0 3600 7200 10800 14400 18000 21600 25200 28800 32400 36000 39600 43200 weasd water equivalent of accumulated snow depth mm millimeter waterEqvAccSnowDepth 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC heli helicity m/s2 meter/second2 hel 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC gh Geopotential height m meters geoPotHt -2000.0 20000.0 -99999.0 37 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 FRZ CCTL EL MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 FRZ CCTL EL staticCoriolis Coriolis parameter /second -99999.0 bli Best lifted index K degree_Kelvin bestLftInd -20.0 20.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC cape Convective Available Potential Energy J/kg joule/Kilogram CAPE 0.0 6000.0 -99999.0 1 SFC BL 0>255 SFC BL0255 geh Geometric Height m meters geoMetricHt 0.0 20000.0 -99999.0 0 CBL CTL CCTL CBL CTL CCTL p pressure Pa pascal atmP 0.0 110000.0 -99999.0 1 SFC TROP FRZ MAXW SFC TROP FRZ MAXW t Temperature K degree_Kelvin T 180.0 330.0 -99999.0 37 FHAG 2 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 150>180 TROP FHAG2 MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 BL150180 TROP pvv Pressure vertical velocity Pa/s pascal/second Pvv -2.5 2.5 -99999.0 5 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 staticSpacing Grid spacing meters -99999.0 wgs Wind Gust Speed m/s meter/sec windGustSpeed -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC rh Relative Humidity % percent rh 0.0 100.0 -99999.0 29 FHAG 2 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 150>180 FRZ FHAG2 MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 FRZ BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 BL150180 cicep Categorical ice pellets yes=1, no=0 CategoricalIcePlt 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC staticTopo Topography meters -99999.0 lgsp large scale precipitation mm millimeter lgScalePrecip 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC cfrzr Categorical freezing rain yes=1, no=0 CategoricalFrzRain 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC vis visibility m meters Vis 0.0 100000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC cp convective precipitation mm millimeter convPrecip 0.0 1000.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC csnow Categorical snow yes=1, no=0 CategoricalSnow 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC pr precipitation rate mm/s millimeter/s precipRate 0.0 0.10000000149 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC pw precipitable water mm millimeter precipH2O 0.0 300.0 -99999.0 0 EA EA vstm v-component of storm motion m/s meter/sec uStrmMotion -150.0 150.0 0 SFC SFC uw u wind component m/s meter/sec uWind -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 37 FHAG 10 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 TROP MAXW BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 150>180 FHAG10 MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 TROP MAXW BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 BL150180 cin Convective Inhibition J/kg joule/Kilogram convInhib -1000.0 1000.0 -99999.0 1 SFC BL 0>255 SFC BL0255 sli Surface lifted index K degree_Kelvin LftInd -20.0 20.0 -99999.0 0 MB 0>500 MB0500 crain Categorical rain yes=1, no=0 CategoricalRain 0.0 1.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC vw v wind component m/s meter/sec vWind -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 37 FHAG 10 MB 1000-300 by 25 250-100 by 50 TROP MAXW BL 0>30 30>60 60>90 90>120 120>150 150>180 FHAG10 MB1000 MB975 MB950 MB925 MB900 MB875 MB850 MB825 MB800 MB775 MB750 MB725 MB700 MB675 MB650 MB625 MB600 MB575 MB550 MB525 MB500 MB475 MB450 MB425 MB400 MB375 MB350 MB325 MB300 MB250 MB200 MB150 MB100 TROP MAXW BL030 BL3060 BL6090 BL90120 BL120150 BL150180 snd snow depth m meters snowDepth 0.0 100.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC mmsp Mean Sea Level Pressure Pa pascal MAPSMSL 80000.0 110000.0 -99999.0 0 MSL MSL ustm u-component of storm motion m/s meter/sec uStrmMotion -150.0 150.0 -99999.0 0 SFC SFC