeTime, ugcs): records = [] #for vtecS, hvtec in vtecStrings: #search = re.search(self._vtecRE, vtecS) #construct the active table entries, without the geography template = {} #template['vtecstr'] = search.group(0) #template['etn'] = search.group(5) #template['sig'] = search.group(4) #template['phen'] = search.group(3) template['segText'] = segmentText template['overviewText'] = self._overviewText #template['phensig'] = template['phen'] + '.' + template['sig'] #template['act'] = search.group(1) template['seg'] = segment #startTime, zeros = self._calcTime(search.group(6), # search.group(7), self._issueTime * 1000) startTime = self._issueTime * 1000 #endTime, ufn = self._calcTime(search.group(8), # search.group(9), self._maxFutureTime * 1000) ddhhmmz = ugcstring[-7:-1] endTime = self._dtgFromDDHHMM(ddhhmmz) * 1000 template['startTime'] = long(startTime) template['endTime'] = long(endTime) #if ufn: template['ufn'] = True #else: # template['ufn'] = False #template['officeid'] = search.group(2) if self._officeFromWMO: template['officeid'] = self._officeFromWMO template['purgeTime'] = long(purgeTime * 1000) template['issueTime'] = long(self._issueTime * 1000) template['state'] = "Decoded" template['xxxid'] = self._completeProductPil[3:] template['countyheader'] = ugcstring[:-8] if self._productPil[:3] in ACCURATE_CITIES_PILS: template['cities'] = cities #remap pil if in mappedPils table to relate events that are #issued in one product, and updated in another product #template['pil'] = self._remapPil(template['phen'], # template['sig'], self._productPil) template['pil'] = self._productPil template['ugcs'] = ugcs state = ugcstring[0:2] if REGIONS.has_key(state): template['region'] = REGIONS[state] else: template['region'] = 'DEFAULT' template['wmoid'] = self._wmoid #template['productClass'] = template['vtecstr'][1] template['geometry'] = self._polygon try: from com.raytheon.uf.common.time import DataTime, TimeRange valid = TimeRange(long(startTime), long(endTime)) template['dataTime'] = DataTime(long(startTime), valid) except: template['dataTime'] = long(endTime) template['rawmessage'] = self._rawMessage if self._storm is not None: template['motdir'] = self._storm[0] template['motspd'] = self._storm[1] template['loc'] = self._storm[2] #if hvtec is not None: # hsearch = re.search(self._hVtecRE, hvtec) # template['locationID'] = hsearch.group(1) # template['floodSeverity'] = hsearch.group(2) # template['immediateCause'] = hsearch.group(3) # template['floodRecordStatus'] = hsearch.group(10) # template['floodBegin'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(4), hsearch.group(5), self._issueTime)[0]) # template['floodCrest'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(6), hsearch.group(7), self._issueTime)[0]) # template['floodEnd'] = long(self._calcTime(hsearch.group(8), hsearch.group(9), self._issueTime)[0]) records.append(template) #expand the template out by the ugcs #for geo in ugcs: # dict = copy.deepcopy(template) # dict['id'] = geo # records.append(dict) return records def _expandVTEC(self, ugcstring, vtecStrings, segment, segmentText, cities, purgeTime): #Routine takes a list of vtec strings and expands them out into #the format of the active table. #Returns the records. ugcs = self._expandUGC(ugcstring) return self._makeRecordWithoutVTEC(ugcstring, vtecStrings, segment, segmentText, cities, purgeTime, ugcs) class WarningDecoder(): def __init__(self, text=None, filePath=None, command=None): #hold on to text and filePath self.text = text self.filePath = filePath self._vtecRE = r'/[OTEX]\.([A-Z]{3})\.([A-Z]{4})\.([A-Z]{2})\.' + \ r'([WAYSOFN])\.([0-9]{4})\.([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\-' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z/' self._hVtecRE = r'/([0-9A-Z]{5})\.([0-3NU])\.([A-Z]{2})\.' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.' + \ r'([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.([0-9]{6})T([0-9]{4})Z\.([A-Z][A-Z])/' self._badVtecRE = r'^\s?/.*/\s?$' self._stdWarningDecode = None self._command = command def decode(self): #discover which type of warning to decode self._checkForVTEC() #create appropraite class and decode if ( self._stdWarningDecode ): #print "using standard warning decoder reason: ", self._stdWarningDecode decoder = StdWarningDecoder(self.text, self.filePath, self._command) return decoder.decode() else: #print "using no vtec warning decoder" decoder = NoVTECWarningDecoder(self.text, self.filePath, self._command) return decoder.decode() def setCommand(self, args): if str == type(args): args = args.split() if args and str == type(args[0]) and args[0].startswith('-'): args = [''] + args self._command = args def _checkForVTEC(self): contents = "" if ( self.text ): contents = self.text elif (self.filePath): fd = open(self.filePath, 'r') contents = fd.read() fd.close() else: #define self._stdWarningDecode as something so the std decoder is used self._stdWarningDecode = 'no file or text' return #search through contents to find a vtec string lines = string.split(contents, '\n') for line in lines: if re.search(self._vtecRE, line): self._stdWarningDecode = 'found a vtec string' return elif (re.search(self._badVtecRE, line) \ and not re.search(self._hVtecRE, line)): self._stdWarningDecode = 'found bad vtec string' return if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(0)